Chapter 5⃣

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•Emily's P.O.V.•
I woke up and realized I had school in 2 days. Thinking of school made me want to roll up in a ball and die.

I then felt my phone vibrate and noticed I got a text. It was from Ethan.
Ethan😝:Wanna hangout today?
Ethan😝:okay come over at 3😏
Me:okayy lol

It was 11:00 am so I had time before I had to leave. I ran downstairs and ate some waffles. I then layed on the couch for a while and watched spongebob. I know im 15 but he's awesome.

I realized I had about an hour before I had to go to Ethan's house so I went to go take a shower. I put my hair into a messy bun and put on a crop top with some shorts since it was hot outside. It was 2:55 and I told my mom i was going over to the Dolan's house. And with that I walked out the door and headed towards the Dolan's place.

•Ethan's P.O.V.•
I really liked Emily and I wanted her to like me too so I asked her to come over to hangout. Just her and me. I realized I had time before Emily came over so I just watched some netflix to waste time.

10 minutes before Emily was came over I realized what the time was so I quickly went upstairs to get changed. After I changed I came back downstairs and heard a knock on the door. I quickly ran over to open it and there she was. With her gorgeous sparkling eyes and that sweet flower smell.
"Hey..come in"I say as we exchange hugs.
"So watcha wanna do?" She asks.
"we could go downstairs and watch a movie".
"suree...just us or is Grayson coming?"
"nopee,its just gonna be us"I said popping the P.
we headed downstairs and she asked what movie were going to watch. "A scary one....maybe insidious."I said with a grin.
"oh no Ethan,I hate scary movies!"she cried out.
"its okay,I'm here" i say trying to comfort her.
She immediately got a huge smile on her face and blushed a bit. I put on the movie and turned off the lights.We sat next to each other and I slowly inched closer to her. Suddenly a somewhat scary part came on and she quickly grabbed my hand and squeezed it. After 10 minutes of handholding she realized she was holding my hand and quickly let go. "Im sorry,I didn't mean too"she said a little embarrassed. "it's okay...I don't mind"I said and winked at her.

•Emily's P.O.V.•
When I got there Ethan said we were gonna watch a movie. A scary movie.Just him. And. I.
When he said that I immediately got butterflies cause I knew I was gonna cuddle up on him at all the scary parts.

The movie started and I realized how scary it was,uh oh. At each scary part I kept getting closer and closer to Ethan. Then suddenly an intense part came on and I wrapped my whole body around Ethan.I could feel his strong muscular arms wrap around my waist.I dug my head deep into to his chest and I could smell his cologne and god it smelt good. After the scary part was over I realized I was still dug deep into Ethan's chest. He suddenly lifted up my chin and our eyes met and gosh his eyes were gorgeous. He leaned in and we were about to kiss but Grayson came downstairs and interrupted us. Great way to ruin the moment Gray.

We quickly pulled away and acted as if nothing just happened. "oh hey sorry...didn't know anyone was down here"he said as he walked back upstairs. The movie had just ended and Ethan turned the lights on. He then walked over to were I was standing and just looked at me.Tbh it was really awkward. "Well it's late so I should get home"I said breaking the ice. I really didn't have to was only 7:00 pm. "uh okay bye then"He said as he gave me an awkward goodbye hug.I walked out the door and went back home.

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