Chapter 4⃣0⃣

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• Emily's POV •
I woke up and in the first time in a month and a half ,Im going back to school. To be honest I was kinda happy to go back to school. Getting back to normal. Without all the drama,the problems. The only thing I have to fix is Grayson. He hates me for some reason and I dont even know why. He wont talk to me. But today Im going to figure out why. I got up and changed into a decent outfit. Then I put on my shoes,grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. "Ready?"Alex asked. "Yep"I said. We all walked out the door and my face instantly turned into a frown when I saw the twins weren't there waiting for us. "Where are the twins?"Sam asks. "I dont know"I responded. "Oh Ethan texted me their mom were driving them to school"Alex said. We all continued to walk to school. We walked in and I went straight to my locker. Everybody was staring at me and I heard loud whispers all around. Everyone was acting as I was the new girl who came back from the dead. I just ignored them and walked to my first period. I walked into class and sat down next to Johanna. "Hii"I said. "Heey"She said. Then the twins walked in. Ethan came directly to Johanna while Grayson started to talk to some blonde thot. "Hey baby"Ethan said as he came behind Johanna and gave her a kiss. Then the teacher walked in and everyone went to their seats. "Grayson..."I said as he sat down next to me. "Grayson please talk to me"I said. He ignored me. I kept trying to get him to talk to me for 4 periods until lunch came. Johanna,Gabby, and I all walked in and sat down at our normal table. Then the twins walked but only Ethan sat down at our table. "BABE!!"Gabby said as she saw Cameron (dallas) walk in. She ran up to him and jump onto him. "Hey gorgeous"He said as he put her back down and gave her a huge kiss. "What are you doing here,why didnt you tell me you were coming?"Gabby asked. "I wanted to surprise you"Cameron said as they sat down at our lunch table. Everytime I would look at Grayson I could see him look away,acting as if he wasn't staring at me. I got up and started to walk over to him but then he stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. I followed him outside the school. We were both standing under the outdoor roof of the school since it was raining.Both just staring at each other. "Grayson..."I started out. "Just leave me the hell alone Emily!"He said as he started to run away,towards the park. I ran after him. He finally stopped when he got to the park. "WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM? WHAT DID I DO WRONG?"I yelled as I got soaked by the rain. "YOU FUCKED HIM!"Grayson yelled back. "Whaa..FUCKED WHO"I yelled with confusion. "RYAN!"Grayson said. "Wha..I never..."I said but was cut off. "DONT LIE TO ME EMILY! I SAW YOU AT THE PARTY!"Grayson screamed. "I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON YOU!"I yelled. "I SAW YOU,YOU WERE IN A ROOM AND YOU GUYS WERE AGAINST THE WALL MAKING OUT!!HE WAS TRYING TO EAT YOUR FACE OFF AND YOU WERE ENJOYING IT.NOBODY SHOULD BE DOING THAT UNLESS ITS ME!YOU WERE MINE!YOU ARE MINE AND NO ONE ELSES!!EVEN IF WE BREAK UP AND YOU GET MARRIED OR SOMETHING,YOU WILL FOREVER AND ALWAYS BE MINE!"Grayson yelled.I didnt say anything until Grayson broke the silence again. "But then you have to go and fuck Ryan..."He said with a sigh at the end. "Grayson..."I said as I put my hand on his shoulder since his back was facing me. "WHAAT"He screamed. "He...he.."I said as I started getting teary. "HE WHAT!?"Grayson yelled. "He raped me Grayson"I said. As soon as I finished my sentence,Grayson turned around and picked me up and wrapped me up in a big giant hug. "Im so sorry Emily Im so sorry so so sorry this is all my fault im so sor..."Grayson rambled but I cut him off by giving him a kiss. He spun me around as he hugged me tighter and gave me more kisses while we got soaked by the rain.

~A/N~Short chapter Ik I suck....but at least I suck dolan dick🖖🏽well ive been having writers block so sorry I haven't updated but yea more updates coming soon☺️

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