Second Thoughts and Spy

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Heathens - Twenty One Pilots
Bury a Friend - Billie Eilish

Nīsan had left to Doctor's place at Jaku Hospital, going through with the plan to get All For One. The painful process was supposed to take four months, and in the meantime, the Paranormal Liberation Front was to prepare for the attack on the hero society throughout Japan. As much as I was worried for him, I couldn't help thinking how terrible all of this is. My dream was to stop the cruelty, specifically towards children, and create a world where children can grow up safe, happy and carefree. What we were planning were none of those things. This attack will kill so many people -- children, friends, families. But there was nothing I could do. Not alone, at least.

After reading Hawks' shadow, I didn't confront him or warn the others. My only hope for this world is him and the heroes who will stop this madness. Even so, I still felt conflicted. I don't know the other Front members, and I don't care to get to know them. But the original League members were my friends. I felt terrible about what I was thinking, but I had to choose between them or all the innocents in the country.

Since they didn't completely trust Hawks yet, the others, specifically Skeptic, installed cameras and microphones on him to keep an eye on him wherever he goes. Today, the lieutenants were having a meeting, with Hawks coming as our informant. We were all sitting at a table, the Army lieutenants on one side while the League lieutenants were on the other. I was seated at the end next to Spinner, with Hawks near me while he stood by the door. "Status report?" Re-Destro asked. "Well... I'm working hard spreading Liberation ideology." Hawks replied with a smile, and Re-Destro held up the Liberation book. "About that book you've been passing out to the heroes..." He paused, making Hawks glance at him in seriousness. "Not only did you read it thoroughly, but you also really get the Destro-ness. It's obvious you're one of the ones who gets it." He continued. "Thanks." Hawks said as his smile returned. "Actually, I still don't get it at all! Teach me sometime!" Twice pleaded. "Sure, it's not that hard." Hawks agreed.

"With a walking billboard like you, Liberation ideology will spread quickly. Winning over your base of teens and 20-somethings would be great for us." Hanabata told him. "I will continue my work." Hawks replied. "Hey, Hawks! You're working really hard, huh? You're a good guy! You're evil, aren't you?! I want you to work for me!" Twice said, making Hawks thank him. "Leave him alone, Twice. You already asked him to be your tutor, he doesn't need to do anymore for you." I told him with my arms crossed. "No, no, it's alright! I'm glad to be of service!" Hawks said enthusiastically, waving his hands at me with his smile as I glanced at him. My mouth twitched as I was tempted to smile, but I knew we were both acting right now. We had to keep up appearances in front of the others, though I noticed he seemed to be keeping an eye on me as well for the past while. I didn't know exactly what he was thinking or planning, especially with me, so I was a bit uneasy.

Hawks chuckled with a shrug before raising his hands. "We're not even on the commission's radar yet. They're investigating the League's involvement in the Deika City incident, but the troops are doing their jobs well. And we've slowly started teaching the next generation." He told us. Toga suddenly exclaimed in happiness and excitement, holding her face as she stopped swiping through the images on her tablet as she found something she liked. "Oh, it's Izuku!" She said, making Twice look at her screen as I looked on my laptop for the image. "Really? What a coincidence!" Twice added, and Dabi chuckled. "From what I saw, they haven't grown much." He said, making Hawks chuckled as well. "Well, they are just students." He reminded him, but I smiled knowingly. The actual footage made it seem like Hawks got there first, but I knew better. He just barely intercepted them, and even if he hadn't, Izuku, Shoto and Katsuki could've easily taken care of it themselves. 'I'm glad. That means there will be more people to stop us when we attack.' I thought to myself.

Re-Destro clapped his hands. "Good work! You may go, Hawks." He told him, and Hawks bowed before walking out the room. However, unlike the others, I noticed he tried sticking his feather between the door. After watching him fight at Kyushu, I knew his feathers had a sensory ability similar to my Shadow Manipulation quirk, so I had Kuro quickly take the feather and hide it in my pocket. I also sensed him waiting outside as he attempted to listen, and felt him become shocked and a bit panicked that I took his feather. He didn't bother to try and get it back, though, probably waiting until we were done.

