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Ellie POV

"Ellie are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes. You need everyone for this tony, I've been working with Wanda and my powers are good. Please I want to help"
"Okay. Let's go"
I look over and see Bucky shaking his head, he isn't happy I'm going on this mission. I can't sit back and let them risk there lives for me anymore, since I killed my father hydra have gone supernova. Killing everyone they come across, we finally managed to find there head quarters and I'm determined to wipe them out this time.

I walk over to Bucky and place my hand on his arm "please don't be mad"
"You shouldn't be going Ellie, your not ready for this. You said it yourself you haven't felt right since what happened with your father and now you want to go on a mission"
"Bucky, I'm fine. I just want to help"
"Fine" he storms off and I can't help but feel a little bad. I know he wants to protect me but I know I need to do this and I hope he can forgive me. As we bored the jet, Bucky sits on the opposite side to me, he doesn't even look at me. I can't help but feel emotional and I feel a tear fall before I can stop it. Nat holds my hand and squeezes it whispering to me "he will forgive you for this" I nod and wipe away the tears hoping she is right.

Bucky POV

It's killing me knowing she is upset, I see her wipe away her tears but I'm so angry. She isn't ready for this, since everything happened with her father she hasn't been feeling well and I don't know what he did but I can imagine it definitely isn't good. I just want to keep her safe, part of me feels like I've already lost so much of her and now I might loose her completely. As we land, I see Nat hug her and look at me with such an angry look. I know she's pissed at me for upsetting Ellie.

"Ok. Let's go, you know the plan. Let's stick to it" Tony says as we head out.
We make our way inside and scout out the building, taking down agents as we go. Ellie is with Steve so I know he will take care of her. As I come to a room, I notice it's locked. I use a machine that Tony has given me and manage to unlock the door, as I enter I see a lot of cages, all filled with children. Aging from 3/4 to 12/13. I couldn't believe it, they all looked so scared and so unwell.

"Guys, I need you all here now" I send out my position to the team and make my way over to the cages. Unlock them and slowly opening them so I don't scare the kids more.
"Hey, I'm Bucky. I'm here to get you out ok"
A little boy nods at me and slowly crawls out, he can barely stand, so I help me to sit down near the wall. I hear the team come in behind me and I hear Ellie gasp.
"Omg!!" She walks over to me and I look at her, she is broken.
"Come on, let's get them out of here"
We let out all the kids and try to find blankets to wrap them up in. I see Ellie going to the last cage as she opens it the little girl inside wriggles back.

"I'm not going to hurt you"
She shakes her head as ellie tries to reach for her, I notice something running through her veins, it's a glowing red substance.
She turns and looks at me in confusion.
"Her arms" she looks down and can instantly see what I'm talking about.
"What is that?"
"I don't know. Tony?"
He walks over and takes a look at some of the files in the desks.
"What Tony?" Asks steve.
"They rigged her"
"They what?" Ellie asks

"They rigged her blood. She's a bomb"
Ellie looks down at the little girl who is crying, scared because she knows she is going to die. Ellie looks back at me and I see something in her eyes, something I don't like. Before I can ask her anything she places her hand on the little girl and I see the red glowing substance transfer into her arms.
"Sparky NO!!!!"

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