1 year later

18 1 0

Ellie POV

"No Nat it can't be"
"It is. Look"
She hands me the little white stick and there it is clear as day two pink lines. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with buckys baby. Oh god.
"Aren't you happy?"
"I mean....yeah but what if he isn't. It's only been a year since we finally got back together and now a baby. Nat....what if..."
"No. Don't even think like that. You know how much he loves you and he's loved you a lot longer then a year. He's going to be so happy"
"You think?"
"Whos going to be happy?" We hear from behind us as steve walks over and wraps her arms around Nat.

I can't help but smile at them knowing they finally got there butts in gear.
"Promise you won't tell?"
He nods and I pass him the pregnancy test.
"Omg! I'm going to be an uncle"
I can't help but giggle "yes you are"
He engulfs me in a huge hug and spins me around.
"I'm so happy for you. Buck doesn't know yet?"
I shake my head "she's worried he won't be happy"
"Really? Ellie he loves you. He wants this future with you"
"Yes. He only told me the other day he can't wait to have kids with you"

"Ok. Where is he?"
"He's still on a mission right now"
"Why don't you do something special for him tonight?" Nat says.
"Yeah. Could you help me?" She nods and we set to work on surprising Bucky.

Bucky POV

God I'm so nervous, Ellie thinks I'm on a mission right now when in fact I'm ring shopping. Im going to ask her to marry me tonight and I couldn't be more nervous. Steve told me to stop worrying and that Ellie would definitely say yes, but there is always that doubt in my mind. I found the perfect ring so im on the way back to the compound and hope I can get everything sorted.

As I pull up I see Tony, Steve and Sam waiting for me.
"What's going on?"
Tony groans "just take the roses and follow the path"
"Okay" steve winks at me and I can't help but laugh.
I take the white roses and head off towards the candle lit path. I follow it all the way to the roof, I see Ellie standing there, looking more beautiful then ever. She smiles so widely at me and winks at me.

"Hey gorgeous, what's going on?"
"Well.....I have a gift for you"
"You do?"
She nods and hands me a box "before you open it, there isn't a right or wrong way to react so just be honest okay"
"Okay. Can I open it?"
She nods and I see her bring her hand to her mouth and start to nervous bite her finger.
As I open the box I see a pregnancy test, a scan picture and a little onesie that says hello daddy.
I look up at her, tears already forming in my eyes.
"Your pregnant?"
She nods and I see tears fall from her eyes too.
"Yeah. I'm 8 weeks"

I place the box on the table next to me and cup her cheeks. Pulling her close and kissing the life out of her. As we pull away I lean my forehead against hers and smile "were going to be parents"
"We are" she smiles too. "Your happy?" She asks
"Of course I am" I quickly grab the little box from my pocket and take her hand before kneeling down.
"Bucky what are you doing?"
"I was planning on doing this anyway but now it just makes me want it more. Ellie I have loved you for so long and I want nothing more then for you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

She smiles and I see more tears falling "yes, James I'll marry you"
I slip the ring on her finger and kiss her deeply before spinning her around.
We were going to be a family, me, Ellie and our baby. This was the most amazing day of my life and I've never been happier to have Ellie as my partner then I am right now.

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