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jimin's mother decided it was time for jimin to get new clothes after the boy cried nearly everytime something felt remotely tight or didn't fit him.

going clothes shopping was going tobe extremely challenging, especially for jimin according to his therapist. he thought it would be a good idea for jimin to be accompanied with supportive people.

jimin decided to just take yoongi, having too many people would just overwhelm him. yoongi was always a person he could rely on.

"i don't want to make yoongi feel awkward because i know he's really shy so i'll be doing my own thing. you can have my card, okay? call me if you need anything" she said, jimin nodded and they left for the mall.

the car ride to the mall was nerve wracking, "mom, do you think this means i'm getting fat?" jimin asked as he looked out the window, "no, it means you're achieving a good physical state" she said, "why?" jimin asked, picking at his nails.

"well, when your hair was orange, it was all i could find around the house. it was like having a cat, but it was you losing your hair everywhere you went. you don't pass out at practice anymore because you're giving your body fuel" she said, "i was really happy the first day you went to the clinic"

jimin hummed, "i hated that day. i remember it like it was yesterday. i feel okay about the clinic now" he said, "and i guess you're write about the physical thing. i feel more energized in general" he said, "see? that's great!"

jimin smiled, maybe recovery was for the best.

the two boys walked into the first clothing store they saw. it was filled with jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, pretty much everything.

"what do you want to buy first?" yoongi asked, looking around. the other boy hummed, "probably jeans, those seem to be the ones that are tighter on me" he said, yoongi nodded.

in his opinion, jimin should've invited taehyung because taehyung was a fashionista. yoongi doesn't think taehyung has repeated an outfit since the beginning of the school year.

jimin told the size jeans that has stopped fitting him and yoongi grabbed a size that was a bit bigger than that. he grabbed a couple pairs before they moved to the shirt aisle.

"what shirt size were you?" yoongi asked, "extra small" jimin spoke, he felt like his arms feel larger at the though of having to change sizes.

it was mostly yoongi talking the whole time about what colors looked good on jimin (basically all of them), but jimin was in his own world thinking about sizes, jeans, and numbers.

yoongi stopped talking when he heard jimin sniffle, he pulled the boy into a tight hug, "it's okay, it really is. you're doing what's best for you" yoongi promised, "it doesn't feel like it" he sniffled, "i know it doesn't, but i swear it is. everyone gains weight, jimin. i'm really proud of you. you deserve to be happy. life is too short to worry about what letter is on the back of your shirt and how many calories a sandwich has, okay? life is so much more than that and all the people in your life can show you that" yoongi softly said as he rubbed circles on the back of jimin's back.

"oh gosh, you really are the best. you know what would make me feel better?" jimin sniffled, pulling away from the hug, "what?" yoongi asked, caressing jimin's hair, "buying couple pj's"

number 13 | yoominWhere stories live. Discover now