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Shōta Aizawa was at a hole-in-the-wall bar, drinking with Hizashi Yamada and other heroes after a successful fight against villains. Mic had cheerfully offered to buy everyone drinks, making them gladly join, though he had to drag a reluctant Eraserhead along. Now, Aizawa was drinking away at the bar, watching indifferently as everyone laughed, danced and had the time of their lives. He turned back to the bar with a sigh, downing his drink before asking for another as he thought briefly how irresponsible they were all being. One of the female heroes who had joined them went to sit next to him, cheerfully grinning at him. He wasn't sure if it was because he was drunk or just didn't care to know, but he didn't remember her hero name, much less her actual name. "Eraser, come on! You should come join the rest of us instead of just drinking alone over here!" She told him, shouting a bit over all the noise. "No thanks, I'm not social enough for this kind of scene." He grumbled, not really caring if she heard him or not. She got the gist though and pouted at him, poking his arm playfully. "You need to learn when to live a little! You know, be spontaneous and fun!" She said him, spreading her arms out as she grinned again. He glanced at her dully, now officially black-out drunk after finishing his 5th drink, though he somehow managed to maintain his normal attitude. However, the word 'spontaneous' got in his head, and he threw all inhibitions out the window. "Alright." Aizawa agreed, making her cheer from her success. She turned confused when he took her hand and began dragging her out the bar instead of to the other heroes. "Where are we going?" She asked hesitantly, looking back as she heard the others wolf-whistle at them, Yamada cheering on Aizawa. "Somewhere that we can be spontaneous." He told her.

The heroine looked curious as they arrived at a house, though she had to catch Aizawa a few times when he stumbled on the way there. "Where are we?" She asked, and Aizawa took out a set of keys. "My house." He muttered as he fumbled with the keys. When he found the right one, he tried sticking them in the keyhole, but kept missing. "Here, let me." She said before gently taking the keys from him. She became a bit nervous as she felt Aizawa watching her, but she unlocked the door for them successfully. They both walked in and took off their shoes, and the heroine walked further into the house, looking around in interest. "You have a nice home." She complimented, but didn't hear Aizawa answer, only hearing shuffling in his direction. "So, what did you want us to do?" She asked as she turned to him, but yelped and quickly looked away, blushing when she found him taking his shirt off, his binds and goggles already on the floor. "Wh-what are you doing?!" She exclaimed, covering her face with her hands. She peeked at him between her fingers and saw him toss his shirt on the floor, squeaking as she covered her eyes again. She heard him walk up to her, feeling him gently grab her hips and press against her from behind. She felt herself get hotter as she felt his dick harden against her, and she shivered when he breathed in her ear. "You wanted me to be spontaneous, right? Then I'll be spontaneous for you."

~the next morning~

Aizawa groaned as he woke up on his bed, his arm hurting from laying on it under his side. The light shown from his window, burning his eyes, and goosebumps ran over his body as he felt a cold breeze. He looked down and saw he was naked, and saw his underwear and pants on the floor at the foot of the bed. He got up with another groan, feeling sick as he grabbed his underwear off the floor. He quickly put it on, then raced to his toilet as he felt vomit rise up his throat. After throwing up everything in his stomach, he sighed and wiped his mouth, then heard his phone ring from his room. He got up and went to his pants, remembering his phone was in the back pocket, then answered the phone after taking it out and putting it to his ear. "Hello?" He grumbled a bit hoarsely, then cleared his throat. "Shōta! What happened to you last night? Did you have a good time with that one girl - what was her name again?" Aizawa pushed his phone away from his ear in pain and annoyance as Yamada spoke loudly through the phone. He sighed and rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache from the hangover setting in. "I don't know what you're talking about. The last thing I remember was drinking at the bar, then I woke up at home." He told his friend, not bothering to mention he was naked since he didn't want to deal with the humiliation. He heard Yamada hum in thought. "I thought you left with that one heroine. I can't remember her name... If she's not with you, I wonder what happened to her?" He said. "I'm not sure, but I wouldn't bring her to my home." Aizawa grumbled. "If there's nothing else you wanted to talk about, I'm going to hang up. I need to take care of this hangover you gave me. I'll see you later." He said, and without letting Yamada answer, he hung up. As he sighed and looked at his messy bed, his eyebrows furrowed at what looked like a wet spot on his sheets. He went to touch it, and felt it was still a bit damp. "I really hope I didn't piss on my bed while I was drunk." Aizawa sighed in annoyance.

