Chapter 1⃣

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•Emily's P.O.V.•
"But mom...I don't wanna move!"i yell at my mom.
"It's not your decision"my mom says as she tries to pack some things in a box.
"mom my whole life is here,I can't just pack everything up and forget about it!"
She turns around, gives me that evil mom glare and says "then take some go up into your room and pack!". I whine as I grab a box and head up the stairs.

I put my long brown hair into a messy bun and start packing things. I had to hurry up since i was leaving in 2 days and haven't packed a thing. My mom had gotten an offer in New Jersey and we had to move there before the end of summer. I begged my mom not take the offer but she was a single parent and we needed the money. I have 2 older brothers, Alex and Sam. Alex was the oldest out of all of us. He was a skinny tall dark hair boy with really dark skin, i never knew what he was mixed with though. I always guessed Indian or Hispanic. He didn't really associate that much with me or sam since he had a different dad. I still loved him as much as I loved sam but I guess he considered sam and I only as half siblings. Plus he was way older than we were, he was 24 so i guess he thought a 15 year old and 16 year old were too immature for him or whatever. On the other hand Sam and I were really close. Me and him were in about the same age range, he was just 1 year older than me. He was a paleish/ tannish blonde hair boy. He had freckles thats covered his face and his hair was in that type of Justin Bieber du. He was always flipping his hair everywhere. He and I were always close and people sometimes thought we were either twins or a couple. I was the only female in the family except for my mom. I looked a lot like her actually. We both have wavy long brown hair and golden brown eyes. We're both about a 5'2 range maybe an inch taller. The only thing was that i had no freckles and she did and also I was the same skin tone as Sam but she was much more of a paler pink. It was easy to tell she was much older than me by the way her wrinkles crease around her face, especially when she gets mad or laughs.

*2 days later*
It was the last day here in Maryland and my 2 bestfriends, Henry and Sarah, had come to say goodbye. As I walked downstairs and I heard a knock on the door. I ran up to the door to see my bestfriends Henry and Sarah holding up presents.
"awe guys,you didn't have to get me anything"I say in guilt.
"We know, we just wanted to give you a little something before you left"
As i opened up the presents I started tearing up thinking of all the fun memories we had.
"Don't cry babygirl, it's gonna be alright" Henry says comforting me. I open the present to see that they had got me 3 matching bestfriend bracelets.
" Aw guys, these are amazing, thank you so much".
"Emily we are leaving in 10 minutes!"My mom says interrupting the moment.
Oh my gosh she is so annoying, i thought to myself. Sarah was already bawling her eyes out and i could see Henry failing at holding his tears in. As we finished putting on each of our friendship bracelets, we did a giant group hug and then i walked them out the door.
"we'll talk everyday"I yell as they walk away.
Then my mom said it was time to go and the whole family got into car and headed for the airport.

*In New Jersey*
The plane had finally landed and we were on our way to our new house. I was staring down at my bracelet the whole ride to the new house , all I could think is that I would probably never see my two bestfriends again.

As we drove up to the house, I stared in amazement. It was even bigger and prettier then my last one. As we entered the house I quickly ran upstairs to pick the best room before the boys could. I started unpacking as soon as i got there...I was surprised. It was as if all my sadness of leaving Maryland was gone and I was filled with excitement.

After a few hours of unpacking I decided that I was too tired and I would finish unpacking tomorrow. I went to go take a light shower then put on some sweatpants with a hoodie. I laid down in bed and quickly fell asleep.

Thanks for reading...more coming!

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