Chapter 3⃣5⃣

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• Emily's POV •
I woke up to beeping machines in a white room. I was in a hospital room. I sat up to see Gabby,Johanna,and Jack sitting around my bed. "uhh what happened"I said as I tried to wake them up. "EMILYY"Gabby screamed as she got up and gave me a giant squeeze. "omg I thought you were gonna die"Johanna said as she tried to wipe away the tears and give me a hug. "how are ya feeling"Jack asked as he gave me a hug. "um idk....uh what happened,why am I at the hospital"I ask. "after you escaped you fainted and went into a coma"Jack said. "Oh um wheres Ethan"I asked worried. "Hes in Graysons room"Gabby said. "Grayson?...hes um hes d..dead"I said as I tried to hold in the tears. "No hes not...hes down the hall"Johanna said. "OMGAWD HES ALIVE"I screamed. "he never died,he was just d..."Jack tries to say but I cut him off by trying to get out of my bed. "woah woah Emily you cant get up,your too weak"Gabby says. "I DONT GIVE A FUCK I NEED TO SEE HIM"I scream out. "okay okay,let me carry you"Jack says. He picks me up and carrys me towards Graysons room. "hey wheres kitcat and Will?"I ask jack. "Kitcat became a rich brat and doesnt talk to us anymore and william moved away"He said. "oh,well I still have you"I say. Then we walk into Graysons room and he puts me down. "GRAYSON YOU'RE ALIVE"I scream as I hugged him tightly. I sit down on his bed and notice im not sore anymore,must be the drugs. "Hey how are you feeling,you just woke up from a coma"He asks as I lay down next to him. "Im fine,how are you with the bullet shots"I ask. "what bullet shots". "you got shot 3 times,didnt you?"I ask almost starting to cry. "noo.."He said. "but...but I saw the body bag,I saw your were...dead"I cried out. I was now hysterically crying again from the memory. "shhh,its alright it was just a alive.Im right here"He says as he comforts me and hugs me tighter.

*2 days later*
• Emily's POV •
Its so weird to be home again. They said we were kidnapped for about 3 weeks.They still havent caught Roger or the men who helped him.We had to go to the police station and talk about the kidnapping and describe what the men look like and what happened to us.Grayson and I have to stay home until they find the person who kidnapped us. Its called lockdown. We have to have a police officer outside our house all the time.We also can't leave the house unless its an emergency.It was late at night and I couldnt sleep. I texted Grayson to see if he could come over.I wasnt sure if he would come or not since were not dating.
Me:Hey um Gray do you mind coming over.
Me:I mean if you want to.
Gray💘💦:Go open the front door.
I walked downstairs and waited by the door. 10 minutes had past and still no one. Then suddenly I heard bushes rustling. Then I heard footsteps. My breathing hitched and all the memories of my kidnap came back. I was starting to have a panic attack and I fell to the floor. Just then someone walked in. ""I said in between breaths. "Emily its okay its just me"Grayson said as he picked me up. "whats wrong,what do I do"he says as he locks the door and takes me up to my room. He laid me down on my bed as I tried to breath. Slowly my breathing regulated. "what happened"He asked. "um I had a panic attack,I heard someone in the bushes and all the memories of the kidnap came flooding my mind."I said. "oh sorry,I had to walk through the brushes so the police wouldnt notice me sneaking in"Grayson said. "oh,next time text me"I said. " um why did you want me to come over"He asked. "um I can't sleep"I said. "whats wrong"He asks. "every time I close my eyes,all I see is his face"I say as I start tearing up. "hey its okay,Im here and your here.We are fine,its over"He says as he sits next to me and wraps me up in his arms. "can you um stay here until I fall asleep,i know we arent dating bu..."I say but get cut off by him saying "hold on,let me text Ethan Im sleeping over your house"He says as he pulls out his phone. I walk over to turn off the light as he gets under the covers. I walk back over to the bed and get under the covers next to Grayson. He then takes off his shirt so hes shirtless. He snuggles up to me and wraps me up. "Thanks for sleeping over again"I say. "again?". "remember when I watched a scary movie with Ethan and I couldn't sleep so you slept over"I said. "oh yea,well Ill sleepover anytime"He said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.Then I slowy closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

*next morning*
• Emily's POV •
As always I woke up before Grayson. I decided to wake him up tumblr like.I slowly got on top of him and straddled him. Then I slowly gave him light kisses all over his face."What are you doing?"He asks as he opened his eyes. "waking you up"I said. " much as I love this,we arent dating and I dont want you to have mixed emotions"He said as he took me off his laps. "Grayson,I thought about all that happened and I want us to be together. I cant handle us not.You are the love of my life.If you werent there with me through it all,I dont know if I wouldve survived. I dont care what happened before,thats in the past.I love you and you love me and thats all that matters. Grayson,will you be mine again?"I asked. "yes,and I promise you,you will forever and always be my one and only"He said as he pulled me closer to him. We both slowly leaned in and kissed. This is all a girl needed in life. A Grayson.

~A/N~So yes Grayson is not dead. Him getting shot was just a dream. This idea was inspired by the book '19 hours in the clouds'. This book is literally amazing.

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