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Bucky POV

It's been a few weeks since we learnt about Ellie, once we woke up from our nap, we were told about her dad and how he wanted to turn her into a winter soldier of some sorts. I knew Ellie was struggling, but she was trying to put on a brave face and I was doing everything I could to support her. She wanted to find her dad and stop him but I wasn't sure how her chasing him was a good idea.

"So what's the plan?" She asks as we all stand in the conference room.
"Don't Tony. He's my dad and he's after me. I need to find him before he finds me" she is pacing back and forth and I can see her power coursing through her fingers.
"Ellie, we just want to protect you" Steve says as he walks to her and places a hand on her shoulder. The moment he makes contact with her he jumps back, her power electrifying his fingers.
"Don't touch me" I can see her anger.

I walk over to her, not touching her.
"Sparky, calm down please"
She shakes her head "No! I need to find him and I need to do it now"
"I know baby, and we will but we aren't your enemy. We are your team, please let us help"
She stops pacing and looks directly at me "you can't help! This is my problem, he wants me! So I have to finish it!"
"You don't have to do it on your own!"
"Yes i do! How would you feel if you found out all the worst things in the world that's happened to you were all because of the one man who was supposed to protect you and supposed to love! He is the reason those.....disgusting......why they did what they did and he has to pay!"
I see her power shoot from her hands and it blows all the electrics in the compound.

She is quite literally glowing with power, I knew this would happen. She has broke and now I need to bring her back.
"Ellie please, calm down"
"Stay away Bucky I don't want to hurt you"
"You won't. You love me Sparky and I love you and I know you've been through hell but your better then this! Your stronger then this!"
"No I'm not!" She shakes her head and I see the tears fall "I'm not strong! If I was strong then I would have saved Josh"
"Ellie. Josh died saving you because he loved you. You took care of him when he needed it the most and he gave up his life so you could help more kids like him"

"No! No! I should have saved him!! I should have been able to stop it and stop.......Bucky.......I can't protect any of you from him!"
"You don't need to protect us! We will protect each other"
She is sobbing so much, her emotions getting the better of her now! So much pain and anger and suffering finally coming to the surface.
"I'm broken! They broke me! I......I shouldn't be protected!! He made me a monster and I still am"
"No baby. God no! Your not a monster"
The team are stood around waiting to see what is going to happen, Nat is crying and everyone is worried.

I walk closer to her and she shakes her head "Bucky don't! Please!"
I walk closer, walking into her force field. I feel the wave of pain but I try to hide it. She tries to walk away from me, so I gently place my hands on hers. The pain becomes more, but I just take a deep breath and pull her closer. She won't look at me, it's seems as though she is ashamed.
I cup her cheeks "Sparky look at me please"
She shakes her head again "I can't"
"Yes you can baby. Block out everything else and just focus on me okay. Look at me"

Her eyes focus on me and I can see all the pain she is feeling, tears falling and it breaks my heart.
"I love you Ellie! Please come back to me"
I pull her towards me and kiss her, passionately. Pouring all the love I possibly can into one kiss. I feel her kiss me back and her hands slowly coming up to my face. The pain slowly going away as she lets herself melt into our kiss. As I pull away, I look at her and her power has stopped. She collapses into my arms and cry's harder then I have ever seen her cry. I hold her tight and kiss her head and whisper that I love her and I have her. I need Ellie to be okay. If she isn't then neither am I.

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