~8 months later~

Paramedics rushed into a hospital, pushing a gurney with a pregnant woman inside. She was severely injured and bleeding from a deep wound on her chest, going in and out of consciousness as the paramedics transferred her over to a doctor and some nurses. The doctor ordered a few of the nurses to get the surgery room ready, that the woman was dying and they had to try to at least save the child. Everyone rushed around, and after prepping the surgery room, the doctor did a C-section on the woman, who was already dosed on morphine. "Ma'am, can you hear me? You have a daughter, ma'am." One of the nurses said, holding the baby for her to see as the doctor stitched her back up and moved to close her chest wound. The woman's weary eyes looked at the little girl, and she smiled, lifting her hand as if she was going to stroke the baby's head. "My baby..." She whispered, and the nurse took her hand. "Ma'am, is there anyone we can contact, like a relative or the father to be with the baby?" The nurse asked. "Shōta... Aizawa... He's... father... Tell him... her name... is... Nara..." The woman murmured brokenly before taking her last breath, her hand going limp in the nurse's hand. Everyone rushed to try and revive her, the doctor ordering the nurse who held the baby to incubate her and take her to the nursery. The nurse did as told, and after a minute, they failed to revive the mother. The doctor sighed in disappointment, then voiced out the time and cause of death while writing it on a clipboard. One of the nurses whispered in his ear, and he sighed again. "One of you call the police. We need to get Eraserhead here, let him know he's a father, and the mother has passed away." A nurse quickly left the room, and the doctor shook his head. "So this is why she was on hiatus this whole time..." He muttered.

After an hour, the police found Aizawa, who was on night patrol with Yamada. "Eraserhead! We need you to come with us, it's urgent!" One of the officers shouted. The two heroes looked at each other in slight confusion before rushing to the police. They were escorted to the hospital, confusing them further because they weren't close enough to anyone for them to be asked at the hospital. "Ah, you're here." A doctor approached them. He shook Aizawa's and Yamada's hand, and didn't question why Yamada was there. "Come with me, I'll tell you the situation once we're there and you're seated. I'm sure this might be a shock for you." The doctor said, then led the two to the nursery. Aizawa stopped a few feet away once the doctor moved to open the door, Yamada yelping as he bumped into Aizawa's back. He saw his friend's eyes become wide, and turned to the doctor in confusion and concern. "Why are we at a nursery? Weren't we brought here at someone's request?" Yamada asked. The doctor sighed and motioned to some nearby chairs. "Sit, please." He told them, and Yamada directed Aizawa to sit down before sitting next to him. The doctor stared at them as he put his hands on his hips. "The person who asked for you has passed away. I don't know if you remember the hero, Shadow Walker, and how she went on hiatus months ago without saying why?" He started, and the two nodded. "She was brought in after being attacked by villains who targeted her on her way home. She was 8 months pregnant, and we managed to save her child before she passed. Her last words were that the child's name is Nara, and you, Eraserhead, are the father." He explained, stunning them. "That's not right. I was never involved with Shadow Walker like that." Aizawa protested. "Eraser, wait. Remember that night we were at the bar? I know I saw you leave with her that night, and you said you were home when I called you in the morning. Are you sure nothing happened?" Yamada asked. It was then that Aizawa completely remembered that night, and he covered his mouth in horror at his drunken foolishness. He looked up and glared at Yamada, who eeped and flinched in fright. "I am never going out to drink with you ever again." Aizawa grumbled. "So, you are the father?" The doctor asked, and Aizawa sighed before nodding. "Wow, you're going to have to tell me what happened for you to knock up Shadow that night." Yamada said in shock. "No, I'm not." Aizawa told him before getting up. "The baby is in there?" He asked, pointing at the nursery door, and the doctor nodded.

Aizawa walked into the room, Yamada hurrying behind him, and the two stopped in front of an incubator, a sign saying 'Nara Aizawa' hanging from it while a baby girl slept inside. "Aww, she kinda looks like you, Shōta!" Yamada said a bit loudly, and he grunted when Aizawa slapped a hand over his mouth. "Quiet, you're going to wake all the kids up." He told him as he removed his hand, and Yamada pouted at him. He looked at the little girl, seeing her fluffy tufts of black hair and her slightly sharp eyes. He silently admitted to himself that she did sort of look like him, and sighed, not looking forward to being a father.

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