Paranormal Liberation Front

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A week passed since defeating the Liberation Army and taming Machia. The Army's medical team had looked over those of us who were badly injured, like Toga, Giran and Nīsan. They stabilized them, and once I had enough strength, I healed everyone with my Angel quirk. The only one I didn't heal was Re-Destro, making the excuse that I was too tired again when it was just insurance that he won't try anything again. I had to recover for another day, and found out later that Skeptic and his tech group staged what happened as an attack from a criminal group, that the citizens resisted them before the heroes of the city could help.

Once everything settled, we were given a base in the mountains in a building called Gunga Villa, and Nīsan had us celebrate with sushi to our delight. "Delicious!" I hummed in pleasure after I popped a sushi into my mouth. I caressed my face, and I saw Dabi smirk at me from my seat next to him on the couch. "Man, this must be what they mean by 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.'" Compress said cheerfully. "You didn't do anything, did you?" Dabi questioned him with his arms crossed. "Come off it. I did my part to run away." Compress replied. "Dabi, if you aren't gonna eat, then I will." Spinner told him. "Hey, save some for me! I haven't had some since Father was disabled by All Might." I protested before snatching another piece of sushi. "Go ahead. I hate fish." Dabi said while waving his hand.

Twice chimed a bowl three times, crying at his memorial of Toga from when she was hurt a week ago. "Toga, I'm sorry! If you hadn't shared your blood, then right now, Toga would be..." He cried, and Toga held up a piece of sashimi. "Please stop that. I'm alive, so I don't like it." She said from her spot on her beanbag. "Seriously, Twice. I already healed everyone, and you're acting like we died." I added, my voice muffled as I chewed on my sushi. "Don't talk with your mouth full. That's disgusting." Dabi told me while frowning, and I rolled my eyes as I swallowed. I teasingly blowed in his face, knowing my breath smelled like fish, and I laughed as he leaned away while groaning in disgust.

Twice tossed away the stick he was using then kicked away the memorial. "Let's stop doing what other people don't like! My leg's moving on its own! What're you doing, leg? I was bad. Don't hit me... Huh?! What'd you say, me?!" Twice said to himself. "I thought you got over your trauma. Are there more of you in there now?" Dabi questioned. "It looks like forced treatment just made it worse." Spinner added.

"It's time. Come." Skeptic told us as he entered the room, and I was the first to stand. "Shut up! We're still eating our sushi!" Twice yelled, but we all got up and were led to an elevator. "That sushi was bought by our money. The medical treatment, video editing, and Toga's coat were also all because of our sponsorship." Skeptic said. "Huh? If it weren't for us, that baldy would be in the hospital instead of this hideout!" Twice countered. "Or in a body bag." I added with a grumble. "Stop this, Skeptic. They are who the grand -- I mean, Re-Destro -- chose. Re-Destro's words are still Destro's words." Hanabata said as we were led to the secret passageway, taking us underground and where our supporters and stage were at. As everyone waited for the speech to start, I went to stand next to Nīsan while Hanabata stood with Re-Destro, both who were sitting in separate chairs on the stage, though Re-Destro was in a wheelchair while Nīsan was in a fancy armchair.

"Welcome, and thank you for coming, Liberation warriors! I'm Re-Destro of the Meta Liberation Army! The Metahuman Liberation Army will now be reborn!" Re-Destro began as the back of the stage opened up for the others to walk up. "I believe without a doubt that the League was an obstacle until that day! I had blinders on! I was a prisoner of blood, unable to break free from what I'd been taught! But there, I saw a new liberation! This is not surrender! Tomura Shigaraki is the one who is truly free! I was filled with awe, which necessitated my abdication! From this moment on, the Liberation Army recognizes Tomura Shigaraki as the grand commander and with that, its second coming! As we walk down a deeper path of liberation, the Metahuman Liberation Army and the League of Villains will unite under a new name! The idea came from me, Re-Destro, and Spinner, from the League! Now, the name please, Tomura Shigaraki!"

The others walked up with random poses, and I stared indifferently at the crowd as Nīsan said we were now called the Paranormal Liberation Front. "Pushing aside the name of 'villain' and allowing the meta framework to be interpreted more broadly. And the 10 people on stage will be my lieutenants. Teams will be assigned based on what they need. Anyway, the name's the same as this. It's just decoration. We'll do what we want." Nīsan explained, taking his hand mask off with a grin, and everyone cheered. As they did, I sensed something off, and searched through each of the shadows. I stopped at Hawks, seeing him looking around in slight panic. His shadow read that he was undercover for the HPSC so they could stop us, but unfortunately, my quirk isn't like mind reading. I can't see all that he's thinking or what his memories are, I can only see the intentions, main thoughts and feelings. Either way, I smiled as we locked eyes, and I tried conveying that I knew what he was here for. His had widened at that, but he seemed to calm at how tired I looked. I was tired -- tired of fighting, tired of this world, but I went on because of years of looking after Nīsan, the habit of caring for him preventing me from giving up and leaving.

At the end of the speech, we went to the back entrance of the stage. "Well done today! Would you like something to drink?" Re-Destro asked, rubbing his hands rapidly. "Go away." Nīsan told him as he and I walked away. "With pleasure! We're going, Trumpet!" Re-Destro agreed, speeding away from us down the hall in his wheelchair, and Hanabata followed at a slower pace. Nīsan tripped, still exhausted from over exerting himself these past months, but I caught and steadied him. "Hey!" Spinner exclaimed in worry. "He took so much damage, it's a miracle he survived long enough for Rin to heal him." Compress said as he walked up to us. "It doesn't help that my Angel quirk only heals, not energizes." I added in a grumble.

"'The Paranormal Liberation Front.' What a flashy name. Well, I guess it's better than a cheap name like the League of Villains." Doctor said from our comms, and Nīsan grinned. "Machia listened to me. I think I reached that minimum level you were talking about." Nīsan told him. "Yes. Your memory's back, and you've returned to who you were made to be, quirk included. As promised, I will grant you power. If that is what you wish." Doctor agreed, and I became worried. I wasn't just worried about what this power entails, but with the destructive power of all the Front, Machia, and Nīsan, I was worried what will happen to the world. I hated how cruel people were and how two-faced heroes could be, but now that we've gotten this far, how much death and destruction will come if we continue like this and Nīsan gets more power?

Despite how hesitant I was about all of this, I decided to just ask one thing. "Doctor, what exactly is this power you're offering?" I asked. "Just as I am able to bioengineer Nomus and give them multiple quirks, I can do the same for Tomura. The particular quirk I want to give him is All For One, just like the one your Father and Sensei has, along with the other quirks that come with it." Doctor explained, shocking me. "All For One? Are you serious?" I questioned, my worry growing. "Hmm, I can see this worries you, Rin. Which is why I told Tomura beforehand to assign you the role of lieutenant. I'll admit, the process won't be pleasant, so it'd be best if you stand down from guard duty for now." He told me, making my worry for the world switch to Nīsan. "No, I can't-" "Rin, I want to do this. As my sister and protector, you should be supporting me. Besides, I've lived through enough pain, so this shouldn't be that bad." Nīsan interrupted me, and I hesitated as I looked at him in concern. "Heh, we'll see about that." Doctor chuckled.

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