Into the Lion's Den

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"Nice reunion, but we still have a problem on our hands." I reminded the classmates while gesturing at the gates, and everyone fell silent as they heard the protesters still shouting from the other side. I could hear Uncle Mic trying to talk them down either with the speakers on his costume or with a megaphone, but he wasn't making any progress. "Right now, most of the civilians have been evacuated to shelters across the country. The ones left outside are anti-hero vigilante groups and rioting extremists taking advantage of what the jailbreakers started. Members of the anti-hero groups have also become exhausted and more are entering the shelters." Thirteen began telling Izuku and I, and we looked to the gates as we continued to hear the rioting. "Because most of the rioters have formed gangs, they're easy to get rid of. As the evacuation continues, we've had to split our forces to deal with everything. Everyone's doing their best to improve the situation. Izuku, the help you'd been providing outside is able to be taken care of by other heroes or the police." She continued, and I noticed Izuku's surprise when he finally noticed the giant walls around the school. "The U.A. Barrier is up and running! And this wall is just the tip of the iceberg!" Sero exclaimed proudly as he pointed at the walls, and Hagakure bumped her fists together. "You'd be totally surprised once you hear about the system! They said we can combine with Shiketsu!" She added in excitement as she intertwined her fingers. "Shiketsu? Isn't that the second top hero school after U.A.?" I asked, and Thirteen nodded, making me hum in impression.

However, I glanced at Izuku when I sensed him turn hesitant. "Should I... go back...?" He mumbled to himself, listening to the people inside yelling about not wanting us here. I reached out and gripped the back of his neck, making him flinch. "If I have to go in there, so do you. If you don't, I'll drag you with me." I hissed into his ear, and he shrank away while nodding in fearful submission. "Let's get the both of you inside for now. It's dangerous to stay out here when we can be attacked at any moment." Best Jeanist suggested, moving to guide Izuku to the doorway of the gates. Papa came to my side and walked me over there as well, though I was still in a sour mood about the heroes' idiocy and the citizen's' selfishness. The 1-A class followed behind us, though Hawks, Endeavor and Shoto stayed behind. From what I heard from Papa and Uncle Mic at the hospital, the citizens are probably peeved at Endeavor because of Dabi, and Shoto is probably taking the heat as well for being a part of their family. It's probably best that they don't come in until the citizens calm down.

When we made it through the gate, we saw the crowd of protesters in front of the school doors. There was a guy in front who was clearly agitated and leading the crowd, though a few of the people in the crowd weren't protesting with the others. They seemed to be Katsuki and Izuku's mothers, one of the Wild, Wild Pussycats and her comrade's nephew - both of whom I recognized from when Kuro helped the League kidnap her and Katsuki - and a tall girl with a fox mutation quirk. Papa left my side and went to stand with the other school staff members, making me feel alone in all of this. "Prioritize our safety! Our safety! Don't let that boy and girl into U.A.! Don't let them in! He's the boy that Shigaraki is rumored to be after isn't he?! And she's Shigaraki's right hand woman!" The leader and the crowd shouted. "Hey, hey, calm down!" Mic told him desperately. "Hey, didn't you hear the principal's explanation? He said they'd guarantee our safety! So guarantee it! We can't accept this! We can't!" The guy yelled. "Hey-" Mic tried going to talk them down, but was interrupted. "We were told that it'd be safe! That's why we came!" A woman yelled.

I felt my heart sink from hurt and guilt at their words, but also sensed Kaida beginning to stir from my bubbling anger at the citizen's' selfishness. I sensed Izuku feeling guilty and unwanted as well, and as he took a few steps back to try and leave, I took control of his shadow and froze him in place. "Don't go." I murmured to him in a quiet plea, hoping that we'd support each other since we're the targets. Izuku paused at that and came back to my side, though we just looked miserable together now. "Why would you put bombs in here?! Yeah! You should put them somewhere that's not in U.A.! If you're going to hide them, do it somewhere else! Somewhere else!" A guy yelled with the crowd, and I lowered my head to hide my sneer. 'Where else could we go?' I silently questioned.

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