Joining the Heroes

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I was pissed.

Halfway through our walk to the dorms, my body started to ache. I tried ignoring the ache, using my years of endurance training to push the pain down, but as we crossed the walkway entrance in front of the school building, my legs gave out. If Papa hadn't caught me, I would've fallen flat on my face. Now, Uncle Mic was running to the dorms with me on his back, Papa following behind at a slower pace while he carried my crutches after joining us from his talk with Principal Nezu. The 1-A students had already ran ahead with Izuku, the boys literally carrying him in their arms with determined looks on their faces, and the citizens had gone back to their own dorms as well.

"Uncle Mic, I swear if you don't slow down and shut up, I'll use my Shadow Manipulation quirk to cut your hair off!" I yelled over his obnoxious singing. Yes, he was singing - even worse, he was trying to sing Adele, currently belting out 'Hello'. He skidded to a stop in front of the student dorm walkway, looking back at me in horror. "I'm sorry! Please, not my hair!" He cried, and I rolled my eyes. "Just wait here while Papa catches up to us. I wanna walk the rest of the way." I told him, and he nodded, setting me down and letting me lean on him. I sighed when Papa finally walked up to us, his eyebrow raised in surprise that we were waiting for him. "I thought the both of you would've been inside the dorms by now." He said. "I want to walk the rest of the way, so I had Uncle Mic stop so we could wait for you. That, and he was running too fast and singing Adele. I threatened his hair to get him to stop." I told him, smirking in dark amusement at the end. He gave me a matching smirk as Uncle Mic whined. "You're mean, Nara." He said, and I rolled my eyes as I took my crutches from Papa. "Get used to it, buddy." I told him before walking to the 1-A dorms.

Papa walked beside me as Uncle Mic went ahead of us to open the doors for us. I grumbled as Papa helped me up the steps, and heard some of the 1-A students rush to greet us. "Mic-sensei, Aizawa-sensei!" They greeted before looking at me with grins, now in their casual wear instead of their hero costumes. "Welcome to the 1-A dorms, Nara!" Momo said cheerfully. "Sensei, sensei! You said Nara was going to stay here with us, right? Which room is she in?" Mina asked, Hagakure humming in agreement as they bounced in excitement. "Calm down first. Where is Midoriya and the others boys at?" Papa questioned. "They're taking him a bath." Tsu said while touching her finger to her lip. "I see. All right, then. Nara, follow me." Papa told all of us before motioning me to the right stairway and walking off. "Let me walk you there, Nara." Momo offered, and I gave her a grateful smile. "Thanks, Momo, but I'll only need you to catch me so I don't fall on my face." I told her in a slightly joking tone. "I can use my quirk to float you up there. That way you don't have to worry about falling." Ochaco offered, and I hummed a bit as I considered it. "Sure, why not. Thanks, you guys." I sighed as we reached the stairs. "No problem! I'm glad to help. I'm also really grateful that you convinced Izuku to come back. We were all so worried about him." Ochaco said cheerfully before her mood dropped, her worry for that idiot showing on her face as she touched me. I grinned suggestively at her. "I can see that." I teased a bit, and her eyes widened as she blushed, realizing that I knew her true feelings. "Okay, let's go!" She exclaimed before pulling me up the stairs. I didn't care about the fast pace compared to when Uncle Mic was carrying me - I just laughed at her reaction.

Once we reached the second floor, Ochaco set me down and released me from her quirk, refusing to look at me as I continued to chuckle at her. Momo soon joined us, the rest of the girls and Uncle Mic right behind him. We all walked to the last door at the end of the hall, and Papa opened it for me. "We weren't sure how to decorate it for you, so we left it with a desk, dresser and futon. We'll order you whatever you want soon - for now, rest up, get to know everyone, and make a list of what you want." He told me as we all peeked into the plain room. "Oh, we can help you choose what to get if you don't know what you want!" Mina offered excitedly. "Yeah, we can show you our rooms to show you some examples of how to decorate!" Momo added with a grin. "Okay." I agreed, making Mina cheer happily.

My Hero Academia: Fallen Angel (Hawks Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora