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Bucky POV

The mission seems to be going well, we have all got to where we need to be and Ellie is with Josh so I know there both protected.
"Cap, it's clear here"
"Clear here too white wolf."
We start to walk towards the door where Ellie and Josh are when it slams shut. We run and try to prize it open but it won't budge.
"Sparky can you hear me?"
"Yeah. Just a second"
She leaves her com on and I hear a lot of fighting. All of sudden I hear Ellie scream.

Everything is quiet, there is no sound on the com or behind the door until I hear sniffing.
"Ellie? Talk to me"
"He's dead"
"Who's dead? Ellie?"
"Josh.....he.....he saved me.....he"
"Ellie? What happened?"
There is no answer, I look to steve who is still trying to get the door open.
"Ellie? Please talk to me"
"He shouldn't have been here. I should of protected him. He's dead because of me"
"No. Ellie this is not on you this is hydra"

"Your right. Hydra. I have to stop them"
"Ellie? Not on your own. We are going to open this door and we will get you out of there okay"
"Bucky. There is dead kids in here. They used them, like animals. They have to die"
"And they will I promise. But we have to get you out of here"
"Buck promise me you'll give him a proper funeral okay. Something nice. He deserves that"
"Ellie whatever your thinking don't ok. We can do this together"

"I can't Buck. I can't be an avenger and do what I need to do and I can't drag you back into this"
"Yes you can. We can do this together, please Ellie"
"I'm sorry. Bucky?"
"What Sparky?"
"I love you. I should have told you before but I am so In love with you. That's why I can't let you help me"
I take a deep breath "Ellie, I love you too. I have always loved you. Please I need you by my side"
"I'll come back I promise"
I see Tony come flying through and he blasts the door open. I walk in and I see Josh on the floor, blood all around him. No Ellie in sight.

"Tony track her"
All of us have trackers in us, a new policy put in place by fury.
"I can't"
He picks something of the floor and shows it too me, it was her tracker.
"She took it out"
I rush at tony, placing my hand around her neck and holding him against the wall.
"Woah! Buck" steve is next to me trying to prize my hand of off him.
"You better find her. This is your fault. You and fury. He shouldn't have been on this mission."

"Bucky let him go. We will find her"
I drop Tony and walk over to Josh's body, gently picking him up and walking away. I walk towards the jet and see Nat and Sam. They see Josh and Nat gasps "Omg what happened?"
"He saved Ellie"
"Oh god! Where is she?"
"She's gone"
"She left. Said she couldn't do what was needed when she was an avenger"
Nat kneels down next to Josh and closes his eyes. She kisses his forehead and I feel my emotions beginning to crumble.

Steve comes walking towards the jet with Tony not far behind. He walks to me and places his hand on my shoulder. Squeezing gently.
"We will find her Buck"
"We better"
We all sit and Clint flys us back to the compound. Once there I take Josh to the infirmary where Bruce says he will deal with him. I tell him I'll organise a proper burial for him and he nods in agreement. I walk out and walk straight towards the conference room. When I get there I see fury and i instantly see red.

Before I can get to him steve grabs me, so does Sam and Clint.
"Bucky calm down"
"No! I will not! You! It's your fault. All of this and I swear to god if we find her and she is in anything less then perfect state, I'm going to kill
You! Do you hear me!"
Steve drags me out of the room and I push him
"We will find her Bucky but you have to calm
"I can't steve. She is going rouge on this. Which means she will loose control and I'm going to loose her. I don't think I'll survive that'"

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