Hard To Get Used To

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Papa and I finished our dinner first, and he took our plates to the kitchen before leaving, bidding me goodnight. So here I was, sitting alone as the others sat around eating and chatting at the dining tables. Momo and Sato had stopped by to check on me for a moment, Sato carrying a tray of cake around. "Hey, Nara! Sato made some cake for everyone if you want some." Momo offered, and I gave the two a small smile. "Thanks. I'll just take a small slice. I'm kinda full from dinner." I replied, and Sato passed me a small plate with my slice on it. He then left to go give cake to the others, and I soon finished my slice of cake. "How was it?" Momo asked as she took the plate from me. "It was good. So was the rice curry you and Tsu made. Thanks." I told her, and she smiled brightly. "Of course! Will you be staying to chat with us some more, or will you head to your room now?" She asked. "I'll head to my room. I'm still kinda tired, now that I think about it." I said as I stood, shuffling away on my crutches. "Do you need help?" Momo called in concern, but I waved her off. "I'm fine, thanks! Good night!" I replied.

In truth, I actually wasn't tired. Seeing everyone socializing together just made me feel weird, like I was a wallflower, the odd one of the group. The outsider. I wasn't used to their cheerful and rowdy selves. The League was sullen and quiet, though Toga and Twice often brightened things up at times along with the occasional bickering that Dabi would start. My heart ached as I entered my plain room. Nothing will be the same again, and I'm forced to accept that. All For One would remind Nīsan and I that we can't change the past, that all we can do if we made a mistake is just try again until we make things right in our favor. My mistake was never running away from All For One and forcing Nīsan to come with me. Even if I had tried, Nīsan was too loyal to All For One by then, and he would've fought me to stay. All For One would have also easily found me if I did leave, then punish me for doing so. I felt the same jabbing pain in my head from when I was in the car, and I winced while holding my head, waiting for the pain to subside.

Once it did, I looked around my room dully. I was used to being in empty or abandoned rooms, but it just feels more lonely now. I missed Nīsan. I missed everyone in the League, but I knew I couldn't go back. I didn't really want to, anyway. I don't want to cause anymore destruction. I just want to live peacefully now, but with All For One still out there possibly manipulating Nīsan, I knew I couldn't rest until the heroes and I stopped them.

I sighed and shuffled to my balcony, feeling like I was suffocating in here. I set my crutches next to my bed before opening the white curtains and glass doors, then limped to the railing. I took a deep breath and sighed, enjoying the fresh air as a breeze lightly blew through my hair.

"I hope you aren't planning on jumping from a high place again." Hawks said teasingly as he suddenly flew down from above, a cheeky grin on his face. I yelped and stumbled back, falling on my ass and nearly hitting my head on the glass doors from him startling me. The asshole had the nerve to laugh at me, throwing his head back as I clutched my shirt where my heart was pounding like crazy. "What are you talking about? No, what are you even doing here?" I demanded, and his laughter settled down so he was just giggling, wiping a tear away from his eye. "I just wanted to check on you, Nara. You know, see how you're doing after everything that happened." He told me, shrugging a bit with a smile on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion as I carefully stood. Even though we saw each other before briefly when Izuku and I arrived at the school, I just barely noticed that he had cut his hair. Probably because of when Dabi burned him - his hair probably got burned, too. The visors on top of his head also looked a bit different, probably because they broke in the last fight. His expression fell a bit as he watched me shakily stand and lean against the wall for support, worry flashing in his eyes before it disappeared, and his cheeky expression returned. "Why would you check on me? You don't owe me anything." I said, and he easily landed in front of me, sitting on the railing with his hands supporting him on either side. "I actually do. You healed me during the raid last week. If it weren't for you, it would've taken me a lot longer to heal from what Dabi did to me, and I would have scars on my body from him burning me. I might not even have my wings right now. I guess you could say I feel indebted to you." Hawks told me, gesturing to his back as his wings perked up before he relaxed again.

I scoffed and looked away from him, glaring at the ground to my left. "I healed other heroes beside you, but they aren't coming to show me their gratitude. What I did doesn't matter." I retorted. "But it does, Nara." Hawks said softly. I glanced back at him, and saw he was giving me a sweet, gentle smile. My heart began to race again as I felt my face heat up a bit, and I looked away again, biting the inside of my cheeks. 'Stop it, you idiot. He may be a handsome bird man, but you can't like him like that.' I scolded myself.

I then scratched my head, trying to brush off my stupid feelings. "What did you mean earlier by me 'jumping again'?" I questioned. "You mean you don't remember the night before at the hospital?" Hawks asked in surprise. 'What the hell is he talking about?' I thought, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I paused my scratching. As I tried remembering, Kuro suddenly transferred her memories of that night to me. I felt my heart ache as I saw myself struggling to leave the hospital room, determined to get back to Nīsan even though I was barely aware of my surroundings. My eyes widened as I failed to let out my wings so I could fly out the window, nearly falling to my death if Hawks hadn't come in time to stop me. I felt the despair I had when he did, crying for Nīsan and wanting to be with him. I began feeling embarrassed, though, when I calmed after Hawks hugged me and wrapped his wings around me. My embarrassment worsened, and I practically became mortified with myself when I forced him to stay with me the rest of that night. 'No wonder my pillows smelled like cologne when I woke up.' I thought as I lowered the hand in my hair to cover my mouth.

Hawks, the ass, chuckled when he noticed I remembered and was embarrassed about that night. My face was burning, and even in this darkness, I knew he could see it. "Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you like this before. You look cute." He teased, and I let out a combination of a squeak and a growl at him. That only embarrassed me more, steam rising from my head as I hid my face behind my hands. "Shut up!" I yelled at him, but he just laughed again. My chest fluttered at the sound of how happy and amused he was, and I peeked at him through my fingers. I smiled and felt myself soften as he laughed, leaning back to the point he was nearly falling off the railing, but his wings and his grip on the railing were keeping him balanced.

I realized my feelings were being stupid again, and immediately hardened myself, dropping my hands to my sides and moving to go back into my room. "I need to get some sleep." I told him quickly, and he paused his laughter to grin at me flirtatiously. "Do you want me to sleep with you again?" He asked teasingly, winking as he did. My face burned as I gaped at him for a moment before becoming furious. "No, just shut up about that already!" I yelled at him before walking into my room and slamming my doors shut. The last thing I saw before I closed my curtains was his stupid cheeky smile, and I hated how I wanted to smile back at him in that moment. I turned and fell face first on my bed, grabbing my pillow and screaming in it frustratingly before huffing as I turned my head to glare at the wall. "That idiot." I grumbled as I settled further into the bed.

~3rd pov~

What Nara didn't know was that Hawks had wedged one of his feathers underneath her glass doors, wanting to spy on her a bit more. He chuckled when he sensed her scream and call him an idiot, a soft smile on his face as he stared at her balcony doors. "Cute." He murmured as he took his feather back. Hawks then flipped himself around then hopped off the railing, flying away from the dorms and back to where Endeavor and Best Jeanist were waiting for him.

My Hero Academia: Fallen Angel (Hawks Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