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Third POV

As the two miracles approached the court, they could hear the crowds beginning to roar from outside of where the teams would usually enter. And the triple threat could see the rest of Seirin waiting patiently by the entrance, ready to walk out onto the court in a few minutes. Even if she didn't want the others to know that she had been crying and all that, (Y/N) wasn't at all anxious about the others asking her what was wrong.

She could tell that Riko already knew judging by the way she quickly snapped her head around when she heard footsteps coming their way. And when she did that, it was like the others kind of fell in line. The tall girl could tell they all had been worried, considering how she reacted when Kuroko brought up Akashi's name. It wasn't exactly the reaction one would have when an old friend said they wanted to see them.

The second year coach quickly let her family-mode take over as she rushed over to the (h/c) haired girl while the two miracles stopped just a short distance away. (Y/N) kind of moved some of her long bangs out of the way of her eyes with her finger. She knew that Riko knew, and she wasn't going to hide that she had been crying.

"You okay?" The older cousin asked the younger one, nudging her arm with her own.

She hadn't ever seen the tall girl react like that when it came to meeting old friends. That was very unlike her cousin, because (Y/N) was very much a social butterfly and enjoyed meeting new people, seeing old friends, she was very much a people person. But seeing that look of pure fear on the triple threat's face was very unsettling. And Riko could see the slight red coloration of the taller one's eyelids, a sign that she had been crying.

The tall girl could sense that concern coming from her family and friends. But, she wasn't feeling that fear eating at her gut any longer. She was genuinely feeling better, so (Y/N) was able to put on a smile in order to kind of ease the tension that had filled the air. She'd explain the whole story eventually, but now really wasn't the best time for that. So for now, all the triple threat was let out a grin and nod her head.

"Yeah, I'm okay now," she assured her cousin before sending her grin to the rest of the team.

She assumed Kagami had told them the bare minimum of what had happened, but she knew the whole story would come out eventually. However, for now, she just wanted the others to know that she was doing fine and was more than ready to get out there to play her ass off. And her grin seemed to soothe everyone's nerves a little bit as smiles began to appear on their faces as well.

"Kiddo, you ready to get your hair done?" The girl's personal hairstylist called over to her while sitting on one of the benches, kind of waving her hairbrush a little.

If she were a little pup that had just heard her favorite word, then the girl's ears would be perking up on top of her head with her tail wagging.

"Yep!" She was quick to answer.

(Y/N) didn't hesitate to start her cute little waddle over to Hyuga with that larger than life smile on her face. The glasses wearing captain could only smirk as he let out a huff of a laugh through his nose while the girl plopped down right in front of him, ready to let him work his magic on her long locks.

Feeling his fingers run through her hair, the triple threat was starting to feel more relaxed than she had been earlier. It had been a lot, and the game hasn't even started yet. While the triple threat was beginning to feel better, the thought of what Akashi had said to her was still in the back of her head. He wasn't one to say something and not act on it, so when he made the threat of taking her away from Seirin, that was something that made her nervous.

She was trying her hardest not to let it bother her, but when it came to what happened in middle school between her and the miracle captain, it wasn't just something she could just forget all that easily.

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