Group Chat

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After we finished messing around with each other, Izuku and Katsuki bid their parents farewell before leaving with Mina, Tokoyami, Ochaco and I. I was in the middle of the group, Tokoyami and Katsuki on either side of me with Mina beside Katsuki and Ochaco and Izuku beside Tokoyami. "So, where were you guys planning on going now that you've said hi to everyone?" Izuku asked, and Mina shrugged. "I don't know. Probably just go back to the dorms. We're all kinda tired from walking around." She replied. "Actually, it's lunchtime right now. Do you guys want to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat?" Ochaco suggested. "We might as well. Last I saw, there was barely anything to eat in your guys' fridge at the dorms." I said, and Katsuki clicked his tongue. "We just had that damn thing restocked on Wednesday! I'm gonna blow up whoever decided to eat all the food!" He growled as his hands crackled with tiny explosions. "Calm down, you angry Pomeranian. We'll just ask Aizawa to get more for us." I told him as I rolled my eyes, but he whirled on me. "What did you call me?!" Katsuki demanded furiously.

I just used my Shadow Manipulation quirk to make him cover his mouth with his hands. Katsuki still tried yelling at me, though his voice was muffled. "By the way, Nara. Why do you call Aizawa-sensei 'Aizawa'? Shouldn't you call him 'dad' or 'father' since, you know, he's your dad?" Mina asked, and I shrugged. "I call him 'Papa' when it's just me and him. That's what I used to call him as a kid. I would call him 'father', but that's what I used to call All For One, so it'd be weird for me to start calling him that. I just call him 'Aizawa' around you guys because I don't know what else to call him." I explained.

"Speaking of Aizawa-sensei, he mentioned that you'll be helping us with our classes along with your chores at the dorms." Ochaco spoke up, and Izuku nodded. "Yeah, I wonder how that's going to work?" He added. "I don't know. He said that I'll mostly be helping with your guys' physical and quirk training or patrols. I swear, he better not make me help grade your damn homework and tests. I'm not a fucking pencil pusher." I replied, growling at the end. "He may very well do so. You didn't get much education from All For One, did you?" Tokoyami asked, and I groaned while lowering my head. "Tomura-nī and I were educated. Don't remind me, though. I was raised to be a fighter, not a nerd." I said in complaint. Mina reached over and patted my shoulder. "Don't worry! If you get stuck on something, we can help you with it!" She offered cheerfully, but I gave her a withering look. "You can't exactly do that if I'm supposed to be grading your work." I reminded her, and she pulled away to rub her head with a sheepish laugh.

After a couple minutes of walking, we finally reached the main school building. I had already released Katsuki by then, and though he was annoyed by me, he didn't start a fight. We walked through the halls of the school, the others greeting any teacher or staff member that we passed while Katsuki and I remained silent, though I was polite enough to slightly bow in greeting.

Mina threw open the cafeteria doors and skipped to the lunch line, Katsuki quickly following while the others stayed behind with me, Tokoyami and Izuku holding the doors so I could hobble through. "Nara, why don't you and Ochaco go sit down? Tokoyami and I can bring you guys your food." Izuku offered. "Yeah, sure." I sighed tiredly, and Ochaco gave him a smile. "Thanks, Deku." She told him. He nodded and smiled back before he and Tokoyami left to the line.

Ochaco guided me to a table and helped me sit, though I had refused her to make me float over there. The other students and staff were also having lunch - I didn't want them seeing me being dragged around like an invalid. I huffed a bit angrily at myself. 'I need to get my strength up quickly. I hate being this weak.' I grumbled in my mind.

Our friends soon returned to us with their food, Dark Shadow carrying my tray while Izuku used his black whip quirk to carry Ochaco's. I nodded in thanks to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow as they sat across from me, Mina sitting next to him with Katsuki on her other side while Izuku sat on the other side of Ochaco, who was next to me. We ate in silence for a while until a blonde boy dramatically and mockingly came up to us. "Well, if it isn't the 1-A students! Are you enjoying your lunch? If I remember correctly, the world is in chaos because you guys failed to stop Shigaraki and the rest of the Paranormal Liberation Front! Yet you're sitting here without a care in the world!" He began cackling. "Shut it, you damn weirdo. You're ruining my lunch." I grumbled at him with a slight glare.

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