Chapter 🔟

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*a week later*
•Emily's POV•
I felt the time go by and it felt like years had gone by. I was tried of this shit. I wanted to wake up already. Ive tried every single moment i got the chance to, to try and wake up. But nothing worked. So i decided on saving up on my energy. Maybe with that my body will finally wake the hell up.

• Grayson's POV•
I go to the hospital everyday after school. Its torture not being with Emily every minute of everyday knowing she's suffering while im here learning about who the hell invented the light bulb and shit.

Ive pleaded to my mom to let me stay at the hospital but she makes me go to school. I know she only does it for own my own good but theres no point, i dont even pay attention. All I'm ever thinking about is Emily.

*after school*
My mom drove me to the hospital and dropped me off. I would walk from school but its way to far away and my mom says its too dangerous.

I walked into the hospital and straight to Emily's room. I walked in and sat down next to her. The doctor says I have to talk to her more so the chances of her waking up is higher. I began talking but I really didn't know what to say.

"So everyone at school is worried about you...I am too...Emily I really wish you'd just wake up. I really miss hearing your voice,I can barely remember what it sounds like...and half the time I'm here all I wanna do is kiss you. That, I can remember...your sweet soft kisses. Kissing you is like kissing a sweet flower scented cloud. Emily...I think I'm in love with you but I don't know if that's possible. Loving someone you barely know. I mean I don't even know your middle name..."

• Emily's POV •
"Naomi"I said weakly.
"Wh..what did you say"Grayson responds with wide eyes

Omg he heard me. He finally heard me?? Am i awake?? Or am i just dreaming??

"Naomi"I said again trying to open my eyes.
"Omg Emily you're awake!"He said with excitement.

He quickly grabs me by my shoulders and wraped me up in his embrace.
God ive missed that, I missed feeling the touch of his arms wrapped around me.

"Let me call your family, your moms at work, so is Alex and Sam is at lacrosse practice."he said as he took out his phone.

He called a few people and texted some. "I texted Johanna, Savannah, Ethan and a few other people who were worried about you."he said with a huge smile.

"by the way what did you mean Naomi...".
"oh that's my middle name"I said looking into his big brown eyes.
"oh you heard all that".
"I could always hear what was going on, I just couldn't move"I said laughing a bit. "oh um I uh"He said very nervously. "Grayson, it's alright we can just forget about it."I said a bit embarrassed.
"No wait Emily...I don't wanna forget about it,I like you...a lot,will you be my girlfriend?".

Just then Ethan,Johanna, and Savannah burst in before I could even answer Grayson's question. Damn they got here quick. Way to ruin a moment guys.

Johanna quickly runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "OMG IVE MISSED YOU SOOO MUCH"She says with her hair getting all up in my face.
"I uh missed you too.....but...I can't breathe"I say trying to catch my breath. "oh sorry,Ive just missed you a lot."She says letting go.

Ethan then comes over and gives me a soft gentle side hug.
"How do you feel"He asks ever so sweetly.
"I mean ive been ina coma for i dont know how long but other than that im great"I say with a chuckle.

Savannah then comes over and gives a me a light hug.
"Happy your better". She says with a smile. She slowly backed up and "accidentally" fell onto Grayson's lap. "oops"she says giggling.
Ew what the hell?? Get off my man bish. "Oh uh its okay" Grayson says trying to help her up.
My mom then walked in and so did the doctors. My mom came over and hugged me tightly, asking me how was I doing.
"Im good but Ive felt better"I say.

"So it seems that you are doing better but we are going to keep you here for 2 more nights just to be sure"The doctor says.
I nod in response.
"And one more thing...uh only 2 people can be in here at a time"The doctor says as he looks at everyone standing around in the room. He looks back at me, gives me a small smile and walks out.

Grayson's head quickly shoots up and looks up at me. Everyone else looks at me and stares at me waiting for an answer. "uh I..."I say unknowingly.
"Can I stay?" Both Ethan and Grayson say. Everyone looks at me.
"Suree"I say nervously.
Everyone comes over to me and gives me goodbye hugs and walk out.
"uh Im gonna go the bathroom real quick"Ethan says as he gets up.

"So will you?" Grayson says grabbing my hand.
"Will you be my girlfriend"he says.
I blush up and stare at him for about 5 minutes. Gosh he was perfect.
I barley finish talking when he gets up and smashes his lips up against mine.
"I missed this feeling so much"he said smiling into the kiss. I did too,he was a great kisser, and amazing one. I could taste his minty fresh breath. He quickly pulled away when he heard the handle door jiggling. I was sad when he pulled away,I never wanted that moment to end.

• Ethan's POV•
That's it. That's the end. I can't do anything about it. Grayson just asked Emily to be his girlfriend and she said yes. Yes i overheard and maybe it was wrong to but i mean come on theres only a wooden door separating us, how could i not hear. But She was his and I can't change that. I wanted to be with Emily so bad. It's not fair Grayson has her, he's dated bunch of amazing girls before and he has dumped them all. For once when I like an amazing girl and she may like me, Grayson comes in and steals her from me. He is the real Mr.StealYoGurl. I could hear them sucking face and I couldn't handle it. I wanted it to stop so I burst in the room as if i was the police.

Btw just wanted to let you guys know that when Grayson said kissing you is like kissing a cloud or whatever i kept thinking of miranda/carley from icarley song "kissing you" and now its stuck in my head

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