Approval Pt. 1

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After our slow walk back to the dorms, Hawks, trying to act like a gentleman, opened the front door for me and dramatically gestured for me to go first with a grin on his face. I smiled and rolled my eyes at him as I walked in, but stopped after a few steps as everyone went silent and looked at us. They seemed to have tried to go back to their usual routines, but all of their shadows read the same thing: Are Hawks and I dating now? I sighed in exasperation as Hawks went up to wrap an arm around my shoulder. "Yes, everyone, we're dating now." I told them.

The boys got all excited and looked like they were going to congratulate us, but they winced and complained when the girls let out the same ear-piercing scream that they made when I told them Hawks and I nearly kissed earlier. 'God, I don't want to find out what they'll do when they make me tell them that we made out this time.' I thought with a sweat drop. "Will you banshees stop your damn screeching?! You're going to make me burn the food!" We heard Katsuki yell from the kitchen. "Shut up, Bakugou! Nara's dating Hawks now!" Mina yelled back as she rushed to drag me away again, the girls already waiting by the dining tables for us. I looked back at Hawks in concern, wondering if he'll be okay, but he gave me an amused, reassuring smile before the boys guided him to the kitchen.

"Oh my god, you have to tell us what happened." Mina said in the 'spill the tea' tone. "Yeah, I'm really curious what happened. You dragged Hawks away all angry at him for spying on us and now you're dating him. It's kinda surprising." Jiro added in confusion. I sheepishly chuckled. "Ah, yeah. I was upset at first and kinda argued with him a bit about that, but when I tried walking away from him, he pulled me back and kissed me." I started explaining, but winced with a grin as they screamed excitedly again. "Girl, how was it? Was he soft on you or did things get heated?" Mina asked insistently, making the girls protest a bit. "Oh my god, Mina, calm down! My relationship isn't a tv romance drama!" I laughed, but she grabbed my arm and shook it a bit. "Come on, Nara! I need some excitement in my life besides the life-and-death situations of being a hero!" She whined, and I gently brushed her off me.

"All right, all right. We did do a chaste kiss at first, but then we actually started to make out. We didn't French kiss, though, we just moved our lips against each other." I explained, and the girls squealed. "Did he do anything else to you? Or did you try anything?" Hagakure asked, but I laughed and shook my head. "Oh no. Hawks and I are both inexperienced in the whole dating scene, but even then, I couldn't do anything to him. I was like putty in his hands as he kissed me, especially when he wrapped his wings around me." I told her, and they all awed.

"Wait, are you serious? Hawks hasn't dated or even kissed anyone before? And you haven't either?" Mina demanded in astonishment. "Uh, yeah. I was hanging around villains who prioritized ruining people's lives over dating, and my priority was taking care of Tomura at the time. Hawks had the same thing - he had to prioritize becoming a hero over dating someone, so yeah, we're both new at all of this." I explained with a raised eyebrow, wondering how she hadn't figured that out yet. "I'm really happy for you both, though. You guys seem happier now that you're together." Momo told me with a smile. "Yeah, congratulations, Nara!" Ochaco agreed with a grin as the other girls nodded. "Thanks, guys." I said with a smile of my own.

~3rd pov~

As the girls talked, the boys brought Hawks over to the kitchen so they could have Izuku and Katsuki in the conversation as well. "Wow, man. Congratulations on getting with Nara." Kirishima told Hawks with a grin and a pat on his shoulder. "Yeah, I'm surprised you got with the former villain so quickly." Denki agreed, looking a bit shocked. "Congratulations, Hawks! Honestly, it's kinda weird to think Nara likes you now when she had a crush on Kacchan when we were kids." Izuku said, scratching his head sheepishly. "Don't talk about that time, you damn nerd. Nara got over it, and she's dating the overgrown bird man now. And if you ever hurt her, I'll blow you up to smithereens." Katsuki told Izuku before threatening Hawks, pointing his cooking chopsticks at him with a glare. Hawks chuckled and raised his hands in defense. "Don't worry, I would never think about doing that to her." He reassured. Katsuki looked at him a bit longer doubtfully before going back to cooking the stir fry. Izuku had made rice to go with it and had helped Katsuki prepare the stir fry, now standing away from him so he could finish cooking in peace.

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