Chapter 3⃣

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•Ethan's P.O.V.•
We walked out the door and Grayson went to go get his old penny board for Emily. It was so awkward,I didn't know what to say. She was just so pretty and I was kinda shy. I grew up not really associating that much with other except with Grayson, so i didnt really know how to act. But I knew I had to talk to her so she doesn't think I'm a weirdo.

•Grayson P.O.V.•
I came back outside and i could tell that Ethan and Emily were acting awkward. Since Ethan wasn't talking to her, I went up to her and made a conversation with her. "So where are you from?"I asked
"Well I moved here from Maryland, Ive basically lived there my whole life"
"Oh that's cool"
"Yea I guess, so what about you?"she said sweetly
"Well Ethan and I have lived in New Jersey our whole lives"
"Oh thats cool"
"So do you know what school your going to?"I ask
"Yeaa I'm going to Mills high school... I'm kinda nervous, I'm a freshman so it's all new to me"
"OH COOL SO ARE WE! WE CAN HANGOUT ALL THE TIME!"Ethan blurts out of nowhere.
Emily just turns around and gives him a funny look and laughs.
"yeaa I guess"she mumbles.

We got to the park a few moments later , it wasnt that far from where we we lived.
Ethan and I ran towards the skateboard area. Emily just kinda stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do I guess. I motioned for her to come over and she slowly began to walk over.
"So I'm just gonna sit here while yall skate.."she said shyly.
"ohh nah,you're gonna learn how to skate"
I pulled her by her arm and she slowly stepped onto the board.
"Wait, im scared. What if I fall over and break my neck?"She said with a little chuckle.
"Dont worry I got you"I say as I grab her by the waist.
We slowly start to move, her focusing on the ground and me focusing on her then suddenly out of nowhere I heard Ethan screaming "HEY WATCH OUT" but it was too late.
His board had already hit Emily's board. Right before she had the chance to slip off and fall I caught her bridle style. Then right there in that moment our eyes connected. We both got lost in each others eyes. Those damn eyes of hers, they were a light brown mixed with caramel. You could just get lost in them forever.
Then we were spooked from our trance as we heard Ethan running over and asking if we okay. "Emily I'm so sorry..are you okay?"Ethan said a million times. I realized I was still holding Emily and I quickly put her down. "oh I'm sorry,my bad" I said a little embarrassed.
"No it's okay...thanks for saving me"she said as she blushed. She was so adorable when she blushed.

•Ethan's P.O.V.•
The whole entire time Grayson was hogging Emily. I was getting kinda pissed because I wanted to talk to her. I wasn't even listening to their conversation when I heard her say she was gonna go to the same school as us. I then stupidly blurted "OH COOL SO ARE WE!WE CAN HANG OUT ALL THE TIME!" I then realized how stupid I sounded and got embarrassed. She just turned around and laughed at me and then mumbled something but I couldn't hear.
when we got to the park Grayson and I ran over to the skating area and again he was hogging her. I was getting so pissed I "accidentally" threw my skateboard at them but of course Grayson had to be the hero and save her. They were just starring at each other for about 5 minutes until I interrupted them. It was getting late so I suggested to them that we should get back home. I really didn't want to go home...I wanted to spend more time with Emily and get to know her but I couldn't let Grayson keep hogging her. Some way I was gonna get her alone.

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