Basket 37

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Third POV

After she had dropped Kagami off at the airport, the triple threat's mental muscles kind of took over when it came to her driving back to the inn. She felt like she had butterflies in her tum tum, just thinking about the tiger's little intimate gestures he had done that morning. So, he thought she was special, huh? Geez, why do her friends always have to get her right in the feelers?

By this time, the sun was already high in the sky and shining over the land as (Y/N) pulled into a different parking lot than the inn since the team wouldn't exactly be going home just yet. She had also made a quick pit stop on the way back, so she had kind of figured that everyone was probably already up.

Luckily, she could just throw on some shorts and deodorant and she'd be all good for the day. Grabbing her coffee along with some other small paper bags, the tall girl got out of her car, locked it with her key fob, and started making her way back to the inn. And sure enough, as she had expected, some of the second years were already up and dressed for the day.

Riko was one of them, so (Y/N) was kind of hoping she would overlook her little early morning outing since she knew about the red head leaving for LA early that morning.

The brunette coach had been waiting for everyone to come back out so she could check out of the inn, and so far, she knew some of them were still cleaning up in the bathroom. Which is where she thought her little cousin was as well. But when Riko realized that the tall girl hadn't come out of any of the bathrooms, she knew something was up.

And honestly, she really shouldn't have been surprised when she caught sight of the triple threat out of the corner of her eye, holding a coffee cup and was still in her pajamas. Ooh, the tall girl could see the look on her older cousin's face, and that was the one she had whenever she was ready to give the (h/c) haired girl a major butt chewing.

Riko's jaw dropped a little bit as she saw the tall girl approaching her. Luckily, the triple threat had a secret weapon.

"Did you seriously-" the coach started, ready to tell the younger girl that she had been a little worried about where she had been.

And where had she been? To get freaking coffee, of course! But still, a little heads up would've been appreciated so that the brunette coach wouldn't worry so much. Kind of irritated her a little bit. But before Riko could go off on her little rant, the triple threat made her move as she put one of her hands out to stop her cousin right in her tracks.

"AH! Before you get too mad, I bought you a cake pop and a chocolate-filled croissant," (Y/N) held out the small paper bag that she had been holding.

Food was always the answer. And it could defintely make someone not so mad to the point where there was a chance that the tall girl could get away without receiving a bonk to the head by Riko. She was also glad that Hyuga wasn't out here yet because then it'd be two against one, which weren't very fair odds, in her mind.

The second year coach didn't know what to say at first. But she did take the bag before looking inside to see the two pasteries, one of them being a cutely designed pastel pink cake pop that was made to look like a pig. Okay, even though she was seriously thinking about bopping her little doofus of a cousin on the head, Riko had to admit, the triple threat defintely made up for it by getting her breakfast.

Letting out a small sigh through her nose, the brunette shook her head before letting out a small smile as she looked back to see her younger cousin giving her the usual bright grin, tilting her head as if to say 'yeah, I know what you like'.

"Gosh, I love you so much," the coach finally caved as (Y/N) let out a victorious laugh.

"I thought so," the triple threat joked as she took another drink of her coffee.

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