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Steve POV

"Tony we have to stop her" I say as I see Ellie struggling to keep herself up. She has been trying to open her fathers mind for over an hour now and it's taking it's toll on her.
"I know but do you really want to be the one who goes over there? I've felt her power Rogers and that was before she had her boost"
I sigh and shake my head, looking towards Wanda. "Is there anything you can do?"
"I'm not sure. I'm worried if I try I might damage her mind"
I nod and walk towards Ellie, I see blood dripping from her nose, that's my que. This has to stop Bucky wouldn't want her hurting herself like this.

"Ellie, you have to stop" I say gently making sure not to startle her.
"No." She shakes her head "I'm nearly there, I can......I can feel it" she strains as she is speaking, I know this is hurting her.
"Sparky please. Bucky wouldn't want you to kill yourself"
"I won't. I need to find him Steve. It's my responsibility"
I sigh, I knew she would blame herself "this is not on you Ellie, this is on him"
I see her face change, all of sudden she lets out an almighty scream of pain.

Her hands drop and she falls, I manage to catch her before she hits the floor. Her nose is pouring with blood and she is pale.
She runs over and searches her mind, Wanda looks confused. When she pulls away, she shakes her head.
"Wanda what's wrong?"
"I'm not sure. She's in there but she seems......lost?"
Wanda nods her head and I hear a laugh from the man behind us. As I turn he has blood coming from his nose and mouth.

Breathlessly he says "she thought she was stronger then me. But she isn't. Now she is lost in her own mind. She will never find the winter solider and neither will you"
I see Wanda go towards him and she places her hand on his head. He screams out in pain and then there is nothing but silence.
"Take her to Bruce. I will see what I can do"
I nod and pick Ellie up carefully before carrying her to the infirmary. I leave her with Bruce and Wanda and decide to talk with Tony to hopefully come up with a plan.

"Tony what are we going to do?"
"I don't know Steve. Without Bucky I don't know how to get her back. And without Ellie I don't know how to find Bucky."
He is pacing back and forth, both of us lost. We have no idea how to fix this and no idea how to bring them back. I'm not sure how we are supposed to fight this.
"Maybe I can help?"
We turn and I see Fury standing there "what the hell do you want? Don't you think you've done enough?" I ask
He takes a step forward hands on his hips "I know everyone is pissed at me ok. But right now Barnes is missing and Ellie is in bad shape. You need me"
I look at Tony and he reluctantly nods "fine. But step out of line and that's it. No more excuses. We will put you down" Tony says.
"Fine. Let's get to work"

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