Chapter 2⃣1⃣

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*next day*
• Emily's POV •
I woke up like normal and got dressed. I put on a t-shirt and tucked them into some high-waisted shorts. I put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.
"Morning"I said to whoever was downstairs.
"Morning ugly"Sam said.
"shutup you are a negative 0!"I yelled at him.
"thats not even a real number"Alex said as he walked downstairs.
"whatever lets just go"Sam said as he grabbed his bookbag.

We walked outside and started walking towards school and I saw Grayson already walking a little ahead of us. So I decided to run up to him and jumped on his back. I begin to give him kisses all over his face.

"Good morning to you too"He said with a cheeky smile.
"You didnt wait for me" I say in a sad tone as i got off his back.
"Well i didnt know if , you know or whatever"
"Well we are or whatever"i say mocking him.
I give him a kiss and grab his hand.
Then all of a sudden I heard a flash and Ethan say "aww s'cute"
"Did you just take a picture ?"I ask

He showed me the picture he took. It was me and Grayson holding hands while looking at each other and smiling. It was like a tumblr picture.

"Omg this is soooo adorable! Send it to me"I said.

A minute later I got the picture and I put as my wallpaper.

A few moments later we arrive at school and we all went to our lockers. I was so afraid there was gonna be some threat at my locker but when I walked up to it there was nothing. I opened my locker and nothing. I guess Finally Savannah stopped, I wonder why. Well it doesn't matter as long as she stopped.

I grabbed my books and closed my locker. I started walking to class when I saw Savannah across the hall.

Daaaaaaaaamn ! I said to myself. Her faced was bruised and swollen, her lip was cut,and she had a black eye that she clearly tried to cover up with makeup but it didn't work. She looked at me with puppy eyes as if I was going to say sorry. I just kept walking and went to class. Johanna was already there and I quickly ran over to her.

"Holy shit ! Have you seen savannah's face ?"I screamed.
"uh yea its ugly, why?"She said confused. "Cause bitch look like she got ran over by a truck !"
"Doesnt she always look like that ?"
"Who do you think did that to her ?"
"Who else ?"
"Holy shit ! Foreal ? You beat her ass ?"
"Dont act so surprised, i told you, id kill someone for you"
I stuck out my tongue and she stuck out hers.

The bell rang just in time for Ethan and Grayson to come in and sit down. Class went on as usual. We went to all our classes like normal until we got to 4th period. History. We walked in and sat down in our normal seats. Then the teacher walked in.

"Everyone up, we will be changing seats around here because we are having group project.....and no I already chose the groups"

Everyone just so sighed and complained. I prayed to god I was in a group with someone I know.

"Emily, Jack, William,and Katherine" "ughh great people that I don't even know"I whined.
"Dont worry we are probably aren't that bad"Jack said.

As the teacher finished calling off names , we began making our ways back to a table.

"So you have to research a person who made a difference in the 1900's."The teacher said.
"Hi I'm Jack"
"Emily"I said.
"Im William"
"okay so who votes Amelia Earhart"I said.

Everyone agreed. I guess it's because shes super easy to do a project on so. The whole period past by and there was only 10 minutes left of class.

"Well everyone can come over to my house so we can work on the project more."I said.

Everyone gave me their phone numbers and I gave them all nicknames.

"you guys wanna hear your nicknames"I said while laughing.

"Katherine/Kit Cat.William/willy.and Jack/Jack."I said with a huge smile. "Why don't I have a nickname"Jack whined."you do,its Jack"I said.Everyone just laughed and Jack stuck his tongue out at me. then I texted everyone my address so they could come over my house and they would have my number. Then the bell rang and it was time for 5th period.

*end of the school day*
• Emily's POV •
I walked home with Grayson and Ethan. "So you guys wanna come over and hang"I asked. "Sureeeeeeeeeeeeee"They said. We walked into my house and went straight into the basement. We sat down on the couch and were about to put on netflix until I got a text.
Kitcat:everyone wants to come over and work on the project today
Me:Okay sure come over in 5 minutes.
I put down my phone and looked at the twins.

"hey some people from school wanna come over and work on the history project,you can leave if you want"I said. "no its fine we'll stay and meet them"Grayson said.

Then I got a text from Johanna and Gabby saying they wanted to come over too. I texted them back saying that I other people from school were gonna come over to work on the history project but they can still come over. Then Grayson got a text from Ryan and Grant saying they wanted to come over. I nodded to let Grayson know its okay. I walked upstairs and about 5 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and it was Jack,Katherine,and William. I opened the door and they walked in and right when I was about to close the door Johanna and Gabby walked in. "Oh hey"I said as they walked in. 2 minutes later Ryan and Grant walked in."wow lots of people"Gabby said. "yeaa......lets go to the basement"I said. We all walked downstairs and sat in a circle on the floor. "okay lets get started"I said.

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