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"What the hell stark?"
"Wow stark? You are pissed sparks"
"Don't call me that. Why the hell did you do that?"
"He was dangerous"
"How? How do you know that?" I look around the room and the whole team is watching the argument.
"He didn't do anything. I could have spoken to him. I could have calmed him down. Why did you do it?"
"He's hydra Ellie, what do you expect?"

"I expect you to let me do my job. He was a kid Tony"
"A dangerous kid"
"Just like me when you met me"
"No, that's different"
"How? How is that different? He did nothing but show a little fire in his hand. He didn't hurt anyone. I killed agents when you tried to help
Me. Remember!"
"That was...."
"That was what? You know Tony you completely amaze me. Your willing to give me a slot on this team even though I killed not only your agents but many others"

"You also" pointing at Bucky "give this guy a slot on the team and he killed your parents. Yet a teenager who you have no idea about, he doesn't get a chance. He......he gets thrown into the raft."
I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see Bucky "sparky calm down" he looks down at my hands and I see electricity starting to form at my finger tips.
"I'm sorry" he nods "nothing to be sorry about"

I turn to face tony again and he is just standing there.
"You have made this worse for him. He will never trust me. And that's thanks to you. I joined this team because you promised we would save people like me. People like him. And all you've done so far is prove to me your just like hydra"
I storm away and head to my room. I was so angry, shield found me when I was 16 years old. I had been through so many experiments, so much torture and killing I didn't even remember who I was.

But they took me in, they trained me, helped me and promised to save others just like me. But since then there has barley been any movement on it. No research. No push to help these kids. I feel like I'm alone here. The only person I can rely on is Bucky. He knows what hydra does and he is the only one who can truly understand why this is so important to me.

Bucky POV

"She's right tony and you know she is"
"Don't start"
"Tony.... We promised to help her and all we are doing is pushing her away. I know you want to keep her safe but this isn't the way to do it"
"He's right tony" Steve's says as he comes to stand next to me. "Your going to loose her if you carry on"
"I know okay. I'll......I'll try and speak with fury okay? But I can't promise anything"
"Well I'm going to check on her and shower."

I walk towards Ellie's room, when I met her she was still learning about her powers but now she is a beautiful woman who kicks ass and just wants to help people like her. Tony takes on the protective dad role with her, he has since he saved her. So I understand, I want to protect her too but he also needs to know that she is able to take care of herself.

I knock on her door and I hear that soulful voice "Tony If that's you I swear to god I will fry you where you stand"
"Ouch!! It's just me sparky"
"Come in"
I walk in and she is sat at the side of her bed, she hasn't changed or even taken her boots off.
"Hey" I sit down next to her and nudge her arm.
"You okay?"
"No!! I'm not!!" She sighs deeply "sorry"
"Don't worry. You know he only wants to protect you"
"If your going to defend him...."
"No. No I'm not defending I'm just saying he has his reasons. But he has promised to talk with fury okay?"

She nods and leans her head on my shoulder.
"How about we shower and then go eat?"
"Thought Tony made dinner time team time after missions"
"Yeah but I don't think he will try and stop us"
She giggles "do you think I scared him?"
"A little. Come on. You stink"
"Hey!! So do you!!"
I help her up, kiss her forehead and tell her to meet me outside her door in 20 minutes. As I watch her walk away I can't help but sigh. I'm in love with that woman and I have been for a long time. But she would never feel the same about me.

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