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Bucky POV

It's been 3 weeks since I was rescued by the team and it's been 3 weeks since Ellie forgot all of us. It broke my heart to see her afraid of me and when she called me the winter solider I just couldn't bare it. Ellie has never been afraid of me, even when I first met her she was curious about me but never afraid. I haven't really spoken to her much, she stays with Wanda most of the time and doesn't really say much to anyone.

Today I needed to clear my head so I decided to take a walk around the compound grounds. I've just grabbed my jacket and I'm making my way out when I feel something bump into me.
I look down and see Ellie staring back at me, book in her hand and a smile on her lips.
"It's okay, I was lost in my book. Should have watched where I was going"
As she talks I notice the book, it's her favourite Oliver Twist.
"You've favourite" I point to the book and she smiles up at me.
"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I know everything about you Sparky. I also bought you that book"
She looks down and flips to the front of the book where I had wrote a note for her.
'Happy birthday Sparky, I know it your favourite so enjoy! Love B x'
"Why do you call me Sparky?" She asks
"Because when we first met you for nervous and had sparks coming from your fingers. You actually electrocuted me"
She giggles "I did"
"Yeah. Luckily it wasn't my metal arm"

She lets out a laugh, a laugh I have missed so much.
"We must have been close then"
"Very. I was one of the first people who you really trusted when you came here. We spent a lot of time together, training and talking. Gradually that friendship turned to more and recently we finally admitted that we loved each other"
I look down and shake my head trying to keep my emotions in check.
"I'm sorry James, I wish I could remember" she places her hand on my arm and I feel the spark.
"It's okay, I know it's not your fault. You seem better are you?"

She nods "I am. Nightmares are less and less and I'm coming accustomed to living here. There are just so many people, it's gets a little crowded sometimes"
I laugh "it certainly does. If you ever need to escape the madness, you can go to the roof. I can give you the code to access it. It was kind of our place to go"
"Thank you, that would be nice." She looks down at her shoes and shuffles her feet. "Are you going out?"
I nod "yeah. Need to clear my head a little. Just a walk around the grounds"

She looks up at me and stares into my eyes, I miss her eyes so much. They always felt like home to me.
"Could I......erm..."
"Could I maybe come with you? I like talking to you and maybe if you tell me some more stories I might remember something."
"Yeah, of course. Go get your shoes and I'll meet you by the door"
"Okay. Thank you James"
"Please call me Bucky"
"Ok. Bucky"

She walks away and I can't help but smile, she wants to spend time with me, that a good sign right. I hope, I mean I don't want to push her but she seems to be calmer around me now.
"She is" I hear from behind me, as I turn I see Wanda "sorry, your thoughts are loud"
I shake my head "am I doing the right thing Wanda?"
"Yes Bucky. She's in there, all her memories everything she just needs to be reminded of them"
"Isn't there anything you can do?"
She shakes her head "I'm worried if I try to mess with her mind anymore, I might do more damage"
I nod "no I get it. I just want my Ellie back"
"You'll get her back Bucky, trust me"
She pats my back and walks away to the kitchen,  I turn to the door and see Ellie waiting. She looks up at me and smiles.
She nods and we head out to take a nice calming walk and hopefully jog her memory.

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