Liberation Army

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We arrived at Deika City, overlooking it at a cliff top. "It's like the epitome of 'provincial.'" Compress commented. "It's not big, but it's not small..." Spinner added. "I like the atmosphere. It pisses me off." Twice said as Nīsan began to stretch. "The so-called Liberation Army has a force of 110,000 here. Once Machia wakes up in an hour and 40 minutes, he'll chase Shigaraki over here, and once he's here, he'll run into the Liberation Army. Then, they'll knock each other out, and we'll win." Compress told us as he looked at his pocket watch. "Which means I have to make sure Kaida doesn't come out and wreck everything before Machia does. Great." I sighed, and he took his mask off. "Yes, but, can we really last that long?" He added. "Jeez, why do I have to do something so annoying, too?" Dabi grumbled with a hand against his neck, and I gave him a teasing smirk. "Because you're a part of this team, and we suffer together." I joked, making him deadpan at me. "Giran introduced you to the League, too, right?" Twice reminded him. "What does that have to do with it?" Dabi questioned. "You bastard...!" Twice growled.

"Someone's coming!" Toga said as she looked to our left, and Twice, Toga, Dabi and I prepared to fight. "Stop!" The person shouted, making us pause. "I have been commanded to be your guide! If you want to speak with the leader of the Liberation Army, then come with me!" He told us while pointing at himself. "A hero?! Not one I know, though..." Spinner said, and we followed the hero into the city.

"There's no one here..." Compress murmured. "They are. They're just not showing themselves yet. Keep your guard up." I told him, my wings fanning out as I walked beside Nīsan, and sensed multiple shadows around us. "I see... This whole city..." Nīsan began. "That's right!" Someone interrupted, and we stopped. "This is Deika City. This is a liberated district, where 90% of the population consists of dormant liberation warriors. Thank you for coming so far to see us! Today is a day to be celebrated. You are the guests of honor!" The guy explained, a woman next to him as the hero escorting us bowed and moved aside. "More like on the chopping block." I grumbled. "Isn't that Hanabata, from the Hearts and Mind Party?" Compress asked. "Is he important?" Spinner questioned him.

"Now, let us begin... the Meta Liberation Army revival party!" Hanabata said before snapping his fingers, and a bunch of people came out to attack us. We all jumped away, and I had Kuro shield Nīsan and I from the attacks. "They seriously have 110,000!" Compress exclaimed. "It doesn't matter! We're here! Where's Giran?!" Twice demanded. "If you're talking about the broker, he's waiting over there with our grand commander." Hanabata told him, gesturing to the tower behind him. "Didn't you say you'd give him back if we came, Tiny Bang?!" Twice questioned before getting hit in the head by something. "A miniboss, huh?" Nīsan tsked.

"Tomura Shigaraki!" The lackeys yelled, but before they could attack, Nīsan decayed half of them while Kuro mauled the rest in her wolf form. "Anyway, let's get to the tower." Nīsan told us. "I'm good at that part!" Toga said, but was sent flying when she stepped on a land mine, becoming separated from us. "The ground exploded...?" She questioned as she sat up a bit. "The serial blood-loss deaths... You're the culprit, Himiko Toga, right? 'Why did a high school girl go mad? The shocking interview where she tells all before her death.' Will you do that interview for me?" The apparent reporter woman asked as she held up her fingers like a picture frame at Toga. "Huh? No." Toga denied as she glared at her.

"Every one of them is strong!" Spinner strained as he defended himself. Toga was left to deal with the reporter woman and her lackeys by herself, and the rest of us just dodged and defended ourselves for our lives. Kuro continued to maul the lackeys around Nīsan and I while he decayed those who got close to him. I kept looking at all the strong ones, copying their quirks and using them to kill all who tried attacking me. "We keep killing them, but they keep coming back!" Spinner exclaimed as more warriors charged him, Twice and Dabi, but Dabi just burned them all. "You haven't killed a single one of them." Dabi told him as his flames extinguished. "Toga's gone. Where'd she go?" Twice asked in panic, and I sensed for her shadow. "She's down the street, Twice! I think she's hurt!" I shouted to him from the air as I copied Dabi and burned the lackeys around me before wincing. "Ow! Jeez, Dabi, your quirk is really hot!" I hissed from the slight burns on my hands. "Thanks." He said teasingly, and I looked at him with wide eyes as he smirked at me. "Not like that!" I told him in embarrassed denial.

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