Unwanted Guest

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Days passed since Father was arrested. Nīsan decided we should continue increasing our ranks, and sent everyone out in search of new recruits. Toga was sent to spy on the hero course students during their provisional hero tests, and she came back with more information and blood samples. The others found that more villains were teaming into groups to commit crimes, and Giran has been supplying the new groups with armor suits and weapons. Nīsan had contacted Giran, who had everyone's numbers, wanting everyone to come back for a meeting, but no one could get in contact with Dabi. So, I offered to look for him.

From the reports of multiple burned villain groups, I guessed that was Dabi's doing, and searched for any signs of him. I eventually found him in an alley, and smiled in amusement at the bonfire he created in front of him. "You're really picky about these recruits, aren't you, Dabi?" I teased, and he turned to me indifferently. "None of them were any good." He simply said, and I chuckled as I raised my hands in defense. "That's alright! It's good that you're picky. It means you're being careful and smart about who to let join us. I like that about you." I told him while lowering my hands, and he smirked at me. "Is that so?" He asked, and I chuckled again. "Hey, don't go fishing for compliments, now." I joked before looking at the burning bodies. "Honestly, I wish I could join you in your adventures, but Nīsan doesn't want me to leave his side most of the time." I sighed. "Then why are you here?" Dabi questioned as he approached me. I couldn't help looking him up and down in appreciation and dark interest. Despite his burn scars, he was fairly attractive to me. I looked at his face again and saw his smirk had widened, having seen me checking him out as he stopped in front of me. "Someone seems to be incapable of answering his phone, so I've come to get you. Nīsan wants all of us to hold a meeting about something. As fun as your bonfires seem to be, we have to get going." I told him before activating my copy of Kurogiri's warp, opening a gate back to the hideout. "Sorry, you'll have to tell me about it later." Dabi chuckled, waving at me as he left. I shook my head with a smile before leaving, too.

It was night when everyone finally gathered. However, Twice had brought someone with him. "Hey guys, I've brought him! I'm back! He was a surprisingly good guy after I talked to him. He said he wanted to talk to you. Isn't that disgusting?" He told us as they stopped in front of Nīsan and I. At the mention that this guy wanted to talk to us, I narrowed my eyes and had Kuro read his shadow. I glared hard as we found he just wants to take control of us, and merge our group with his Shie Hassaikai yakuza group, with him as the leader. "You brought a crazy big fish, huh, Twice?" Nīsan said in question. "He's no good, Nīsan. Get him out of here." I told him before ordering the others.

"Wait, wait! Just hear him out!" Twice told us while waving his hands frantically. "Big fish? That's ironic... League of Villains." The guy responded to Nīsan. "What? Is this guy someone famous?" Magne asked. "Sensei showed Rin and I a picture of him before. He's what you'd call 'yakuza.' The young head of the Shie Hassaikai..." Nīsan told her, the both of us knowing him as Overhaul. "So he's number two of organized crime? Oh my, I've never seen anything like him! He smells dangerous!" Magne said in excitement. "You haven't seen his plans, either. As I said, get him out of here." I growled, but Nīsan silenced me, simply placing a hand on my knee to stop and soothe me. I was still defensive, prepared to use Kuro and my other quirks if this guy starts something, but stood down for now. "'Organized crime'? How's he different from us?" Toga asked Compress, and he explained to her, saying at the end that Overhaul's kind of villain group should be considered a protected species, which he didn't correct.

"So, why's this impoverished yakuza boy here? Are you also on a high because of All Might's retirement?" Compress asked. "No, it's less about All Might and more about the loss of All For One." Overhaul told him, catching Nīsan's attention, but making me glare at him harder. "The emperor of darkness who ruled over all of the underside of society. My generation treated him like an urban legend, but our leaders believed they had a reason to fear him. Even after he was rumored to be dead. But this time, he showed up in the flesh... All Might retired, and All For One was thrown into Tartarus. In other words, right now, for both those in the sun and those in the shadows, there is no leader. So then, who will be the next leader?" He explained, and Nīsan and I stepped forward. "You're looking at him, bastard." I growled. "If you know who my sensei is, and you're still saying that... Are you challenging me?" Nīsan questioned. "This is what I tried telling you. He wants to take control of us. Nīsan is supposed to be the next Symbol of Evil, you scum! Know your place!" I told him before yelling at Overhaul. "Rin's right. I'm the next leader. Even now, I'm gathering my troops. Our numbers will increase soon. And with that power, I'll crush the hero society starting with its head." Nīsan added.

