Chapter 4⃣

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•Emily's P.O.V.•
Today was awesome. I hung out with Grayson and Ethan and they were amazing...well at least Grayson was. Ethan kinda acted weird but thats probably because we barely know each other i guess.

I got home and ran upstairs to take a shower. After about like a hour i got out and I put on some fuzzy pjs and a tank top. I know i take long showers but girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

I heard my mom calling me for dinner and I ran downstairs.. I was starving! After dinner I quickly ran upstairs and got into bed. I then went on my phone and noticed I had a text from Sarah and Henry. I felt bad because I completely forgot about them. Im the worst person ever....who forgets about their bestfriends. I quickly got on my laptop and skyped Henry and Sarah. We talked for about 2 hours and I told them all about Grayson...and only Grayson. Not Ethan. It felt awkward to talk about him when i didnt even speak to him in person. I mentioned him a few times but that was it. Grayson was much more fun to talk about. I told them how i almost broke my ass trying to learn how to ride a penny board. Then Sarah said she was tired and we hung up. I quickly went to sleep.

I got up and noticed it was 9:00 am. I quickly took a shower and got changed. I put on some makeup and just a flowy tanktop with some skinny jeans and my white converse.

I headed downstairs and ate some frootloops. "Morning Sam!" "Hgmm"he said clearly still half asleep. I finished my cereal and told Sam "tell mom I went exploring at the park". He laughed and said okay.

I headed out the door and immediately I saw the twins skating around the street. They ran up to me and asked me if I wanted to hangout. I said sure and they said we were going to their favorite icecream place. After a 10 minute walk,we finally got their and we all sat down at a booth. Grayson went to go order for us and again I was left alone with Ethan.

•Ethan's P.O.V.•
Finally I was alone with Emily again and I could finally talk to her. Problem was that I had absolutely no idea of what to say to her. So of course I made up a dumb excuse to talk to her. "So Emily, how are you liking New Jersey so far?"
"Well since this is my 3rd day and I've spent 2 days with you guys...imma gonna say it's been pretty awesome.". She just said hanging out with me is awesome! Well technically Grayson and I but still, Oh yeaah!

•Emily's P.O.V.•
Ethan asked me how I've been liking New Jersey so far and I told him that since I spent most of it with them that it was awesome. I was really only talking about Grayson but then I saw his face light up and I noticed he was actually trying to have a conversation with me. We talked for 5 more minutes and then Grayson came over with our icecream cones. By the time he came over I was on the floor laughing so hard I couldn't breath. Ethan was really funny and he was killing me. He kept making immature and corny jokes. "what's long,hard and full of semen?"he asked me. I immediately answered dick and he said " No you little dirty minded girl, its a submarine." He was talking about seamen not semen! From this moment on I knew we were gonna become bestfriends. After about 5 hours of talking and 100 of Ethan's immature jokes we decided to go home. I quickly asked the boys for there phone numbers and they both gave me smirks. I put my number in their phones and they put theirs in mine. I headed home and sat around the couch watching tv. After dinner I went upstairs and went directly to bed. Damn I was tired!

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