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Ellie POV

It's been a few weeks since I went out for a walk with Bucky and I feel so much closer to him, I find myself wanting to talk to him all the time and spend time with him. I don't know if maybe my heart is remembering something that my mind just can't but being around Bucky is calming for me. He doesn't make me feel like a complete weirdo. We've hung out a lot since then and he has told me more and more stories about me since I moved in here and we've had a lot of laughs together.

Today I'm pondering around, not doing much just walking and exploring. I decide to take a look in the gym, I haven't been in there much and I'm intrigued to see what people get up too. I see Wanda and Nat sparing and I see Sam on the treadmill. I look over to the weights and see steve and Bucky lifting them. Bucky doesn't have a shirt on and I have to say he looks so hot. I can't help but stare slightly. A voice breaks my concentration and makes me jump.

"Your drooling!" I look up and see Wanda in front of me.
"Shut up" I say
"It's ok to drool, technically he is yours" she says as she walks over to her bottle of water.
"He isn't though, not really"
"Yes he is Ellie, you might not remember but he does and you and him. That's real"
I nod and look back over to him, but this time he isn't alone. I see a blonde woman, a very pretty blonde woman talking to him and steve. They are laughing and joking and she keeps touching buckys arm.
"I guess he doesn't remember too well"

Wanda looks at me confused and then looks to Bucky and sees what I see.
"That's Sharon, she is has been trying to get in his pants for years. He isn't interested, he only has eyes for you"
I nod and look away, not really sure what this feeling is but I know I don't like it.
"I'm going to go. See ya Wanda"
"Wait Ellie" I hear her call after me but I just keep walking. I know this is stupid, I don't even remember our relationship but seeing him with her makes my blood run cold. I hate it. I hate her.

Bucky POV

I see Ellie practically run out of the gym, pushing past Sharon I go to Wanda to find out what's wrong.
"Hey, what's wrong with sparky?"
Wanda turns and nods her head over to where Sharon is standing.
She nods "she didn't like the fact she was talking to you and touching you"
"She was jealous?"
Wanda nods "Bucky just because her mind doesn't remember doesn't mean her heart doesn't. Her heart remembers everything. She's confused, she's jealous and upset over you speaking with another woman and she doesn't understand why"

I sigh "I'm going to go talk with her. Thanks Wanda"
I walk away, grabbing my T-shirt as I do, I should have thought about this. Sharon has been a nightmare since I first came back after wakanda and Ellie always told me Sharon had a crush on me but I just brushed it off. To know Ellie is upset now I hate it. As I walk to her room, I knock gently and she opens the door. I instantly see her face and can tell she has been crying.
She shakes her head "I'm just being stupid I'll be fine Bucky"
"Get dressed. Something pretty maybe a dress"
"What? Why?"

"I'm taking you out. Just because your mind doesn't remember us doesn't mean we should stop being us. Your heart remembers I know it does and so I'm taking you out on a date and if we have to start fresh then we will. Okay?"
She nods and I smile "ok. Get ready and I'll
Pick you up in 2 hours okay"
I kiss her cheek and run off to my room, to start making plans and getting ready myself. Wanda is right, I have to make Ellie's mind catch up to her heart and I know I can do that. I love her too much not to try.

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