Memories That Never Fade

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When I walked into the same old airplane that we went to Galar in, it kind of felt bittersweet. Happy, and sad at the same time. After all those things I went through, I seemed like I needed a break. Not to mention the dinner fight I had with Hop and Leon last night. 

During that dinner, I witnessed Leon and Hop seemingly argue about his relationship. Despite the fact that I no longer was a part of their family, Leon still wanted me to stick around, no matter what the cost. 

I also remember the time we had to give Donald Duck away in exchange for a Fuecoco because it kept biting my hand. Sure, it was painful, but I missed those times. 

All those memories.. disintegrated into pieces.

Arven.. Hop.. and soon-to-be, Grusha. 

None of my relationships would surely work out if it wasn't for the huge impact all of them had on me. But let's face it, I had to move on. 

I was about to wake up from my daydream, all pumped and ready to start new memories, when suddenly.. 

*BZzZzZTTT* *BoOoOooOM* 


"Hello? Anyone there?" My voice echoed through the dark, and black hallway. It was as if no one had even heard my call. "Hello. I assume you are Y/N," I nodded, turning back to see a black. shadowy figure which looked familiar. "And you must be Arceus," the figure revealed itself to then be who I said it was, nodding. 

"Why am I here?" I asked, while being in a state of confusion. "You are here because.." The Arceus then lagged, sort of like being in a glitch-like effect. "You.. have.. to.. stop.... Eternatus..." 

Eternatus? What the hell is that?

"What should I do to stop it?" I asked. "You.. have to find something," it replied. "What something?" 

I was confused. What exactly was he talking about? "It's a... Pokemon, and its... name... is..."

"Zacian.." said the Arceus, before fading away. 


I woke up on my airplane seat, shocked by the sudden vision. 


Was it a blob? Was it a fighter? 

Whatever it is, I was sure to find it. 

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