"Do you have a plan?" Overhaul asked. "A plan? You little... You came here to join us, didn't you?" Nīsan demanded. "A goal with no plan is called a delusion. If you present me with a delusion, then how am I supposed to react? What are you going to do after you increase your forces? How do you plan to manage them in the first place? What kind of organizational chart are you trying to create?" Overhaul questioned, pissing me off, and I could feel Kaida surfacing in response. "Starting with Hero Killer: Stain, there was also Muscular and Moonfish. They were all first-class game pieces, but you lost them right away, didn't you? Did you not understand how to use them? You can't even manage ten or so crazy people, and you're talking about increasing your forces? What'll you do after gathering power that you can't control? You need a plan in order to achieve your goal. And I have a plan." He continued as he held up a fist. "Rin's right. I didn't come here today because I wanted to join you." He finished, and Nīsan glanced at Twice. "Twice, don't bring people without checking their intent." He scolded, making Twice flinch.

"In order to execute my plan, I need a lot of money. There isn't really anyone willing to invest in some obsolete small-time yakuza. But it'd be different if I had you guys, with your increasing name recognition. Put yourselves under me. I'll show you how well I can use you. And then, I'll become the next leader." Overhaul told us, and I was about ready to snap at his insults and audacity. "Go home." Nīsan said to him, and Magne immediately moved to attack. "Sorry, yakuza boy, we didn't come together to be under someone." She told Overhaul before forcing him over with her magnetism. Magne spoke of her female friend, and shouted that she's with us because she doesn't want to be bound by anything. I sensed Overhaul's next move, though, and reached out to her in panic. "Magne, stop!" I told her, but it was too late. Overhaul removed his glove as Magne went to hit him, and with just a finger stroke on her arm, Overhaul made Magne's top half of her body explode, killing her.

"You all made the first move. Argh, that's filthy. That's why I hate stuff like this..." Overhaul grumbled as he stood and tried wiping the blood off of him, and Compress leaped to attack. "Wait, Compress! This guy's trouble!" Nīsan warned, and just before he could activate his quirk upon touching Overhaul, Compress was shot by a tiny needled capsule, canceling his quirk. "Don't touch me!" Overhaul yelled before exploding Compress' left arm, and Compress moved away before he could be killed. Nīsan and I then moved to attack, the both of us narrowly dodging two more bullets. "Shield!" Overhaul called, and one of his underlings moved to defend him. Nīsan stopped, and decayed the underling before jumping back. I stopped in front of him in defense as he realized the situation, and right as a larger underling broke through the wall, I released Kaida, ready to take him on along with the other two underlings with him as she roared in challenge.

"I see... it would've been a lot easier to understand what you wanted." Nīsan said, and Overhaul conversed with his underlings. "Wait, where did you...? We weren't being followed!" Twice insisted to us as he held Compress in his arms. "It was probably someone's quirk." Nīsan guessed. "It'll be hard to make objective decisions like this." One of the underlings said. "Right. It's unproductive to cut down each other's forces, anyway. We're even right now with one corpse on each side. It's a good time to stop. Let's cool our heads and talk again another day. We'll owe you an arm." Overhaul told us as he left.

"Bastard, I'll kill you!" Twice growled as Kaida snarled, ready to attack as well. "Tomura, I can cut him. I'm going to, okay?" Toga said as she held up her knife. "No." Nīsan said, and Twice whirled at him. "Let me take responsibility!" He insisted, but Nīsan denied him again. "A wise decision, hand guy." The smaller underling said. "It doesn't have to be right away, but the sooner the better. Think carefully... about your own organization and stuff. Give me a call once you've calmed down a bit." Overhaul told Nīsan, tossing a contact card back at his feet before leaving.

"Wait, you bastard! Why did you stop me, Shigaraki?" Twice demanded, and Kaida switched to Kuro as I calmed from the threat leaving. "Jin, more importantly, take Atsuhiro to the doctor." Toga told him, and he looked to Compress. "Can you stand?" He asked. "My quirk... wouldn't come out... Damn, that hurts!" Compress hissed as they stood to leave. "Tomura-kun, I'll cut those guys." Toga said as she looked at her knife. "No." Nīsan denied again as he walked forward, and I let him pass me as I called Kuro back. "Tomura-kun?" Toga asked, confused about what he was doing. "Not yet." He told her. "Shie Hassaikai... I'll demand a lot in repayment for this..." He murmured as he left, and I followed close behind.

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