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'I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot, I'm an absolute fucking idiot.' I repeated to myself in my head as I wrapped a towel around me, grabbed my dirty clothes and crept towards the girl's restroom entrance.

So, let me explain real quick why I'm calling myself an idiot. After agreeing to hang out with Hawks after I wash up, I quickly went to the restroom so I could shower. In my rushed, panicked state to get my dirty ass away from him, I forgot to get myself a change of clothes. So here I am, try to leave the restroom in nothing but a towel, and Hawks was sitting nearby on the couch watching tv and waiting for me. Fuck my life.

'Oh my god, don't turn this way. Don't look at me, don't look at me. I'm gone!' I continued thinking as I tiptoed to the stairs, keeping an eye on Hawks to make sure he didn't turn around, and once I was at the bottom of the stairs, I ran up them like I was being chased by rabid dogs.

I quickly went down the hall to my room, opened the door, and quickly shut it behind me. I pressed my back against the door and covered my face with an embarrassed, angry groan. "I cannot believe I just did that. What the fuck is wrong with me?" I grumbled as I lowered my hands and went to my dresser, dumping my clothes in my hamper on the way (A/N: idk if I put this, but she keeps her hamper/laundry basket next to the music rack in front of her door).

As I searched through the various clothes that the 1-A students selected for me, though, I began to panic. 'I don't know what to wear! Should I go casual in plain clothes? Maybe wear dark clothes, or light clothes? Should I wear one of my pun shirts that Mina and some of the boys got me? Should I wear pants or shorts?' I contemplated as I looked through everything, my mind feeling like it was frying, so I just tossed it all back in the dresser in frustration. 'Fuck this, I'm being stupid. It's just Hawks - I shouldn't care what anyone thinks.' I told myself as I finally chose an outfit.

After drying my body and hair then putting my clothes on, I draped my towel over my hamper and walked out of my room. As I headed back to the common room, I felt myself getting nervous, which just made me more frustrated with myself. 'I don't know what the hell is going on with me. Am I going through one of those girl phases? I don't even know which one it is.' I grumbled in my mind as I went down the stairs.

I soon walked towards Hawks who decided to turn off the tv and glance around the room. "You guys have some nice dorms." He commented before looking at me, and his eyes widened in shock at my appearance. I decided to wear something casual but kinda form-fitting: a white plain shirt, yellow-orange sweatpants and black socks. I don't know what I was thinking when I chose them - I literally just realized that my clothes sort of match his hero costume. I nervously twirled a lock of my hair with my fingers as he stared at me. Usually I keep my hair up in a bun or a ponytail since it goes down to my waist, but I decided to keep it down for now so it could finish drying. Hawks just kept staring at me for some reason, his wings puffing a bit, and I blushed as I realized what was happening with him. He most likely was attracted to what I was wearing. Not only did the colors match his costume, but they showed off my figure pretty well. I was about the same size as Momo, so she gave her sizes and measurements to Papa when he went to order my clothes.

"Um, sorry for taking a while." I told him a bit meekly, wanting to slap myself for all the shit I'm doing. "No, no, it's okay!" Hawks quickly said, jumping a bit when I spoke. I slowly nodded, now knowing something weird was going on between us if we're acting like idiots with each other. I walked closer to Hawks and went around the couch to sit down, but for some reason he quickly stood as I was about to sit. I rose an eyebrow at him, but he just continued to stare at me like he was enchanted by my presence. "Um, you don't have to get up." I told him, and he blushed, his wings fluttering in embarrassment. "Oh, right, sorry." He awkwardly apologized.

My Hero Academia: Fallen Angel (Hawks Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now