Mission no 1

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Ellie POV

Today the team are heading out on a mission to hopefully find my father. It's been a few weeks since my melt down and I've been doing okay. I still have nightmares and my powers sometimes go haywire but I have Bucky to bring me back. He's been by my side this whole time, helping me, comforting me and loving me. He is an amazing man and I'm so lucky to have him. I won't be going on the mission, me and Tony talked and we agreed it would be too dangerous so he is leaving vision and Wanda here to protect me while the rest hit the ground.

I'm worried because I know my father is capable of anything and I don't want any of them hurt. I'm most worried about Bucky, if my father knows  me and Bucky are...well whatever we are then he will use it to his advantage. I'm walking to say goodbye to the team, hoping to keep my emotions in check. I have Bucky's hoodie on, it smells like him and that's keeps me grounded.
"Hi guys"
They all turn and see me, smiling. Nat comes over first hugging me tight.
"Please be safe"
"I will. You too okay"
I nod and she kisses my head, one by one the team come over hugging me. I tell them all
To be please be careful and to come home in one piece.

Bucky is the last one to come to me, I can see the worry in his eyes. Not for himself but for me.
"I'll be okay Bucky. I promise"
He nods "I just hate leaving you but I have to do
"I know" I wrap my arms around him "please be careful and please come home to me. I love you so much"
"I love you too. I'll be home soon I promise"
We kiss, sweet and soft. Pouring all our feelings into one another. As we pull away he kisses my head before pecking my lips once more. He turns and collects his bag, walking to the jet. Turning as he heads in, waving. I blow him a kiss and wink at him and he smirks, catching the kiss and placing it in his pocket. He's so corny sometimes and I love it.

As they take off I feel an arm over my shoulder, turning I see Wanda. She smiles and kisses my cheek "fancy a walk?"
I nod "can we go see Josh?"
"Of course"
I grab the flowers Bucky for for me and we make our way to his grave. I hadn't been here since being back, not being able to bring myself too. Feeling the guilt for letting him die was too much. Wanda hugs me and tells me to take as long as I need as she stands back with vision by her side.
I kneel down and rub my fingers over his name.
"Hi Sweet boy. I'm sorry it took so long to get here. I miss you so much! I'm so sorry I couldn't save you! It's the one job I had and you ended up saving me! I will never be able to tell you have grateful I am for that. Your my hero Josh and I know we will meet again someday."

I don't even realise I'm crying until I feel a tear drop down my cheek. I wipe it away and stand, placing the flowers neatly next to his headstone. As I turn I see a man behind Wanda and Vision, it's not until he comes closer that I realise who it is.
"Ellie can we talk?"
Wanda looks behind her and back at me, asking what I want to do with just a look. I nod and she returns it. She takes Visions hands and walks him away. I stand face to face with a man I haven't spoken to since I threw him across the room.
"Fury. What do you want?"

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