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Ellie POV

Bucky has been acting really strange, I don't really know why. I know it's hard for him still that I don't remember him properly or us but I thought we were getting somewhere. He hasn't been around much as he's been on his mission. He was supposed to be home a few days ago but it got extended and I don't know why. He hasn't really been calling or texting and so I'm pretty worried about him.

I walk into Tony's lab and I see him working away "hey Tony" he turns and smiles at me.
"Hey Sparks. You okay?"
I nod and he gets up to walk over to me.
I shrug and he sighs "no word from Bucky?"
I shake my head "do you know if there okay?"
"Steve checked in yesterday and he said it was ok. They would be back in a few days"
"So it's just me Bucky is avoiding then"
"Sparks I don't think....."
"He is Tony. We shared a kiss before he left and I guess it meant more to me then him"

"You know that's not true sparky. He loves you"
"No he loved her. The old me. Not this me, im useless, my powers are on the Fritz. I can't remember anything and I'm just a complication for the team"
"Hey" he places his hands on my shoulders "you are not a complication and we will fix this Ellie, we will get your memories back....Bucky was...."
"Bucky was what?"
"He was going to talk to you.....about..."
"About what?"
"Talking to your father. Seeing if he could bring your memories back. Considering he took them"
"He wanted to speak to the man who did this to
Tony nods "he thought it was the only way, he wanted to talk with you but then the mission happened earlier then expected and..."

"Could he do it?"
"Your father?" I nod and he furrows his brows "I don't know. In all honesty I don't. And even if he could the question is would he?"
I nod "I want to talk to him"
"Ellie we should wait...."
"No. I've had so much decided for me tony. I want to do this. Now!"
"Please. If it doesn't work then we move on"
"Okay" he sighs "I'll ring fury see what I can do"
"Thank you Tony" I give him a small hug and walk out of the lab. If Bucky is right and my father can fix me, hopefully I'll be good as new by the time Bucky gets back.

I know I can't trust my father but I feel like he would do this if I offered him the right thing. I'm
Not sure what that is but there has to be something he wants in this world. I know I can't offer him freedom but hopefully I can give him whatever else he needs. I would do anything to just be me again and not have to keep disappointing people all the time.

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