Chapter 1⃣1⃣

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*2 days later*
• Emily's POV •
So today is my first day out of the hospital and I'm so excited. Like I have nothing against hospitals but I just really wanted to get out of there. I wanted to feel fresh air instead on the stale cold air from the hospital.

I was supposed to go to go school today but my mom wants me to rest some more so Im going back to school tomorrow. Im gonna spend my whole day today watching netflix and eating icecream :)

"Honey are you sure you don't want me to stay home?" My mom asked.
"No mom it's okay, go to work.".
"Okay bye sweety stay safe I love you"she says as she walks towards the door.
"love you too"I say as I close the door behind her.
Thank god she didnt get hurt in the accident, i dont know what i would do if I didnt have her in my life. Shes annoying sometimes but shes mom and i need her.

I walk over to the couch and put on the vampire diaries. It has got to be one of my favorite shows. I honestly love the romantic friction of Elena and Stefan or Elena and Damon. In my opinion im a Damons girl <3

As time goes by my hunger begins to grow. I walk over to the kitchen to get something to eat. Then the door bell rings. How strange how someone would come to the door when we dont even know anyone here. I get scared cause Ive seen this in movies. The girl is home alone and then the door bell rings and when she answers she gets kidnapped. Or killed. Or raped. Or something horrible.

I tip toe over to the door and look through peep hole. Its Grayson. I quickly sigh in relief

"Grayson...what are you doing here?"I say as I open the door.
"Well I didn't want you to be home alone today so Im skipping school and staying here with you." He says with a huge smile.
"No babe you didn't have to,I don't want you to miss school for me, your education is important".
"Emily, I rather be with you all day then spend the day with boring ass teachers". " aww your the best Gray".
"I know i am. so can I come in now"He says with a sweet smile.

I chuckle a bit realizing we're still standing at my door way. I move over a bit and I let him in.

"So you hungry,I was about to eat some cereal."I say as I close the door behind him and make sure to lock it.
"Um yea sure,what kind of cereal you have?"He says as he sits on a stool at the island in the kitchen.
"um I have fruity pebbles,cocoa pebbles, chee-" I say but was cut off by Grayson.
"Ill take cocoa pebbles please"He says.
"eww those are nasty"I say with a disgusted face.
"TEAM CHOCOLATEY ALL THE WAY" he says pumping up his chest.
"TEAM FRUITY ALL THE WAY" I say going up to him and standing on my tippy toes.
"then I guess Ill just have to battle you." "huh wha-"

I can't even finish my sentence when Grayson picks me up and puts me over his shoulder.

"GRAYSONN STOOOP PUT ME DOWN"I yell as I try to leave his grip.
"not until you admit cocoa pebbles are better"
"Then I guess Ill just have to convince you."he says as he starts to walk up the stairs
"where are we going...ugh Grayson put me down, I'm too fat for this"
"which one is your room again"he says as we reach the top of the stairs.
"Oh it's probably this purple one with a bra on the closet door...nice bra by the way"he says with smirk as we walk into my room.
"ok enough, now put me down"

He plops me down on my bed. He crawls on top of me and stares at me right in the eye. I can feel his breath on me and adrenaline starting to surge through me. He leans down and gives me a soft gentle kiss and all of a sudden he starts tickling me like crazy.


He finally stops but hes still on top of me. "get off me and then Ill say it"
"No, not until you say it"
"ugh fine fruity pebbles are better"I say looking straight into his eyes.

I quickly cut him off by connecting our lips. I roll him over as I lay on top of him, never breaking the kiss. He wants dominance so he rolls back on top of me. He starts to move his hand down towards my waist line. Then the tips of his fingers start to crawl underneath my shirt. He slowly inches up towards my bra and he begins to play around with my breasts. "Ahhh Grayson"I moan out his name.
He then slowly tries to lift up my shirt and i slightly push him off. He tries again and I quickly break the kiss and slightly push him off.
"babe what's wrong?"Grayson asks worried, quickly removing his hands and getting off me.
"um Im just I uh.."I say feeling the heat rush up to my face.
"Emily...tell me, did I do something wrong?"
"No it's not that, it's just ... Im a virgin and the farthest Ive gone with someone is just making out. Ive never been fully exposed to someone like that, Im not a prude or anything is just that, im just 15 and I dont-"
"Emily slow down...Its okay, Im sorry I didn't mean to pressure you, we dont have to do anything you dont want to babe"
Damn is this boy a sweetheart or what?Just melts my heart.
"No Grayson, Its fine, if you want we can I mean-"
He quickly cuts me off with a sweet kiss.
"Baby we can take it as slow as you want"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes princess, whatever you want"
"Do you wanna watch some Netflix"I say with a cheeky smile.
"You read my mind"
I quickly roll over towards my nightstand and grab the remote control.
"Wanna watch some vampire diaries?"I ask.
"Noooo lets watch a scary movie!"he says as he grabs the controller out of my hand.
"No Gray you know I hate scary movies, remember what happened last time."I say trying to grab the controller again.
"Don't worry, this time im here"
I roll my eyes and I snuggle up to him as I lay my head on his chest.
"and I Don't mind sleeping over again"he whispers into my ear while biting it a little bit. He plants a soft kiss on top of my head. It was so soft and light I barley felt it. We intertwine our fingers and I slowly start to fall asleep.

*5 hours later*
I woke up to a tight pressure around my waist. I look down and I see Grayson tightly holding me down by my waist. It felt like he was having a bad dream and just needed something to hold on to.

I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. Once I wake up, I can't go back to sleep again until I get sleepy again. And at the moment I wasn't tired at all. I laid there for about 5 minutes until I got bored. I decided to wake up Grayson by giving him a little wet kiss. I slowly planted my lips on his plumps lips but they felt strange. They didn't even feel like
"um babe?"Grayson says in a sleepy voice.
"Why did you just kiss my nose?" He says opening his eyes.
The room was dark so I really couldn't see his face that good.
"oh uh I thought it was your lips..."I say trailing off at the end.
"it's okay"he says with a chuckle.
I feel him lean in and I do too until he plants a big sloppy wet kiss on my nose. "Graaaaay"I whine as I wipe my nose on his shirt.
"What that's how all the cool kids kiss now."He smirks.
He begins to sit up and roll over to grab his phone.
"hey uh babe I have to go, my mom wants me to come home but Ill text you". "Okaay byee baby I love you".I say as he walks out the door.
Did I? Did I just say the L word? To Grayson? Oh lord, i hope he didn't hear me.

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