Chapter 3⃣1⃣

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• Graysons POV •
I was going over to Emily's house to explain everything. To explain why I slept with Savannah. There was really no reason I was just mad at Emily and idk. I could have picked some other girl at least. Im so stupid. I might lose her forver. I walked up to Emily's door and knocked. "leave me the fuck alone Grayson."Emily said as she opened the door and then trying to close it."Emily just let me talk"I said as I pushed the door open. "ugh fine"she said as she let me in. I walked in and we sat down on the couch. "okay soo I..."I tried to say but was cut off by someone knocking on the door.
I didn't really pay attention to what was going on. I was trying to think of what to say. I didnt come prepared.All of a sudden I hear Emily yell "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING PUT ME DOWN". "SHUT THE FUCK UP"I heard a man scream. "HOLY SHIT GRAAYSON HELP GRAAAYSON"I hear Emily yell. I jolt up and run towards the man. I tackle the man to the floor. All of a sudden another man comes behind me and grabs my arms behind my back. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING GET THE FUCK OFF ME"I yell as I try to get out of their grip. I hear Emily scream my name and I scream hers back. I notice she is tied up on the floor with a bag over her head. My hands and legs are now tied together. Then I see a man pick up Emily and throw her into the van. "EMILY"I scream as someone puts a bag over my head. I get pushed inside the van and then someone bashes my head. Blackness.

• Emily's POV •
I wake up with a pounding headache. I look around and I see im sitting in a jail cell. I start to remember everything that happened. Holy shit Grayson. I just now remember Grayson was there too. "GRAYSON?!?"I scream out. "EMILY??"Grayson yells. "where are you??"I ask. "in here"He says as he sticks his arm out. "im in the jail cell next to you"I say. "wtf happened to us"I say. "we got kidnapped"He says. "how?why?why us?"I say. I then see out of the corner of my eye there is a camera in the corner of the jail cell. "HEY GET US THE FUCK OUT HERE"I scream at it. I walk up to the bars and start screaming and banging on it. "LET US THE FUCK OUT!!"I scream. "WE DIDNT DO SHIT"I scream. I keep banging on the bars until a guy comes up to my cell. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE..."He says but I cut him off by saying "BEFORE WHAT". I suddenly get slapped across the face and fall to the floor. "DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER"Grayson screams. "oops already did"The guy says. "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU"Grayson screams. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE YOU GET HIT TOO"The man yells. "NO LET US OUT"Grayson yells. The man just walks away. "baby are you okay"Grayson says. "Yea Im fine"I say as I get back up. "ugh what are we gonna do gray"I say. "i dont know Emily"He says.I crawl up in a ball in one of the corners. Im so scared,I just wanna be held by Grayson. "gray..."I say. "yeaa"he responses. "can you um like talk,I like hearing your voice"I say a bit embarrassed. "sure babe"He says. He then starts talking about his childhood memories with Ethan. Its amazing that even in the worst problems he can still make me smile. He kept talking for what felt like centuries. Then another guy comes back with 2 sandwich bags. "lunch"He says as he tosses the bags towards us. "LET US OUT"I scream. The man just walks away. Im starving so I open the bag. Its a water bottle with a ham sandwich. I take out the sandwich and starting eating. "babe did you get water"Grayson says. "yeaa"I say. "ok just checking"He said. "you dont have to do that"I said. "do what"He said. "give me your water if I dont have any,we arent dating"I said. "i know but that doesn't mean I stopped loving you"Grayson said. I didnt respond I just took another bite of my sandwich.

*later that night*
• Emily's POV •
It was late. I think. I dont know the time cause theres no clock but there was a very tiny window at top of my jail cell with bars in it. I could see the moon was out. " still awake"I say. "yeaa"He says. I walk up to the wall the seperates us and slid down it and sat down. "Gray...Im scared"I say. I feel Grayson walk up to the wall and slide down it too. Then he sticks out his hand and I immediately grab it. "its gonna be okay,everything is gonna be alright"He says. "and Emily,I know you hate me and we arent dating but I would and will do everything I can to keep you safe."He says. "I could never hate you"I say. Then I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep while still holding onto Graysons hand. i just wanna dream this nightmare away.

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