Figuring this out

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Bucky POV

Ellie has been so stressed this week, having Josh here has taken a lot out of her. She is trying to teach him how to control his powers but by doing so she is using her powers much more which drains her a lot. Josh is a good kid, he seems more settled now, it's been a week since he came and he seems to feel safe around us. Everyone of course except Tony and fury. He doesn't like them near him and I can't blame him, there the reasons he was hurt badly.

When we cleaned Josh's wounds, Bruce had asked him if it was ok to do a medical check. Josh agreed after speaking with Ellie and Bruce found more bruises along his ribs, he had a broken rib and from what Bruce called tell they hadn't been feeding him properly. I don't think I've ever seen Ellie so mad, she had to go outside and let out a huge electrical spark before she combusted. Nobody was hurt but she was angry. She hasn't spoken with Tony yet, she is still furious with him, if he had listen to her then Josh wouldn't have been treated so badly.

Josh has decided he wants to stay in his room or his cell to be accurate. Ellie has pleaded with fury to allow him to have a room but he just won't. Josh said he is feeling tired so wants a day to himself, which Ellie was okay with but she was worried. I've just finish lunch when I see Ellie making her way to the cells.
She looks over and I can see on her face she was trying not to get caught.
"Where are you going?"
"I just want to check...."

"No, he needs rest and so do you. Your worn out Ell. Go get some sleep please"
"I can't" she looks down to the floor.
"Why not?"
"My nightmares...."
"I thought they were getting better"
"They were until I met....." she points towards the direction of Josh "and now there back"
"When's the last time you actually slept?"
She shrugs "I don't know"
"Sparky that's not good for you. Come on"
I take her hand and start walking to her room, she tries to fight me but ends up giving in. Knowing she doesn't have the strength to push me away.

"Lay down"
I take my boots and jacket off and lay down on her bed, I pat the space next to me "come on. I'll lie with you. Keep the nightmares away"
She smiles softly "just like when I first got here"
I nod and she finally lays down, she places her head on my chest and curls up beside me.
"Now sleep. Please"
"Ok Bossy"
I can't help but let out a little laugh, she gets comfy and I start running my fingers through her hair. After a few short minutes I hear her breathing even out and I look down, she is fast asleep.

I get myself comfy and decide to take a nap too. I haven't been sleeping great either because I've been busy worrying about her. My feelings for Ellie are so strong and I wouldn't be able to survive if anything happened to her. She needs to learn to take care of herself before taking care of others. But Ellie is someone who will always put other people before herself and that's one of the many reasons I fell in love with her.

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