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Fate's Transgression Series #4



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Story Description:

A skilled lieutenant detective met her end while solving a murder case involving the most influential politician in their country. As she refused to accept death, she was sent to a world where war and power are twins of survival. As she thought that it was a perfect getaway from the last death, her hopes crumbled when the body she fell into was being chased by an unknown organization.

Without knowing much information about her new life, Selvyna Forger, formerly known as Selestina Lopez, sought every corner of the streets up to different states of Zegordia to somehow escape from the hands of someone who knows how much she is worth. And then, as the transgression commences, her life will be bound into a trial. She will meet the other fragments as ordered by Fate, and as well as the man who will be the cause of her pain. A borrowed identity who was first just for fun, but secrets started to unravel one after the other.


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