New Recruits Pt 2

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A few days passed since the Hosu incident, and we've been holed up at our bar hideout that whole time. Nīsan was currently staring at a picture taken of Izuku Midoriya during the U.A. sports festival. "Are you curious, Tomura Shigaraki... about that boy, Izuku Midoriya?" Kurogiri asked. "I can tell you about him from when we were kids, but I don't know anything about what happened to him after I left. Besides him being bullied by Katsuki Bakugou yet still being friendly towards him." I said, shrugging at the end.

The door opened and revealed Giran, our informant on potential recruits. "Shigaraki... You all have been the talk of the town for the past few days. I hear you're starting something big-" He began to say while holding up a cigarette with a smirk. "And? Who are they?" Nīsan interrupted him as he crushed and decayed his picture. Giran snickered before walking away, and we looked as we heard people coming in. "So it's you, huh? I saw a picture of you, but you look gross in person..." A guy with burn scars said, and the girl next to him excitedly pumped her fists in front of her while giggling. "Wow, it's the hand guy and shadow girl!" She exclaimed. "You're friends with Mr. Stainy, right? Right?" She asked, and I tilted my head with an annoyed yet interested smile. "Friends? Ha, that's funny. Though, it's more funny seeing you here, Dabi." I told them, glancing at him in dark pleasure. "I didn't know you two knew each other." Giran piped in confused at the door, and I shrugged.

"Rin observes everything and everyone when she has time. I suppose she's seen him before." Kurogiri explained from behind the bar. I smirked at him. "You're right on the mark, Kurogiri." I praised him. "I've heard about you as well. The missing daughter of Eraserhead, Nara Aizawa. So this is where you've been the whole time." Dabi greeted, and I frowned at him. "Hey, I didn't reveal your name to everyone, so don't go doing that to me either." I scolded while wagging my index finger at him, making him frown at my insinuation that I knew who he really was.

"Besides, just like you, I have a new identity now." I added as I crossed my arms. "Ooh, what's your name, shadow girl?" The blonde girl asked excitedly. I smirked and stood before bowing dramatically to them. "I am Rin Shigaraki, Tomura's younger sister, and his protector." I introduced as I stood to wrap my arms around Nīsan's neck affectionately and protectively. He just place a hand on my head in response, making me smile at his small affection. "Aww, that's so sweet that you'd protect him even though he's older than you!" The girl exclaimed, and my smile turned threatening. "Nīsan is meant to do great things. If anyone gets in his way, I will give them a slow and painful death." I told her as my murderous intent pulsed through the room, making the girl, Dabi, Kurogiri and Giran flinch slightly.

"Though, I'd only do it with his permission first, of course. He may want to do the honors himself, or have other plans for them." I added, becoming cheerful again. I kissed Nīsan's head and let him go before sitting back down, and I saw the girl practically swooning. "You're so cool, Rin-chan! You gave me the chills!" She said dreamily as she hugged herself and swayed. "Let me join, too! The League of Villains!" She added, hovering her hands near her face.

"Kurogiri, get rid of these guys. Everything I hate came together in one set. A brat, and a rude guy." Nīsan growled while pointing at them. "Now, now. They came all this way to visit, so let's at least hear them out, Tomura Shigaraki. Besides, that big shot broker brought them. They're bound to be valuable assets." Kurogiri told him. "C'mon, Nīsan, it should be fine. Dabi may have some attitude problems, but who doesn't? He's also pretty powerful, too. I don't know much about the girl, but I'm sure they'd both be interesting and good additions to the team." I added, nudging him slightly.

"I don't care what you do with them, but make sure I get my commission, Kurogiri." Giran said before walking up to the recruits. "At least let me introduce them. First, this high school girl. Her name and face were kept tightly under wraps by the media, but she's on the run as the suspect in a series of deaths by blood loss." He began, gesturing to her, and she held a hand to her chest. "I'm Toga! Himiko Toga! It's hard to live! I want the world to become an easier place to live! I want to become Mr. Stainy! I want to kill Mr. Stainy! So let me join the League of Villains, Tomura-kun, Rin-chan!" She exclaimed.

