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Bucky POV

Our date went well, we talked and just spent time together. Ellie laughed until her stomach hurt and it was so wonderful to see a glimpse of the old Ellie. When the date came to an end I walked Ellie back to her door and we stood for a while just talking, I wanted to kiss her but I didn't want to push her so I kissed her cheek and we said goodnight. I didn't stop smiling all the way to my door, closing it behind me and falling back on the bed. I was getting her back and I was happier then I ever thought I could be.

My wonderful thoughts were broken when there was a knock on my door. I stand up and open it seeing ellie standing there, in her comfy clothes. One of my T-shirts and a pair of joggers. She is holding a bowl of popcorn and a bag of m&ms.
"Hey. You okay?" I ask and she nods.
"Wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie?" She asked seemingly shy.
I smile "sounds great. Come in"
She walks in and sit down on the bed, I quickly go to the bathroom and change into my comfortable clothes too.

As I make my way back out, I see her sitting in the middle of my bed just as she always did, I couldn't help but smile.
She nods "your bed is so comfy"
I laugh "you always have said so"
"What do you wanna watch?" She asks
I jump down next to her and she giggles, we start to look through the movies and find something to watch. I see Ellie glancing down at me now and then and it my heart so happy.

We decide on a horror movie but after half an hour Ellie is hiding behind her hands and jumping at everything. I feel her head on my shoulder and as I look down I see Ellie hiding away. I lift my arm and she lays her head on my chest and I wrap my arm around her. I feel her cling to my shirt and she squeals as an extra jumpy part comes on.
"I've got ya don't worry" I say trying not to laugh.
She pulls her head of off my chest and she squints at me.
"Not funny Barnes"
I can't help but laugh a little more at her angry face.

"I'm sorry, I forgot how much you hate horror movies"
She shakes her head "I don't hate them I just....."
"Hate ghosts. I know" she smiles and sits up slightly.
"You really do know me don't you?"
"Yeah I do"
"Thank you Bucky"
"For what?"
"For helping me and standing by me, I know it's not been easy and I can't imagine how hard it is for you to look at me and know I don't remember everything about us, you could have run away and left but you didn't. You stayed and I just......thank you"
"Ellie no matter what I would never leave you. Ever. I love you"

She smiles "my heart remembers you. I know it does. I just wish my head would"
"I know Ellie and I'm going to try everything I can to help you remember"
She nods "I'm lucky to have you. To have all of you"
"We are the lucky ones Ellie"
She snuggles back down with me and we continue watching the movie, she still jumps and I still laugh but I make sure to hold her close.
We stay that way most of the evening, until I hear Ellie's breathing even out and I look down and she is fast asleep on my chest and she looks perfect. And I just hope that I can help her and bring her back.

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