=Chapter 3=

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As Loak entered the medical tent he smirked at Neteyam's small complaints of pain.

"Aww is she kissing the boo-boo?" he asked playfully as grandmother tended to his wounds.

"I would use yona bark," Kiri casually mentioned as she brought over some herbs.

"Oh you would, and who is Tsahik?" Grandmother asked slightly amused.

"You are gra,- Move," Kiri said shoving Loak out of the way. "You are grandmother but yana bark is better," she stated kneeling.

"Ow ow ow," I smiled at Neteyam's cries as grandmother rightfully so put the medicinal herbs on his back not so gently.

"It stings less," Kiri added putting her point across.

"Sylwanin, come," grandmother smiled at Neteyam gently patting his head before turning to me. Limping over Loak frowned rushing to help me to the ground.

"You have bound it very tightly," grandmother commented struggling with the knot. I forced a smile grimacing in pain as she moved it. Taking in my reaction she moved with more caution grabbing her knife to quickly cup the bandage. As soon as the pressure was off it started bleeding again.

"Kiri. Come help," The attention quickly shifted to my leg as worry set into my family features. 

"Sylwanin," Neteyam crouched down taking my hand. I struggled to hold back the tears as grandmother got to work. Reaching up I grabbed Neteyam's waist belt burying my face in his chest.

"Calm sister clam," he whispered holding me tighter. 

"It hurts," I cried tears streaming down my face as they started to stitch it close. Loak kneeled on my other side guilt splashed over his face and he hesitantly placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"Mama," Tuk called out to our parents. When they saw the large gash they rushed up.

"What the hell?" Dad whispered in shock examining it.

"Why didn't you say anything?" he snapped looking up at me.

"I didn't want anyone to get in trouble," I sniffled. He was even angrier now. He gave Loak a furious look. 

Afterwards I layed on my bed listening to my father scold Loak yet again adding another month of grounding onto his sentence.

Feeling a little tug on my tail I rolled over to see Neteyam laying by my side. Opening his arm out to me I simply shuffled into his embrace. Although Loak and I had a special bond I was always close to Neteyam. We understood each other in a way the others didn't. Kiri always acted like a moody teenager, Loak was always getting us into trouble, and Tuk, well Tuk was Tuk. Resting my head on his chest I took a deep breath listing to his heart beat.

"Did it hurt a lot?" he asked. I sniffled again nodding my head. 

"No one around. You can cry now," he said simply. And I did cry. After all, it was a scary experience. And I had tried to put on a brave face so father wouldn't be so angry. Neteyam and I only cried in front of each other. I guess we felt like we would be judged by the other for doing so. 

The day after I was sitting and waving with my mother when Loak walked in. I looked up and huffed.

"I will be back," mother said gently patting my shoulder before moving off giving us space. Loak offered me a smile which I didn't return. I simply focused on my waving.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked as he squatted down.

"What do you think?" I asked. He pressed his lips together and nodded.

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