Special Chapter: Lucius 03 | The Heartbreak

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The Heartbreak

Especially the moment where you left me.

"Brother, stop!"

Frencia screamed, but I didn't listen. My heart is in rage, my mind clustered into oblivion. I can't control my temper and my trembling hands from ruining everything I see.

"Lucius, enough!" Leveius arrived with his authoritative voice. "Will you stop and tell us what happened?! Does rampaging help us with this situation? You are hurting our sister!"

I threw the figurine away from my hands and slammed my body towards the broken chair of my office. My quivering hands latched on my face. My shaking lips uttered a series of words I don't even understand.

She's gone. She left me. She's no longer here.

These were the words I would like to say, but my mouth cannot unleash the truth I just witnessed. My mind returns to the moment where my Sasha was happily looking at me, and why did I fail to realize the burden she's carrying?

Why did she leave? I have so many questions, and such answers are gone with her. The whys and hows were left echoing in my mind, drowning me into despair. Why Sasha, why leave me here alone?

"The memoir," I whispered.

I immediately ran and I heard Leveius followed. I went to the labyrinth as the bright red moon was my only source of light. I heard Frencia's warning and Leveius stopping me, but my determination is constant. I want my Sasha back!

When we arrived in the center of the labyrinth, the Clandestine Memoir lay on the podium. Without much second thoughts, I reached for it yet before I could lift it up on the podium, it suddenly lit and blinded everyone from its lights. Then a series of scenes flashed around, like narrating a story that I never knew until now.

"Your majesty, I am Seisha from the Golden Iris Clan. I have come here to guide the next ruler in handling the memoir."

It was my Sasha, but she looked different. Her hair was brighter than what I noticed since we met. Her white skin radiates like she is a goddess, and her gold eyes shine like the sun. This is not my Sasha, but a version of her.

"Your highness..." she said as she was looking at me. "Famine can be prevented if you will use the memoir. Why don't we—--"

"I will not use magic to win any kind of dilemma, Sasha."

That was me, but I look different.

Then I roamed my eyes at another scene, and this one brought pain to my chest. I was coughing blood as I looked at her crying face.

"I won't let him have you, my love." the version of me said, and pierced a knife towards her chest. "I would rather let him have the Kingdom, than to have you after I die. I will not rest in peace if that happens, so come with me, Sasha. Come with me."

My mouth gape with such a scene and revelation. I do not understand why these are being shown to me. A series of lives, a myriad of lovesickness—- my Sasha's punishment for violating the memoir.

This is not her first life, this is the seventh trial. Her agony and despair created something that brought the entire continent into a state of constant fixed timelines. But, something is wrong, it is not her fault.

I witnessed all her heartbreaks, and I feel little that it couldn't match mine. She lost me six times, while I lost her for the first time. The amount of pain she felt never matched how I grieved for her.

She suffered more, and she deserved better than this.

"Crown Prince...are you certain? If we do this, there is no turning back."

A question from a deity who brought my Sasha into my world and ruined her life for something she called a rebellion. Her power and sources can never be compared to a human like me, but I am determined to set my Sasha free.

"Bring her back to me. I will handle any consequences, as long as you bring her back to me." 

I will save her from this, I will not allow the world to separate us again. My heartbreak is a wakeup call from this nightmare. Fate of Esher may have thought I kneeled before her, but she got it wrong.

I only kneel to my beloved golden iris.


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