"Is this alright, Spinner?" Re-Destro asked since Spinner was second-in-charge with him. "Yeah, keep the morale of the troops up." He agreed. "We'll be doing it soon, right? In four months... Boom! Everything will be destroyed... by Tomura-kun." Toga said, raising her hands and gestured an explosion. "Yes, but make sure not to let out too much information to the others." I told them. "Why?" Compress asked. "I know we're keeping an eye on Hawks while using him as an informant at the same time, but you never know if there's a mole within the ranks." I said subtly. "She's right. I'll admit that I'm the one who brought him in, but I don't completely like or trust Hawks." Dabi agreed. "I like him! I think he's a good guy! I still think he's evil!" Twice tried defending, and I shook my head. "If it is Hawks, he might go as far as killing us to stop us. He was trained by the HPSC. You remember what happened to Lady Nagant, don't you? And All Might. He tried killing All For One when I was 10. Heroes are perfectly capable of killing others." I reminded him. Twice frowned and hummed a bit in doubt. "We'll be sure to be careful, Rin. It's good to know that you care enough about us to protect us like you do with Shigaraki. For now, the meeting has concluded, and you all can go back to your previous tasks." Re-Destro told me. I frowned, but we all stood and left, Skeptic staying behind to collect the laptops and tablet.

I wandered off to my room, wanting to just relax for a bit. The only tasks I had were to check up with Doctor through my comm on how Nīsan was doing, and check on Machia, who's been acting dormant since Nīsan left. Before I could reach my room, Hawks intercepted me. It seemed like he was wandering around, but I knew he was looking for secret, important rooms. I also knew he was limited in where he could go, and had purposefully came to me.

"Oh, hello! Sorry, am I bothering you? I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Hawks told me cheerfully, sheepishly scratching his head. "Alright, one moment." I said, then had Kuro crawl up his body, though it just seemed like he was being covered by darkness. He stepped back and yelped while he raised his hands in shock and panic. "Calm down. Kuro's just covering your microphones and cameras so we can have our privacy." I told him as Kuro wrapped around the wires on him, lightening his appearance again. He relaxed, but gave me a serious look. "You knew that I was trying to listen in to the meeting when I left the room. I had a feather placed in the door to do so, but you took it." Hawks said. "Yes, I did." I agreed while putting my hand in my pocket, taking his smooth feather out and handing it to him. He took it, and I tried to remain collected as our hands slightly brushed. 'He's too cute for his own good.' I thought to myself. "You didn't destroy it to keep me from listening, or tell the others. Why?" He demanded, and I couldn't help chuckling at that. "There wasn't a point. You were going to find out eventually, anyway." I replied.

"Do you know what they'll assign me to do when the time comes?" Hawks asked, but I shook my head. "That's not my job. I'm only tasked with checking on Nīsan -- Tomura, and Machia. I'm also not going to tell you any more than that." I replied before turning to walk to my room. "What will you do when that day comes?" He persisted, and I sighed before looking back at him coldly. "You ask too many questions. I already told you we're done talking." I told him. He shivered with an awkward smile at my attitude, but I could sense that he was sad I ended up with this life. I looked away from him, trying not to let it bother me.

As I began to leave, Hawks called to me one last time. "Do you regret it?" He asked, and I stopped and looked back at him. "Regret what?" I questioned. "Do you wish you were raised by Eraserhead instead of All For One? Do you wish you were a hero instead of a villain?" He asked, looking at me serious yet sad. I looked down with a sad expression of my own and emotionlessly chuckled. "There's no point in wondering that. We can't change the past, and what's done is done." I said, then looked up at him with a slight smile. "Don't get yourself killed from being too involved." I told him, partially joking and partially warning. Hawks chuckled. "I won't." He reassured. I snickered before walking to my room, bringing Kuro along with me.

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