Chapter 2⃣5⃣

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*next day at the hotel*

• Emily's POV •

Ugh this is annoying.Why can't I do it. Me and Gabby were having a staring contest. Well kinda. She was raising her eyebrow and taunting me with it because I can't do it.I can't raise my stupid eyebrow. I have been trying for 40 minutes now and Im getting a headache.She raised her eyebrow again and gave me a smirk. "UGH FUCK YOU"I yelled. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. We had both been sitting across each other in the middle of the floor for an hour not saying a word just staring at each other. "what don't look at me like that,shes the one whos taunting me with her eyebrow"I said to everyone."not my fault my eyebrows are on fleek"Gabby said. "UGH FUCK YOU AND YOUR EYEBROWS"I yelled. Everyone just laughed."my eyebrows are still better"Gabby whispered to me as we both got up."we should go to sleep because it's 12 am and we have an event at 10 am tomorrow"Grayson said. Everyone got up and walked out. I went into the bathroom and put on some sweatpants with a tank top.I walked out and got under the covers with a shirtless Grayson already there. "so you excited for tomorrow"I asked as I traced my finger across his toned abs. "Yea totally my supporters are everything to me and Ethan,they love us without evening knowing us in real life,they support us through everything and some of them would even take bullets for Ethan and I.I love them all,even if I dont know them.I want to meet all of them and give all of them big ass hugs."He said. "that's amazing"I said. "yea and um I'm sorry if some of them might be too touchy tomorrow"Grayson said. "babe,its okay,they don't know you have a girlfriend and I don't mind,they love you too"I said with a huge smile. "you are really the best"Grayson said as he gave me a kiss. "I know"I said with a laugh. I turned off the lights and laid down. "Night babe,I love you"I said as I closed my eyes. "I love you too"Grayson said as he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

*next morning*

• Emily's POV •

I woke up and checked my phone to see it was 8 am.We had 2 hours to get ready for today's event. I rolled over to face Grayson since I was back to back with him. He was sleeping so I decided to wake him up. I got on top of him and instead of being sweet and romantic and waking him up with a kiss I grabbed a pillow and started having a pillow fight with him. "wake up!!!"I screamed as I smacked him across the face with a pillow. "Emilyyyyyyyyy whhhy"He said as he got up. "Its 8 am and we need to get ready!!"I said as I smacked him again with the pillow. "okay thats it"He said. He grabbed a pillow and chased me around the room. He finally caught me when I fell on the floor. He picked me up and slammed me onto the bed. He got on top of me and started tickling me. "GRAYSONN STAPHHHHH GRAYSONNN"I screamed as I tried to push him off me. "SAY YOU'RE SORRY"Grayson said. "OKAAY IM SORRY IM SORRY"I yelled. He gave me a kiss and finally got off of me. "okay now we only have 1 hour and 40 minutes left"I said. Grayson plopped back on the bed. "well fine if you wont shower first,then I will"I said as I grabbed my towel and my bag filled with my shampoo. "NOOOOO YOU'RE GONNA TAKE TOO LONG"Grayson said as he got up. "too late"I said as I closed the door. I got in the shower and got out in 20 minutes. I opened the door and walked out. "finally"Grayson said as he walked over to the bathroom. "wow it smells like you"Grayson said. I just laughed and walked over to my suitcase. I looked at what to wear and decided to go with a crop top with a sweater on top and ripped jean shorts. I got dressed and then walked over to the bathroom door. I knocked on the door and said "Gray can I come in,I have to use the mirror". "Sure"Grayson responded. I grabbed my makeup bag and walked in. I combed my hair and started to straighten it. After 10 minutes I finally finished and started to do my make up. Then Grayson walked out of the shower. Of course he had a towel on but I wish he didnt. He had that towel wrapped really low around his waistline. Really really low. I could see his v-line. His really sexy v-line. "you know I have some pictures on Instagram of me shirtless if you want to stare at them"Grayson said. "Oh sorry I didnt realize I was starring"I said while turning red. "Its alright,Im yours to look at"He said with a smirk. "oh then I guess Im yours then"I said while I turned back to the mirror to finish my make up. "and only mine"He said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I finished my make up and started to put on my earings. Then I sprayed on some perfume and walked out of the bathroom. I put on my shoes and jumped on the bed to wait for Grayson. "you ready"He said as he fixed his hair. "yep"I said while popping the p. "okay then lets go"He said. We walked out the door and towards the elevator.

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