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Ellie POV

"Are you sure about this sparky?"
I nod "yes. I need to know Tony"
He sighs but reluctantly shows me the way to my fathers cell. I don't remember much of the man only what I read in my files. He is a dirty excuse of a man and I know all the horrible things he did to me and had done to me. Sometimes I'm thankful I don't remember the bad parts but i know if I want the good memories the bad will come too.

"Here. I'll be in there with you, don't get to close to him okay"
He opens the door and I see him, sat there in chains. He looks up and I see a smile on his face. I can't help but feel disgusted just by looking at him.
"Oh my precious daughter has come to see me. Ready to break dear old dad out and join the right team again" he laughs
"Your not my dad and I'm already on the right team"
"You know that's not true. We had some fun times together princess"
"Don't call me that. I may not remember everything but I remember your a monster"

"Oh yes! Did you enjoy waking up with no memories. A little trick of mine, pretty cool right"
"Give me my memories back"
He laughs again shaking his head "nope. I don't think I will. Tell me is the winter solider suffering not having you remember him"
"That's why you did this? To make James suffer"
"Yes and no."
"Why? Why would you do these things to me? I was your daughter"
He stands and I flinch as Tony moves closer to me.
"My daughter was supposed to be my right hand, she was supposed to help me dominate the world and destroy these so called hero's. My daughter had potential in every way. are not my daughter! You lay with them and I will not have that"

"Why kidnap me? Why kill my mother? You never wanted me"
"No your right I didn't. But then I found out you had the gene and I saw a opportunity, to make your existence something useful. You could have been a proud soldier of hydra. But now look at you....a whimpering mess of nothing"
I could feel my anger rising and my powers flowing.
"What's the matter daughter? Am I making you angry?"
I see Tony stand in front of me and he places his hands on my shoulders.
"Ellie calm down. He is trying to get under your skin. He wants you to loose control"

I know Tony is right so I try to focus on Bucky in my mind and calm myself down.
"You won't get to me. You will however give me my memories back. Otherwise I will make you suffer and you will wish you were dead"
"Really? Your going to do that to me. That makes you like me"
"I'm nothing like you. I never will be" I lunge forward and place my hands on the side of his head. I use all my power to try and tap into whatever he did to me. I see images, things that I don't recognise. Everything is a blur, until eventually I hear a scream and my world turns black.

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