"I don't get her. Is she crazy?" Nīsan questioned, and I shrugged. "Probably an effect from her quirk." I told him. "She can hold a conversation for the most part. I'm sure she'll be of use. Next, this guy over here. Rin seems to already know him, but I'll explain anyway. He hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he holds fast to the hero killer's ideology." Giran continued, gesturing toward Dabi. "Oh, really?" I said in amusement. "I'm uneasy about this. Does this organization really have a just cause? Don't tell me you're going to let this crazy woman in?" Dabi questioned. "Says the psychopath." I muttered under my breath, sensing his true intentions and feelings through his shadow.  "Hey, you. You can't even do what that crazy high school girl was able to do. You're an adult, right?" Nīsan told him. "I currently go by Dabi, like Rin said." Dabi replied. "That's not what I want to know. What's your real name?" Nīsan persisted while pointing at him. "I'll tell you when it's time. Anyway, I will carry out the will of the hero killer." Dabi said.

"You don't have to say what you haven't been asked. Jeez, everyone's so hung up about Stain, Stain... I don't like it." Nīsan grumbled as he stood. I stood with him, ready to either stop him or defend him as I saw he was going to attack in his annoyance. "You mustn't, Shigaraki...!" Kurogiri tried saying, but was ignored. "I don't feel good." Nīsan muttered, and Toga and Dabi stood straight, sensing the danger they were in. "You're all no good!" He shouted as he moved to touch them. Dabi raised a hand, preparing a blast of fire while Toga took a knife out to stab Nīsan. I sent Kuro out to shield him, but as she went between the three, Kurogiri opened warp gates, sending their hands in different spots around us. "Please calm down, Tomura Shigaraki. If what you wish is to come to pass, then we must increase the organization's numbers. Strangely enough, we're in the spotlight right now, so now is our chance. We should not be rejecting them, we should be receiving them." Kurogiri told Nīsan before stretching his wispy head out to whisper in his ear. "We must use it, all of it... And all the ideology he left behind..." He added.

Nīsan pulled away from the warp gates before he began walking away. "Shut up." He growled. "Where are you going?" Giran questioned, but Nīsan told him to shut up, too, before leaving the bar. "Kuro, follow him and make sure he doesn't get himself in trouble." I told her, and she nodded before separating from me and slipping under the door. Kurogiri returned to normal as we all stared at the door. "I don't want to complain about a client, but... he's young. Too young." Giran said while scratching his head. "He'll grow out of it." I told him firmly, defensive about their thoughts on Nīsan.

"I thought he was going to kill us." Toga said. "He makes me sick..." Dabi muttered, and I had to take deep breaths to restrain myself from lashing out at them. "Would it be all right to give you an answer at a later date? I believe he knows what he should do. It's because he knows that he left without saying anything. All Might... Hero Killer... He's been humbled twice already. I'm sure he will reach an answer... that both you and he himself will be satisfied with." Kurogiri told them. 'Yes, please leave before I rip your hearts out of your chests in anger.' I thought breathily.

It took a while for Nīsan to return home. Kuro entered first from under the door, reconnecting with me and showing me what she saw. He had gone to the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall with a hoodie to disguise himself, and walked around while observing everyone that were shopping. However, he stopped and took Izuku Midoriya hostage to talk to him, holding him by his neck with his middle finger raised to prevent his decay quirk from activating. Izuku was on a shopping trip with his class, but was alone when Nīsan found him. The two sat down after Nīsan forced him to cooperate by threatening the lives of some of the civilians, and they talked about Stain and the difference between them. Nīsan came to the realization that All Might was the problem, but accidentally began to choke Izuku, making him struggle a bit. However, Nīsan had to leave because one of Izuku's friends found them, and he pretended to be an old friend as he left. Izuku stopped him for a moment, asking about Father's intentions, but Nīsan didn't know, only warning him that the next time they meet, he'll probably kill him.

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