Second Contact Pt. 2

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Once I felt myself settle back into my body, I sighed and stretched my limbs out. "I forgot how weird it feels to go into the vestige realm. It's like my soul's being sucked into another place." I groaned in complaint, and Izuku chuckled awkwardly at me. "Do you think they'll help me now?" He asked while scratching his cheek a bit, and I shrugged before standing. "Dunno. If anything, it's up to the other predecessors to convince them if they didn't listen to me. Either way, let's start sparring." I replied, holding a hand out to him. He took it, and I pulled him up so he could stand before letting him go. "Okay, let's start our spar. Remember, I'm going to pretend to be Tomura-nī. The moment I touch you, the match is over. I'm not going to use any of my quirks except my Extra Copy quirk. I'll use some of the other 1-A students' quirks to mimic the quirks Nīsan has. Got it?" I explained to him as I backed away, and he nodded, getting in a fighting stance in preparation while activating Full Cowl.

Izuku began the fight, immediately going on the defense by releasing Smokescreen, but it didn't matter since I could still sense his shadow. I swiftly dashed at him, my speed leaving an open path behind me as I got close to Izuku, and his eyes were wide in shock at my speed when we were face to face. His Danger Sense went off, and he dodged when I quickly reached out to grab his face. He kicked me in return, and I blocked with my arms, Kuro covering my arms to soften the blow, though I skidded back from the impact. "I thought you said you were only using your Extra Copy quirk?!" Izuku exclaimed as he released more smoke. "Nīsan's a lot tougher than before, Izuku. Garaki modified his body so he's practically a Nomu, meaning he'll be faster, stronger, more durable. I won't be making it easy on you." I reminded him before running after him. He shot his Blackwhip at me, but I let it wrap around my arms before turning and pulling the tendrils. Izuku yelped as he was pulled into the air, and he caught himself with Float as I was about to slam him into the ground. I jumped up and pulled him to me, then kicked him back down, successfully making him hit the ground hard. I landed near him as Blackwhip let me go, then dashed at him again, but he flipped over to stand before jumping away. Using my copy of Denki's quirk, I attempted to mimic Nīsan's Radio Waves, sending a shockwave at Izuku. His Danger Sense went off, and he used Float again to dodge the wave, hovering above me before releasing his Float and diving to me. "Detroit... Smash!" He yelled as he punched towards me, but I leaped back, making him strike and crater the ground.

Ignoring the dust and debris, I lunged at him again, but Izuku stood and kicked at me with his St. Louis Smash. I bent back to dodge the kick, ignoring the burst of wind, and quickly stood to grab Izuku's head again. His Danger Sense went off, and just as he leaped back, I immediately leaped after him. He used his Delaware Smash Air Force in attempt to hit me away from him, but I easily blocked them with my shielded arms again. Improvising again, I used Momo's quirk to create several small knives from my arms, grabbing them before throwing them at Izuku. "Texas... Smash!" He yelled, quickly pulling his arm back before punching, and the blast of wind blew the knives away. I grunted as I was also blown back, but I easily landed on my feet, swiftly going after Izuku again. In attempt to mimic Nīsan's Rivet Stab, I used my copy of Shoto's Half Hot - Half Cold, shooting sharp spikes of ice at him. He dodge, but I quickly intercepted him, jumping up and finally grabbing the front of his hero costume top. Izuku tried keeping himself from falling by activating Float again, then tried punching me off of him. I wrapped my legs around him to keep me from falling as I grabbed his fist and quickly grabbed his throat, squeezing a bit to keep him from attacking again. "You lose." I told him, panting a bit as I began to grin.

Izuku sighed and held my waist with one hand as I moved my hands to his shoulders, letting him hold my waist with his other hand as well. With him holding me up, I dropped my legs from his waist, and he carefully lowered us down with his Float. "I can't believe you beat me again. I'm even sure that you didn't use all of the same imitation quirks as Tomura." He said in disappointment as our feet touched the ground, and we pulled away a bit as I shrugged. "That's mainly because you guys don't have similar quirks as him. I had to improvise a bit with that. I also could have used a copy of One For All to use wind pressure like you, but I didn't feel like breaking my bones." I replied, chuckling dryly at the end, and his eyes widened at me. "Wait, you can copy One For All?!" He asked in shock, and I tilted my head side to side. "Sort of. Stockpile quirks like One For All, All For One, and Eri's Rewind are harder than regular emitter quirks, but I'm able to do it. I just get some backlash from using it depending on the quirk. That's why I said I didn't want to use One For All because I didn't want to break my bones." I explained, then patted his shoulder with a proud smile. "You did better this time, though. You lasted a lot longer than before. Be proud that you're making progress." I added, but he just shook his head while frowning. "It still isn't good enough. You said that Tomura's a lot stronger now, and you aren't even at full strength yet." He said. "Well, you'd have a better chance if you were fighting at 100% with all of the predecessors' quirks, but we'll get there eventually." I sighed, and he nodded, still appearing disappointed from the result of the spar. I patted his shoulder again. "C'mon, let's go a few more rounds. We still have some time before Aizawa calls us back." I told him before stepping back, and he nodded again, the both of us taking a fighting stance once we were a good distance away from each other.

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