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When You Were Young - The Killers

Father did as he told us. In the morning, Nīsan and I trained in controlling our quirks, Father guiding us as we worked. After a lunch break, we'd move on to our physical training, this time with Doctor Garaki present in case we got hurt. It was terrible, especially for me, but I pushed through it, wanting to be stronger so I can defend myself and Nīsan. By the time we went to bed, I was so tired, but sometimes my head would hurt. I wasn't sure why, but when I told Doctor Garaki about it, he dismissed it, saying that I just need to drink more water. Trusting him, I left it alone, though I noticed some nights I had slight burns on my head. I just ignored it, figuring that was nothing as well.

Two years passed, and I had gone to the first floor, staring longingly at the front door. I haven't been outside in a long time. I wanted to go play at the park, or see a crime scene. A part of me also wished to see how papa - who I now referred to as Aizawa -, Izuku and Katsuki were doing. I wanted to know if anyone missed Nara Aizawa, if anyone was still looking for her. I sensed Father walk up to me, used to his strong presence by now, and felt him put a hand on my head to give me the usual rub. "Do you miss your old life?" He asked, as if he read my mind, which I kinda don't doubt since it might've been a quirk he acquired. "I'm sorry, Father. I can't help but wonder what's happening out there. I want to know how everyone is living now that I'm gone." I admitted, tears coming to my eyes as I felt guilty for feeling like this. I should be grateful for the life I have now. I'm free to live however I want, not afraid to use my quirks, and I have a wonderful family that supports me and helps me become stronger.

Father rubbed my head more. "It's alright, Rin. I'm not upset. It's too dangerous for you to go outside yourself, though, since someone might kidnap you or take you back to the terrible life you used to have. So, why don't you send Kuro out to see everything for you? You're now able to be separated from her for a long period of time, and no one will recognize her, so it should be fine." He suggested. I looked up at him in surprise, and when I saw his reassuring smile, I nodded. "Okay. Here we go, Kuro." I said as I clasped my hands together, concentrating a bit. Kuro rose up from my shadow before separating from me and nodding. "On it." She responded before sinking into the darkness and leaving.

~Kuro's pov~

Personally, I didn't really care about Katsuki and Izuku, and decided to visit Aizawa last.  So, I traveled around, looking at how everyone in different towns and cities lived. I saw rich people, poor people, people who were villains, heroes, or everyday workers. Some were happy with their lives, some weren't. I saw people fawn over heroes as they saved the day and express their hatred or fear towards the villains that were arrested. I went further, snooping in on the lives of a few popular heroes. I was surprised and shocked to see Endeavor's broken family, which was clearly caused by him and his obsession with surpassing All Might. I also found Lady Nagant, who could have been mistaken for a villain with how she fought villains.

By nighttime, I arrived at Rin's old home, and found it dark and empty with a 'For Sale' sign up front. "Even to this day, he's not home. He even decide to move, like he forgot about us, that jerk." I scoffed. Angry and hurt at Aizawa, I shifted to Nara's strongest shadow form, Kaida. Her dragon form extended from the house in front of us to two doors down, and her wingspan was as wide as the street. Kaida growled, then roared as she swiped her talons at the house. She rampaged as she demolished the empty building, snarling as she stomped on the crumbling walls. She paused and turned at a shrilly female scream, seeing a woman in her pajamas and robe staring terrified at Kaida. A man behind the woman was on the phone, frantically speaking through it as he stared at Kaida. "Please, send some heroes! There's a shadow-dragon-thing destroying a house nearby! The address is..." He said, rattling off our location to the responder. At the mention of heroes, Kaida melted into the shadows, switching back with me at that same moment as I went to return to Rin.

~Rin's pov~

I was sitting with Nīsan and Father while we ate dinner, and I jolted as Kuro reconnected with me. "So, how was it?" Father asked as Nīsan stared at me. I processed the memories and feelings Kuro and Kaida gave me, sure that their eyes flickered over mine for that moment, and I looked up cold and unhappy at Father. "Not great." I grumbled as I continued eating. "See? You shouldn't have had Kuro leave in the first place. Now you're upset, which makes me more upset and want to destroy something." Nīsan told me as he lifted his free hand. He had stopped wearing gloves some time ago, now able to control his quirk enough to not decay anything unless he's really upset. On queue, the chopsticks in his other hand decayed, making him sigh in frustration before picking up his extra pair. "Sorry..." I mumbled.

~3rd pov~

Shōta Aizawa arrived at a familiar neighborhood with Hizashi Yamada at his side, the pair being called to the crime scene. They stared in shock, confusion and seriousness at the sight of Aizawa's former home, which was now a pile of rubble. Aizawa turn to the two witnesses at the scene, asking them to tell them what happened. "We heard what sounded like a large animal. It was growling, roaring, and snarling, and we felt our house shaking as we heard what sounded like a building being destroyed. We came outside and saw this shadow-like dragon destroying the house that was for sale, like it had a vendetta against it or something." The woman explained. "Yeah, when I was calling for help on my phone, the dragon saw us and left, literally melting into the darkness of the night. It was freaky." The man added, shuddering at the end. "A shadow dragon?" Aizawa questioned, and Hizashi grabbed his shoulder. "Eraser, what if it's Nara?" He murmured urgently, but Aizawa frowned and shook his head. "I don't know, Mic. She seemed to be able to copy quirks, so I doubt she was able to have a second quirk that let her create a shadow monster." He explained. "She could have inherited it from her mother. It seems different, but it makes sense, right?" Hizashi insisted. "We'll look into it some more. For now, we need to let the police know about this place so they can get a construction crew to clean everything." Aizawa told him.

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