New Recruits Pt 1

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"So, you want to add me to your numbers? No matter what you want to accomplish, it is necessary to have conviction and desire. Those without it and those who are weak will be weeded out. It's only natural."

I snarled from my spot at the bar as Stain had Nīsan pinned on the ground, a blade on one side of his neck while another was in his shoulder. Nīsan wanted to recruit Stain for the League, but had ordered me beforehand not to attack Stain no matter the reason. I so desperately wanted to send Kuro out to protect him as I ripped Stain's head off for daring to attack him, but I felt compelled to obey as well. So, I sat terribly conflicted and enraged at my seat at the bar, my grip on the table causing it to break as I tried not to let Kaida out.

"That's why it turned out like this." Stain finished telling Nīsan. "Oww... That's too hard." Nīsan complained, making me grip the table harder. "Kurogiri, take this guy back." He ordered. However, Kurogiri was paralyzed. Stain had cut his arm and consumed his blood, activating his quirk and disabling him. I was left untouched purely because I used my Shadow Manipulation quirk to keep Stain from attacking me. If he did put his blades anywhere near me, I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from fighting back and killing him. "I-I can't move my body... It must be the hero killer's quirk..." Kurogiri strained.

"This society overgrown with fake heroes, where the word itself has lost its true meaning, and the criminals who wave their power around idly should all be purged." Stain said as he inched his blade closer to Nīsan's neck. My duty to protect him began to outweigh the orders I was given, and I stared wildly at Stain as I began to stand and kill him. However, Nīsan grabbed the blade, making me pause and wait. "Hey, wait a sec... Not this palm... I'll kill you." Nīsan told him with a glare, beginning to use his decay to break the blade, and Stain hesitated. "You sure talk a lot. Conviction? I don't have anything grand like that." He said as he broke the blade. "If I had to say... Yeah, it'd be All Might. I feel like I really want to completely crush this society, where trash like that gets worshipped." Nīsan explained with a maniacal grin, making Stain shudder. Nīsan went to grab him, but he jumped away, holding his knife up in defense as Nīsan stood. "We have Rin as a healer in our party, but it lowers her health when she heals us, you know. Will you take responsibility for this?" Nīsan questioned as he scratched his neck.

"So that's who you are...?" Stain asked, making Nīsan pause in confusion. "It seems our goals oppose each other. However, we do agree on one thing -- to destroy the present." He explained with a smile, but Nīsan dropped his hand in indifference. "Stop messing around. Go home. Die." He told him. "I'm the person you hate the most, right?" He added in question. "I was testing your true motives. People show their true colors when they're on the verge of death." Stain explained as he sheathed his knife. "It's different, but there is 'desire' -- a warped sprout of conviction living inside you. Even without fighting the girl, I can see that she's the same." He added as he glanced at me, and I snarled at him again. "How will you bud? It might not be too late to wait until after I've seen that to disposed of you..." He told Nīsan. Nīsan shifted to grip his bleeding shoulder, and I stood at the threat as Kurogiri shifted to grab his bleeding arm. "You're gonna dispose of me?" Nīsan asked. "I dare you to try, bastard." I growled as Kaida began to take over, but he raised his free hand up to stop me. "Kurogiri, I don't want someone this crazy as a party member." He said. "Tomura Shigaraki, he will be a great asset if he joins us. The negotiations were successful." Kurogiri told him. "Yeah no, I vetoe that vote. He needs to get the hell out of here before I kill him." I spoke up as I suppressed Kaida. "My business is done. Now, return me to Hosu." Stain told us before licking his lips. "There are still things I must attend to there."

Kurogiri warped him away, but we went to see him again another day, later towards the evening. Nīsan stepped through the warp first, and I followed after him before Kurogiri closed the gate. "Hosu City looks nicer than I expected." Nīsan said as we found him crouched on a water tank. "So, what are you gonna do?" He asked. "I'm will reform this city. In order to do so, I require more victims." Stain explained. "Is this what you meant the other day when you said you had business to take care of?" Kurogiri asked, and Stain stood. "I see you're someone who understands." He told him, and Nīsan held his injured shoulder. I would've healed it for him, but he refused, saying that he can heal without my help. "Hey, what're you trying to say about me?" Nīsan questioned, a bit offended.

"'Hero' is a title given only to those who have accomplished great deeds! There are too many... Too many who act like heroes but are really money-worshippers. Until this world realizes its mistake, I will continue to appear." Stain explained passionately before leaping away, his sword drawn as he searched for new victims.

