Chapter 3⃣3⃣

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• Emily's POV •
"HOLY SHIT!! I CANT GET MARRIED.IM 15. I CANT GET MARRIED TO MY....MY DAD"I yell. I try to break free from the chair but I cant. The handcuffs are bolted shut. "calm down,I have to do your makeup"Joline says as she takes out a makeup bag. "NO NO FUCK NO THIS IS NOT HAPPENING"I scream. "OH WELL IT IS SO SHUT UP AND CALM DOWN BEFORE THEY COME IN HERE AND BEAT BOTH OF US"She yells. "Im sorry..."I say. "just dont move"She says as she takes out a brush. "its just that im 15,im a miner. Its illegal!"I say. "He said that your birthday is in 2 months and then its only 2 years till you're 18 so it won't be much of a problem"She says. This cant be happening.I cant marry my fucking dad.Joline finishes my make up and hair. Then she finally starts to unlock the handcuffs. "dont think of running because there are no exits"she says as she unlocks the last handcuff. I stand up and she brings the dress over to where im standing. I turn around and start to undress. I take the dress from her and put it on. I mean there is no use in fighting against not putting it on. if I fight Im just going to get slapped and still forced to put it on. Joline then fixes up my dress and gives me one last look. "okay you're ready"She says. We walk over to the door and she knocks on it. The door opens and a man takes out 2 set of handcuffs.He puts one on my wrists and one around my ankles.Then he grabs my arm and leads me down a hall. Then we walk into a church room thing. There he is. As ugly as he always was. My father. "aww there is my lovely bride"He says as I get pushed down the aisle. Then this guy starts saying crap that people say at weddings.I block it all out. I dont wanna hear any of that bullshit. Suddenly I hear "Roger do you take Emily to be your wife?". "I do"He responds. "Emily do you..."The preacher tries to say but I cut him off with "FUCK NO". "Behave or else"Roger says. "or else what"I say. "bring him out"Roger says. Then a man goes to a closet and brings out Grayson. "GRAAY"I yell. "or else he gets shot"Roger says. Grayson is mumbling and screaming but I cant understand what hes saying. His mouth is taped shut. "I...I..I do"I say. "You may kiss the bride"the preacher says. Then Roger leans in but I back up. "KISS ME OR HE GETS KILLED"Roger yells. I just stand there and dont move. Roger leans in and a disgusting wet kissed is pressed on my lips. I want to puke. "now off to our honeymoon"Roger says. "AH HELL NAH"I scream. "OR ELSE"He screams. I slowly walk down the aisle not taking my eyes off of Grayson. Grayson is standing there trying to fight out of the grip of the men holding him back. I get pulled into a room with a bed and a camera set up. There is also a big glass window on one of the walls.The window connects to another room.I get pushed onto the bed. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME"I scream. "dont worry,we will have lots of fun tonight"Roger says with an evil grin on his face.He then takes off my handcuffs and ties me to the bed by my legs and arms. I spread across the bed in a x form. Then Roger grabs scissors and starts cutting my dress open. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING,DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME"I scream as I try to get free from the handcuffs. Suddenly I see Grayson getting pushed into the window room. He gets tied up into a chair. Then the men point a gun to his head. "OMGAWD NO NO PLEASE DONT DO THIS"I scream. "PLEASE DONT MAKE HIM WATCH PLEASE"I yell. "its his punishment"Roger says. He then starts licking me all over. "EW EW EW OMGAWD STAPH EWWW GET YOUR OLD CRUSTY ASS TONGUE OFF OF ME"I yell. "SHUT THE FUCK UP OR HE GETS SHOT"Roger yells.He then cuts off my bra and panties and Im left nude. Now Im crying and cant stop. "pleaseee dont pleasee if you really love me you wont do this"I beg. "oh on the contrary,its the reason I love you so much Im doing this....its human nature"He says with an evil seductive face. He then starts massaging my breast roughly. "OW OMGAWD"I scream out. I want to look at Grayson but I cant. Im too embarrassed. All of a sudden I feel Roger shove his dick inside me. "OWWWWWWWWWW HOLY SHIT STOOOOPP OWWWWW"I cry out. Im crying so hard I cant breath. I feel like my insides are being pulled out. I cant handle it. I look over to Grayson and hes banging against the window.The men are just standing there while he bangs against it. Hes yelling but I cant hear anything. I can see him bawling his eyes out kicking and banging against the window. Roger is still smashing into me and im screaming like crazy. Finally he stops and pulls out of me and unties me.A huge surge of pain overwhelms me and I curl up into a ball. "Did you enjoy it baby"Roger said. I was in too much pain to respond. Roger then takes out off his condom and slaps it against my face. "wanna taste"He says. "NO YOU NASTY PERVERT I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL"I scream. "oh thats no way to react after how much pleasure I just gave you"He said. I just curl back up into a ball and cry some more. Roger walks out of the room and Im left there a bawling painful mess. Then the door opens and Grayson comes running. "Baby Im so sorry im really really sorry"He says as he wraps me up in his arms. "it really hurts Gray"I whisper. "I know Im sorry"he says as he holds me tighter. "Dont worry babe,Imma get you out of here"He whispers in my ear.

~A/N~Hey guys Im sorry for the really digusting chapter. I kinda regret writing this chapter but I guess it makes the story more interesting so. Im sorry for any typos,I couldnt go back and read it without crying.Thanks for the reads.Love ya💜

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