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~Nara's pov~

Keigo continued carrying me even as we reached the gates of Ground Beta, Papa in front of us to lead us out. At the gates were Katsuki, Izuku, Shoto and Tokoyami, seeming to have been waiting for us, and Izuku ran up to us first. "Nara! Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, and I glanced at him with a small smile. "I'm fine. Just tired." I tried reassuring him, but Katsuki tsked and came up to us. He snatched my arm and held it up, making me wince as they all saw my torn up hands and blood covered arms. "Liar. What the hell did you do to yourself?" He demanded as he let my arm go, and my smile became a bit sheepish. "I kinda went into one of the office buildings and started breaking everything in sight. Then when everything was broken, I started punching the walls." I explained, and Tokoyami nodded in understanding. "You were trying to redirect your trauma away from everyone so you wouldn't hurt us." He said, making the other boys' eyes widen in realization. "You did that last time at the gym, too." Shoto remembered, and I chuckled weakly. "At this point, I should just get myself a rage room." I joked, and they all sweat dropped at me while Katsuki shook his head in exasperation.

Papa continued to lead all of us, Keigo right behind him as he carried me and the 1-A boys around us protectively. After a few minutes passed, I squirmed a bit in Keigo's arms. "Keigo, you can put me down now." I murmured to him, but he furrowed his eyebrows at me while securing his grip on me, making sure I didn't squirm more. "Angel, you're hurt and exhausted. Let us take care of you for the rest of the night, okay?" He said softly, clearly still worried about me. "Don't complain or I'll knock you out." Katsuki grumbled while giving me a side eye glare from Keigo's right, not even letting me speak up in protest first. "Kacchan, don't fight Nara. She's already hurt." Izuku reminded pleadingly from Keigo's left, gesturing for him to calm down. "Nara, are you still bleeding?" Shoto asked as he peeked at me from behind Izuku and Keigo. "Uh..." I trailed off as I lifted up my hands. The blood on my arms dried, but my hands were still bleeding sluggishly. "Here, you can wrap and put pressure on your hands with my cloak." Tokoyami offered as he removed his cloak and handed hit to me from behind Katsuki and Keigo. "Thanks." I told him as I took the cloak, rolling the fabric around my hands tightly. "Recovery Girl is waiting with Principal Nezu at the dorms. She'll heal you up when we get there, then we'll talk about what happened to you." Papa said as he continued looking forward.

After a couple more minutes, we soon arrived back at the 1-A dorms. I had to reassure everyone that I was fine, though they didn't believe me when Recovery Girl started healing me, and the old lady even tutted at me because of my wounds. "You're almost as bad as he is, though you didn't break any of your bones." She scolded while pointing at Izuku, who sweat dropped and smiled sheepishly. She kissed my head, activating her quirk and quickly healing my hands and the small cuts on my arms and legs, but I felt myself become a little more tired from the stamina
drain. Recovery Girl glanced at Keigo's small cuts. "I don't need to heal you, Hawks. Your injuries are small - we'd be wasting energy on healing your shallow cuts. I will sanitize and bandage you, though. You'll be fine in a few days." She told him, getting her first aid kit and patching Keigo up. He had to set me down on the bench in front of the dorms as she did, and I smirked a bit at the sight of him with bandages. He glanced down at me from where he was standing and smirked back at me with a raised eyebrow. "What's that look for?" He asked. "Strangely enough, you look hot when you're injured." I told him a bit flirtatiously, resting my elbow on the armrest of the bench and leaning my head against my hand casually, my smirk widening as I gazed at him. He chuckled at me, but Katsuki rolled his eyes and began walking to the front doors. "You guys are sickening. I'm going to bed." He grumbled, and I laughed. "You won't be saying that when you start dating, Kacchan!" I called to him, but he just flipped me off, making me laugh more. "We're going to get some sleep, too. Get better soon, Nara. We'll see you in the morning." Everyone else told me while waving as they went to the dorms. "Goodnight." I replied with a wave back, and Recovery Girl left as well once Keigo was patched up. All that was left were me, Keigo and Papa outside of the dorms.

My Hero Academia: Fallen Angel (Hawks Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora