Three Quirks

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Father and I arrived at what looked like an abandoned building, the outside looking run down with weeds and moss growing in the cracks. He unlocked the door and walked inside, setting me down as he locked the door behind us. I was surprised to see that that the inside of the building was actually kinda nice. It was dark and a bit creepy, but it wasn't as badly kept as it was outside. Father led me down the hall to an elevator, and we went a few floors down. The new hallway was bright and white, stinging my eyes a bit as Father led me down the hall to a room full of strange machines and a white bed. There was a bald man with glasses and a white coat in there, and he turned to us with a grin. "All For One! I see you have returned with another child. Are you planning on making her another one of your students?" He asked, and Father chuckled. "In a sense." He simply replied before turning to me. "Rin, this is Doctor Garaki, a good friend of mine. He'll be helping us learn more about you and make you stronger. You don't have to worry, you can trust him." He introduced, and I shyly turned to the doctor. "Hello." I timidly greeted. "Hello, Rin is it? Don't worry, All For One is right. I only do what is best for him and his followers. It may seem scary at first, but it will help you become something greater than you are now." The doctor reassured.

After that, Doctor Garaki did a couple of examinations on me. He drew blood from me for some tests, and looked over my body, which he called a physical exam. Father also brought me some food, and I ate as they looked over the results they found. They grinned at one of the results before turning to me, making me nervous. "Rin, do you remember who your first mommy and daddy's names were?" The doctor asked, making me frown. "Papa's name is Shota Aizawa, but I don't know mama's name. She died when I was born, but I remember my nanny talking with her friends that she was a hero who had something called a one night stand with papa. Nanny said it was kept secret until villains attacked mama, and a hospital had to help me be born before mama died." I explained. "Do you know what her hero name was?" Father asked, and my face scrunched up in concentration. "I think nanny said her name was Shadow Walker?" I said in question. I closed an eye as Father rubbed my head. "Good girl, Rin. Thank you for telling us." He praised me, making me smile as he turned away to talk more with the doctor.

I soon finished eating, and Doctor Garaki left the room with the dishes, leaving me with Father. "Now Rin, I'm going to do something that will help us see what quirks you have, alright?" He told me, and I became confused. "How are you gonna do that?" I asked, and he raised his hand, which I now noticed had a hole in the middle. "I'm going to use my quirk. It lets me give or take away other people's quirks, but I'm just going to see what quirks you have. No need to worry." He explained reassuringly. I frowned a bit, not able to help feeling nervous and worried, but I nodded. I closed my eyes as he placed his hand on my head, and I felt myself be sucked into a different place. When I opened my eyes, I was in a dark wispy place. I was now standing, Father standing in front of me with a grin. "Look, Rin." He told me, and I looked behind me. My eyes widened as I saw I had black and white wings. "Wow..." I said in amazement as I tried moving them, making them flutter. I looked further behind me, and my amazement turned to shock and slight fear. My shadow was a lot bigger, rising up and shifting into a bunch of different things. Me, small animals, big animals, and the largest one it turned into was a dragon. All the other forms had white eyes, but the dragon's was red as it spread its wings and roared ferociously. I felt my skin tingle, and I looked down to see it shifting, turning into different colors and textures as things like fire and explosions erupted from my hands. I became fearful and panicked, raising my arms in attempt to keep them away from me. "Father, what's happening?!" I cried out.

Suddenly, the wispy room disappeared, and I felt myself be placed back in my body. I felt so tired, and I would have fallen had Father not caught me. "There, there. You're alright, Rin. Just rest a bit." He soothed. It took me a couple minutes to feel normal again, and I sat up when I was better. "Father, what happened to me?" I asked a bit fearfully. "It seems you naturally have three quirks. It's a bit unheard of and rare, which makes you very special, Rin." He explained with a smile. He went on to explain each of my quirks. The first one we already knew about was my shadow quirk. I had inherited it from mama, but it was apparently more powerful or evolved, as Father called it. He explained that mama could just control other people's shadows like how a person controls a puppet or doll, but I can do more than that. My shadow has a life of its own, able to take the same appearance as me or other animals, and has its own thoughts and feelings. Father added that its strongest form is the dragon, which can only appear when I'm really upset. The second quirk that I have is something I might have inherited from papa, but like mama's quirk, it evolved. My second quirk lets me copy other people's quirks, but Father said that the quirks I copy are stronger when I use them. He explained that's what happened to me when I fought back against my bullies at school, and he assumed I had copied a quirk from someone else to make glass break when I screamed at the principal's office. Father asked me if I met someone called Hizashi Yamada, or Present Mic, and I agreed that he visited me, nanny and papa last week. Father explained Uncle Mic's quirk to me and said I must have copied it without realizing it. I was worried about my quirks so far, but Father reassured that he'll help me use them properly. The last quirk I had were my wings. Father explained that I can do more than fly with them. With my left white wing, I can heal people, from small cuts and bruises to restoring parts of bodies that were recently lost, even bringing someone back from the brink of death. With my right black wing, I can stop someone's movements. Father said it's like making someone go numb or paralyzed, and I can go as far as making them fall asleep. He explained that I most likely inherited it from one of my grandparents, that it probably skipped my parents, and it was a rare possibility that it was a random manifestation.

Doctor Garaki walked back in once Father was done explaining my quirks. "Now, Rin. I want you to try using your wing quirk. You already seem to be able to use your other two quirks, so let's see if you can use your third quirk. I'll make a small cut on my finger for you to heal, and then you can paralyze me or Doctor Garaki. Afterwards, the doctor can do tests to see how much your quirk affects you." Father told me, but I frowned. "Father, I don't know how to activate it, or my other quirks. I was just able to talk to Kuro one day, and like you said, she's able to control herself." I said as I looked down, close to crying in fear that I disappointed him. He chuckled and rubbed my head again. "It's alright, just do your best. If you can't use it today, we can try again tomorrow, okay?" He reassured. I looked up at Father in surprise, and felt touched that he was being so nice to me. 'So this is what a father is supposed to be like...' I thought to myself. Encouraged, I closed my eyes and had my fists close to my chest as I concentrated, imagining my wings coming out of my back. After a moment of remembering how they looked, from the bend of my wing to the tips of my feathers, I felt something extend from the back of my shoulders, like an extra pair of arms, and I also heard my shirt rip. I opened my eyes and turned around in shock, then grinned in happiness at the sight of my wings. "Father, father, look! My wings came out!" I said excitedly as I looked to him. Father grinned too, along with Doctor Garaki, who was getting a measuring tape and a clipboard. "Good job, Rin!" Father praised, making me glow in happiness. "Alright, Rin-chan, let's do a physical test on your wings." Doctor Garaki suggested, making me pause and nod. He hummed as he measured parts of each wing. "Alright, can you now spread out your wings as much as you can?" He asked, and I hesitantly nodded. I tried imagining them spreading on their own, but only managed to make them flutter. I slightly whimpered in anxiety before stretching my arms out, hoping that if I did that, it'll be easier to imagine my wings spreading out. I gasped and became happy when they did, my wings fluttering again in my excitement. "Good, good. It seems you have trouble moving your wings normally, but we can work on that as you get older. Now, let's see..." He said, then measured from one tip of my wing to the other. "Okay... Wings themselves are small, but may grow with age... Wingspan... Alula... Coverts... Primaries... Secondaries..." He murmured towards the end, saying the measurements of each part he took.

I sighed and lowered my arms, relieved that we were done with that as my wings folded back. I gasped as Father cut his finger, though. "Now, we're going to really use your quirks. Go ahead and heal me, Rin." He told me. I nervously nodded as my wings fluttered, and stared hard at the cut as I tried imagining it healing. A minute passed, and I squeezed my eyes shut, desperate for it to work. Finally, I felt a tingling sensation in my left wing, along with the sensation of energy being drained from me. "Good job, Rin! I'm all healed." Father praised, and I sleepily opened my eyes to look at him, seeing him holding up his healed finger. "Hmm, it seems that drained some of Rin-chan's energy." Doctor Garaki spoke up, making Father hum in consideration. "Okay, Rin. If you can, try paralyzing me or the doctor." He said anyway. I groggily nodded, and stared at the doctor. I decided to just imagine my sleepiness going to him, but when I saw it wasn't working, I imagined that his body was just going numb. My right wing felt tingly like how my left one did, and I felt myself passing out as the last thing I saw was the doctor falling to his knees.

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