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Today marked 10 years since Tony saved me from hydra. It had been a rollercoaster of emotions but I wouldn't change any of it for the world. The avengers are not just my team but there my family. Each and everyone of them have helped me in there own way and always stood by my side. I will forever be grateful to them and for them.

As well as family the last 10 years have also bought me love. Bucky is the love of my life, he is my soulmate and everything in between. he is also my husband and the father to my children. Adrianna Winifred Barnes and Joshua Steven Barnes are our world. Ade is a little mini me, she has my powers and she is so incredibly smart and kind and caring. Nate is a mini Bucky, he has his strength and his unbelievable ability to make people laugh. They are amazing children and we would be lost without them.

Fury and I are much closer, he was like a dad to me for so long and I was hurt by him keeping things from me. But after he saved me and helped me heal we figured things out and he told me so many wonderful stories about my mum and I could tell he was so in love with her. He stopped his experiments and promised to stop trying to make more super soldier's. It's still difficult to trust him sometimes but he has retired as director so he is around a lot more and the kids call him grandpa Nick. Which he loves.

We moved away from the compound a year or two after we got married. We wanted our own home, it's not far from them and Bucky is still on call whenever they need him. I decided to take a step back and focus on the kids more then missions. I still practise my powers as I'm teaching ade how to use hers so I'm not fully domesticated. Life is amazing and me and Bucky feel as if we are finally free. Hydra are no more, we took out the remaining groups and now we are always on alert in case someone tries to bring them back.

I've never felt more grateful to be who I am and where I am right now. My life has only changed for the good.

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