"He talks all high and mighty like that, but basically he's trying to start a grassroots movement, huh? He's so noble I could cry." Nīsan teased as he scratched his neck. "You can't make fun of him too much. The reality is that in all the cities where Stain has appeared, the crime rate has fallen. Some critics attribute this to a rise in heroes' consciousness and shoot him down, though." Kurogiri explained as Nīsan scratched faster. "He really did pick a good villain name, then. Stain -- he's trying his best to leave a mark on the world." I commented, and Nīsan turned with his arms spread. "That's wonderful! Heroes are working hard to bring down the cost of food, huh? So the 'hero killer' is also a 'hero breeder'!" He exclaimed before dropping his hands. "It's too roundabout. We just can't agree at a basic level. And he annoys me..." He added as he crossed his arms, and I nodded. "He said we agree on the same thing? Stain wants to create a world with true heroes. We want to crippled that world. We aren't the same, that idiot." I said, making Nīsan hum in agreement. "Kurogiri, bring out the Nomus." He said, and Kurogiri opened a gate for the Nomus to come through. "You think you can get away with stabbing me? If I want to kill you, I just will. That's all." He muttered to himself as three Nomus emerged. "It'll be a wild contest. I'll crush your honor and your pride, sir." Nīsan added in dark delight.

As the night sky shown over us, we watched the destruction the Nomus created in Hosu City from our spot on the water tank. "Nomus really are great..." Nīsan said. "You will not participate in the combat?" Kurogiri asked. "Yeah, I kinda wanna go down there, too, just so I can make sure the Nomus actually kill that bastard." I added as I shifted my weight onto my right foot. "Are you stupid? I'm injured. And I want you here with me, Rin. Kurogiri doesn't appreciated this sort of thing like you and I do. It won't be any fun if I watched all this without you." Nīsan told us as he glanced at us, and I pouted at his sweet words, unable to say no to that. "Anyway, that's why I brought those guys." He added. I remember him speaking to Father about the Nomus. Nīsan originally wanted the 6 Father and Doctor had finished making, saying he wanted to destroy Stain, but Father only let us have 3. He said Nīsan should use this as a learning experience, and I understood what he was trying to do, not interfering in their conversation. Nīsan giggled as he spread his arms. "Once the night is over, the world will have forgotten about you, Hero Killer." He said in delight.

After some time passed, we saw Stain kill one of our Nomus, even though he was supposed to be captured by heroes and unconscious. "Hey, hey, hey hey. What the hell?!" Nīsan exclaimed in anger as he watched from his binoculars. I was watching through Kuro's eyes, which covered mine and were in the form of a bird's to give me a farther view. "Why'd that Nomu have to go and get killed? Why is that kid there? There's so much I want to say that I can't keep up!" He said as he leaned back and raised his hands. "I think the U.A. school might be doing their internships, Nīsan. Kuro heard about them the last time I sent her out to spy on them. Unfortunately, those kids were at the right place at the right time, ruining everything in the process." I explained, sighing at the end. "This is a mess!" Nīsan yelled before scratching his neck. "Why... Why don't things go the way I want?" He murmured to himself.

I looked up as I sensed a helicopter approaching, seeing with my bird eyes that the camera man was filming us as he and his female reporter companion looked at us. "Someone's spotted us. We should get out of here, Nīsan." I said. He was scratching his neck as he saw our Nomus either dead or captured, and he decayed his binoculars. "Alright. Let's go back." He agreed. "Were you satisfied with the results, Tomura Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asked as he opened a gate. "Idiot. That depends on tomorrow." Nīsan told him as we warped away.

"I'm reporting live from Ekou Street in Hosu City. Last night, just after 8 pm, Hero Killer: Stain was arrested by Endeavor on this street." A news reporter announced on the TV. It was the day after the attack on Hosu, and everyone was talking about Stain. Nīsan continued reading the newspaper about him as Kurogiri turn the TV off. "Thank you. I was about ready to break the TV if they kept talking about that bastard." I sighed from my seat next to Nīsan at the barstools, leaning back against the table with my arms crossed. "It's all anyone's talking about." Nīsan said as he bunched up the newspaper. "Are the Nomus just secondary?" He added in question as he tossed aside the paper before slamming his fist on the table. "Not only have they forgotten, but we ended up being the side story." He said in frustration. "Then I guess we'd better do something better to get everyone's attention." I told him with a smirk.

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